S-5 - E-5- Orca Shrugged

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	I smirked when Amelia walked into the clubhouse all bruised

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I smirked when Amelia walked into the clubhouse all bruised. Jax glared at me. "Your bitch should have stayed in her lane. Sucking your dick is all she is good at any way!" I said and my brother looked at me shocked. Amelia walked up and I laughed. "God I love my wife." I said as Amelia looked at me hurt. "Now just imagine if she wasn't pregnant. Amelia would have been dead. Damn now that is wishful thinking!" I said before getting up and walking away. I went and sat with Hap and Ryder.

"Mason, can we talk?" Amelia asked as I scoffed at her and leaned back in my seat.

"Say what you have to say then leave!" I said as she looked down at the ground.

"I am sorry!" She said and I laughed at her.

"I'm not the one you need to say that to. But then again Monroe wants you dead! Can't say I blame her. But here is something you don't know that maybe you should. Your old man..." I said as I looked at my brother and he glared at me. "Has been lying to you! Not just about what goes on behind those doors. But what goes on back there!" I said as Amelia turned to look at my brother as I pointed back to the dorms. "See, unlike him I know how to keep my dick in my pants. But him... Not so much." I said as my brother looked at me shocked.

Amelia stormed out of the clubhouse as I laughed. "Really?" My brother asked as I nodded my head.

"Sucks when lies are told that can change a relationship." I said and he stood there. "Kinda like how my kids will never know you as their uncle or Abel and Thomas as their cousin." I said as Jax frowned at me.

"Mas..." Jax said as I glared at him.

"No! Your bitch needs to learn her place. She will never be queen and if you don't put her there then I will. Starting with making sure that job she loves so much goes away for good!" I said and he looked at me shocked as I held a paper in my hand. "Your bitch wants to fuck with my family then I will fuck with hers only difference is Monroe has a lot more friends that are willing to help her take out the bitch that is trying to ruin her family. Friends that dug up all kinds of Amelia's secrets. One, Monroe and I are more than willing to share." I said as I handed him the paper. He looked at the paper shocked. "Give that to your wife and let her know she steps out of line again and that will be shared with the whole town!" I said as I stood and walked into chapel.

"Let me make this very clear, Jax. My daughter is all about her family. And when someone tries to mess with that... She is ready for war and she always wins." I heard Hap say, making me smile at him. "Don't fuck with my daughter again or whatever is on that paper will take your old lady down and she will do it with a smile on her face." He said as he walked into chapel.

"I will get her in line. This won't need to go any further." He said as he walked in.

"Let's hope so, Jakie boy... Amelia has been making moves since she had your son. I would hate for her to leave with your boys. We all know how much you love them." Chibs said as Jax looked at all of us sitting at the table. He sighed and nodded his head.

When church was over I walked out with my brother. "I hope you take it as a warning Jax. I will not let Amelia ruin my marriage with Monroe!" I said and he nodded his head.

"I didn't know about this." He said holding the paper. "If I had I would have..." He said as he rubbed his face with his hands. "I'm not even sure at this point.

"What you need to do is get your sons away from her. Before this guy comes for her and them." I said and he nodded his head.

	I smiled as I sat and had lunch with the twins

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I smiled as I sat and had lunch with the twins. I wasn't surprised when Amelia came to my house and started to pound on our door. I am guessing Jax asked her about the info I had gotten on her. I had found out that she was married and was still married. I opened the door and smirked at her. "Yes!" I said as she glared at me.

"How did you find out about my husband? Did you contact him?" She screamed as she tried to push past me. I shoved her back. Just as Mason and Jax pulled up. She turned to look at Jax and started to cry. Mason walked to me as Jax walked to her.

"Not yet! But I can! And I will, if I have to. You better believe that." I said and she looked at me shocked and scared.

"If you don't stay in your lane. We will strip you of everything you love. Jax being the start of it. And with you not being his wife it makes it even easier to break you. Make you pay for what you have been planning to do!" Mason said as I smiled at her.

"Amelia... Get off the ground. We need to talk about this. What it means for my sons." Jax said as she started to panic. "But I will tell you this... That transfer to Oregon will not be happening. My boys will not leave Charming. And if you try to take them. I will make it so you never see them again. I will let Monroe expose all you are doing." He said and I smirked even more. I leaned down and looked into her eyes.

"Never fuck with another womens family. Because in the end all secrets are revelved. Like that you were planning to leave Jax for this other guy." I said as she bursted into tears. Jax looked at me shocked and confused. "Don't worry I sent a little message to him. He should be getting it just about now!" I said as Jax's phone rings. "Answer that!" I said before walking into my house. I smiled back at Amelia when I heard her husband screaming. Amelia started to cry even harder.

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