S5-E7- Toad's Wild Ride

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I shook my head as I rode behind Jax and Bobby

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I shook my head as I rode behind Jax and Bobby. I hated that this was happening in our town. Our friends and family were getting attacked and we couldn't get to the bottom of who was doing it. It made it worse for me as if they were willing to hit our mother and a cops house there was no stopping them from hitting mine or Jax's house. We had been looking for Uncer and when we finally found him we were more than ready to get to the bottom of who was behind them. I listened to what he had to say. It was clear who he thought was behind the attacks. Clay! I shook my head as that would be something he would do. I mean look what he did to Donna and Piney. There was no stopping him when it came to gaining his power back. But the question was who would be helping him.

I got home late and wasn't surprised to find the twins in bed with Monroe. I smiled as I picked them up and put them into their own beds. "Hey!" She said all sleepy, making me smirk at her.

"Sleep baby! I am just going to jump into the shower!" I said as I removed my kutt and placed it on the chair.

"Want some company?" She asked and I smirked at her. I would never say not to that!

"I mean I won't say no to it!" I said as she curled to the end of the bed. "Come on Momma!" I said as I held out a hand to her. She took it and stripped as we walked into the bathroom. I groaned as I she was making it every hard on me to not fuck her up against the wall of the shower. I stepped under the water with her and sighed. It was the little moments like this that I loved. I hummed as she lathered me up.

"You ok?" She asked as she washed my chest.

"Yeah! Why?" I asked and she shook her head. I went to ask another question but her hand moved lower and I raised my eyebrow at her. She took hold of my cock and started to stroke it. I moaned as I leaned my head back. Just taking in her touch. "Fuck babe!" I groaned as she tightened her grip and moved a little faster. "Fuck it!" I said as I pushed her up against the wall and kissed her. "You are a very naughty girl!" I said as I leaned down and Picked her up. She smirked at me as I pushed into her. It had been a while since we had much time alone. Jax had been on a mission to find whoever was out to hurt us. As well as keep us all whole. But I was going to take my time with my wife.

After our moment in the shower, I carried her to our bed. I covered us up and held her close. I never wanted to let her go! But what was about to happen I never in all my years would have thought would happen. I smiled as I woke up to my little princess smiling down at me. "Daddy!" She steamed as I pulled her down into the bed with me.

"Hello my little love!" I said as I kissed her head. Knox was curled up with Monroe, sound asleep. "Shh!" I said as I pointed over to her mother and brother. I picked her up and walked us out to the kitchen. "You want to help me make pancakes?" I asked and she nodded her head.

"Daddy, scary!" She said as she pointed to my back tattoo. I chuckled and shook my head.

"He won't hurt you! The Reaper is our friend!" I said and she shook her head. "The reaper protects daddy!" I said as she just looked at me confused.

"It keeps papa safe?" She asked and I nodded my head zat her.

"Yeah it keeps your papa safe. I said as I heard a bike pull up. I looked out the window and saw my brother. I shook my head as I told Amara to go wake up her mother. I watched as she ran off before I walked outside. "What's up?" I asked and he sighed.

"We have another problem." He said and I shook my head.

"What now?" I asked as he got off his bike and joined me on my porch.

"Amelia, she is threatening to go to the cops unless I take her back." He said and I shook my head. "She knows a lot of shit." He said and I nodded my head.

"What are you going to do?" I asked and he shook his head at me.

"I told her that She can stay in the guest room but that shit between us will never be the same. That I want a DNA test for Thomas." He said and I nodded my head.

"What about you and the nanny?" I asked as he just smiled and shook his head.

"Things are good with her. Able and I will stay at her place a few nights a week and the other night she will stay with us." He said. " But we need to head out! Nero wants to talk." He said and I shook my head. I wasn't too happy about the new business we were in. But I decided to go and get ready. Monroe was standing in the kitchen making breakfast.

"You, heading out?" She asked and I nodded my head. She sighed as she looked at me.

"I'll be back later!" I said and she just nodded her head before rubbing her belly. "When's the next appointment?" I asked and she just shook her head at me.

"Not for another month!" She said and I sighed as I looked at the calendar, noticing that I had missed her last appointment.

"Fuck! I am so sorry baby!" I said as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Mas we have to go!" Jax yelled from the open door. He knew better than to set foot in this house. I huffed as I kissed Monroe's head. I left without really saying anything else to her. I rode with my brother and Bobby. But when Nero told us what happened with my mother I couldn't help but laugh. Gemma had been heading down hill for a while now. It was only after we found her suv that she said anything to me.

"You know this wouldn't have happened if you and Monroe would stop pushing me away." She said and I scoffed at her.

"You caused that to happen. When you believed that lying cheating bitch!" I said as I got into her face. She shook her head as she went to go and talk with Amelia. I saw the nanny and Jax talking over by the play place. I shook my head as I watched them. How was he the son she loved so much? I couldn't stop from wondering.

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