S5-E3- Laying Pipe

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	After we arrived I was separated from my brothers

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After we arrived I was separated from my brothers. I was confused and worried about what this meant. I was more worried that I would never see Monroe or our children again. When I was taken to the warden's office I was even more confused. I wondered what happened to my brother and the others.

"Mr. Teller... Please sit." A man said as I stood in front of him. "I am not here to hurt you!" He said as I took a seat. "I met your wife once. Pretty thing she is." He said as he looked at the door. I turned to look and there was my brother. I was confused and still didn't know what to say. "Yes. The Teller that I have wanted to talk to." He said as he justgurs with his hand for Jax to sit.

"Why is my brother not with us?" He asked as I was still so confused.

"Well when I looked into you all... It didn't come up that he was married to Monroe Lowman. It only came up after the warrants were issued. Is she still known as Little Reaper?" He said/asked. I nodded my head at him. "That girl has fire. I can see why you fall for her." He said and I was still confused. "You and I will talk more in a minute. As for you.." He said as he looked at my brother. I sat there and listened to what he wanted. I shook my head as Jax has screwed us over and over. Even if it wasn't his direct doing. He is now president and the backless falls on him.

"Now the only one of you safe is Your brother Mason. Why because of his wife. Because I got to see how much he loves his own daughter. How he would do anything for her as well as his son." He said as my brother looked at him confused.

"I am begging you to please not hurt my guys. I get you want Tig... Believe me I would want nothing more than to kill the man that hurt my daughter. My father in-law gets it too. But Opie and Chibs, they were only doing what he asked. They had no clue what happened before they met up with Tig." I said and he nodded his head.

"That is what I like about you Mason. You are loyal to those who deserve it." He said as I nodded my head. "But I can't. This message isn't meant for you. But for you." He said as he pointed at my brother. I glared at him.

"Do better. Be better." He said as he stood up. "Your wife is waiting for your call. You are being released and all charges are being dropped against you." He said as he held out a cell phone. I took it and saw the only number in it was Monroe's. I quickly hit the call button.

"Mason?" Monroe said as soon as she answered. I sighed at hearing her voice.

"Hey babe!" I said as I put my face in my hands. I wanted to cry from just hearing her voice.

"I love you! Are you OK? Mas... What is going on?" She said and I smiled even though she couldn't see me.

"I love you, Monroe. You and our kids. So fucking much." I said as I let a tear fall. "I need you to come and get me, baby." I said as I looked up but was alone in the office. I knew she was confused as we had only been in for a few hours.

"Mason... What happened? What is going on? Please Baby tell me what is going on!" She asked as I sighed.

"I have no clue babe... All I know is Damon Pope is letting me go. But one of the others won't be walking out of here." I said as she gasped.

"Do you know when?" She asked and I huffed.

"NO!" I said as the warden came back in with a guard.

"Mr. Teller, is that your ride?" He asked and I nodded my head. "Have them come now as we are releasing you." He said and I nodded my head.

"I am on my way." I heard Monroe say before the line went dead. I closed the phone and handed it to the warden.

"Can I ask?.." I tried to say.

"I do not know who. Or how or the when." He said, making me nod my head at him.

"Thank you." I said as I walked out with the guard.

"Mr. Teller... Keep the others in line. Mr. Pope is not one you want to cross. The others will soon learn that." He said and I nodded my head.

I had to wait just outside of the gate. I didn't like it as I was alone and unarmed. I heard the faint sound of Harley's approaching me. I smiled when I saw Hap and Ryder followed by my wife. As soon as she had the car in park she was out and running to me. She jumped into my arms. "Hey babe!" I said as I walked us to the car. I nodded at Ryder and Hap before I put her in the passenger seat and got into the driverseat.

 I nodded at Ryder and Hap before I put her in the passenger seat and got into the driverseat

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I kissed Mason when he got into the driver's seat. I wanted to do more but the twins were in the back seat. He smirked at me and shook his head at me. "When we get home!" Was all he said the whole ride. He drove us home. I wasn't surprised to see the rest of the club waiting for us. He sighed as I knew this was all messy. "Take the kids into the back yard." He said as we stepped out of the car. I nodded my head at him. Ryder helped me with them as he was still worried about me.

I put on the coffee before I walked out to the backyard. When I heard Gemma and Amelia's voices I was pissed. I walked inside as she yelled at Mason. "You need to get the fuck out of my house." I yelled as everyone looked at me shocked. "How dare you come into our home and start yelling at him." I screamed. As they both took a step back from me. Mason grabbed me and held me back. "Get the fuck out. You are not wanted here." I yelled but stopped and held my belly.

"Get out Ma... And take that bitch with you! I won't have you stressing Monroe and the baby out." Mason said as I tried to breathe through the pain.

"I am so-sorry...I-I just need to know what is going on. We have a right to know!" She said but there was a small stutter. I growled as she was fucking drunk.

"She is fucking drunk!" I groaned out. My father came and picked me up. Ryder brought the twins inside but he took them back to their room. "I want them out of my house!" I told my father. He nodded his head at me.

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