S5-E13- J'ai Obtenu

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I heard about what Bobby did and I was pissed

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I heard about what Bobby did and I was pissed. How could he protect Clay? How could he betray Mason and Jax, like that? I shook my head as all these thoughts ran through my head. Bobby came by the house to talk to me but I told him that he was now dead to me and that if the club wouldn't kill him then I would. Mason came home not long after that and told me to drop it. That this was club business and that I needed to remember my place. I looked at him shocked and he tried to back step on his words. "I am sorry!" He said and I just stared at him.

"Whatever!" I said as I kept cleaning the house.

"Baby?" He said as he stepped closer to me but I stepped away from him. "Monroe?" He said and I shook my head.

"You should get going!" I said as I walked away from him. I heard him swear and throw something. I was sure it was one of the twin's cups.

"Monroe! I am not going to fight with you. I said I was sorry! But this is club business so back down!" He said and I nodded my head.

"Yep!" I said as I grabbed some clothes that needed to be washed. I heard him sigh before he walked over and kissed my head.

"I'll be home for dinner!" He said and I nodded my head. I listened as he left the house. I sat down on our bed and sighed.

"Momma are you ok?" Knox asked and I nodded my head.

"Yeah baby! Momma is just thinking!" I told him and Amara. I smiled at them as they climbed onto the bed and hugged me. "You know what?" I said as I moved them closer. "We haven't seen Grandma in a while. How about we go and see her?" I said and They both screamed and ran to their rooms. I chuckled as I finished what I was doing and got their bags together.

It was an hour later when we were all loaded into the car. I sighed as I noticed Gemma pull into our driveway. I looked at the wins and told them to stay in their seats. "What do you need?" I asked as I got out of my car. Gemma looked at me and gave me a glare.

"Mason said I could come by and see the twins." She said and I shook my head.

"Will that wasn't cleared with me. And we are headed out!" I said not giving her enough information to make her think I was taking off with the twins.

"Where, you headed?" She asked and I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Running some errands! Might go to lunch with a friend. Nothing set in stone." I said, still not tell her what she wanted to know.

"Why don't I take the twins so that way you can have a quiet day!" She said and I laughed.

"Gemma, you have not earned the right to be alone with my children." I said and she sighed.

"Well Mason also has a say! When it comes to the twins." She said and I nodded my head.

"He does! But since he isn't here. What I say goes!" I said as I moved to get back into my car.

"He told me about your fight! You can't leave Charming!" She said and I got out again.

"Try and stop me Gemma! I dare you!" I said as she looked at me shocked before she smiled at me. That was when I heard, the bikes. "Stupid bitch!" I said and she glared at me. But stopped when Mason got off his bike.

"Where are you going?" He asked and I smiled.

"Out?" I said and he nodded his head at me.
"Where?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders at him.

"Here and there!" I said as I wasn't going to give him an answer. "Don't see why it matters?" I said and he sighed at me.

"Monroe!" He said and I glared at him. "Where are you going?" He asked and I chuckled.

"That's my business!" I said and he glared at me as did my father and brother.

"The twins stay here!" He said and I chuckled evilly at him.

"The fuck you just say?" I asked and he gulped at me. "Cause it better not have been what I think you said." I said in a cold and deadly tone.

"Monroe shit is going on and I am not about to let you go running off with the twins when you won't tell anyone where you are going." He yelled at me.

"That is my business." I said and I knew I was pissing him off. ButI didn't care.

"You are my wife and those are our kids. If it isn't my business then whose is it?" He yelled at me and I smiled at him.

"Well I can tell you it aint club business!" I said looking over at Gemma and my father. He sighed and shook his head. "And since the club failed to protect those closest to them. I think it is best that the twins and I are a safe distance away from those who want to harm us!" I said as My father and Mason hung their heads. Ryder looked at me concerned.

"That aint fair!" Mason said and I shook my head. "This wasn't my fault!" Mason said and I chuckled at him.

"And sending your mother here? Like that was a good idea?" I asked and He sighed at me.

"OK! That was my fuck up! I shouldn't have involved her. But you can't just leave me over a stupid fight we had.!" He said and I shook my head at him.

"Well, I am sorry I no longer feel safe in your home!" I hissed at him. I knew that would shock him. As I have never referred to it as anything other than our home.

"Get the twins out of the car and head inside. We are going to talk about this right now!" He growled at me and I scoffed at him. "I mean it Monroe!" He said and I rolled my eyes but did as he said.

"Momma... I want to see Grandma!" Amara yelled as I set her down.

"I am right here baby!" Gemma said and Amara glared at her.

"I meant my Abuela!" Amara yelled at her before running into the house. I turned and glared at Gemma who looked like my daughter just stabbed her in her heart. Knox went running after his sister. I followed behind them. I slammed the door in Mason's face as I knew he would be right behind me. I heard him growl as he walked in.

"Look! I fucked up! But you aren't a club member. The club voted and that is how it works. I should have said that shit to you and I am sorry. But you, just taking off with the kids..." He said as he ran his hands through his hair. "That is low!" He said as he looked at me so hurt.

"I wasn't running! I was going to take the twins there for the day! We were going to be home tonight! And I sent you a message about it!" I said and he took out his phone.

"Then what the fuck was all that?" He asked as he pointed outside.

"Like hell was I about to tell your mother anything!" I said and he just sighed.

"I am sorry!" He said and I just rolled my eyes at him. "Monroe?" He said and I looked at her as he sat down next to me. "Baby! Please!" He said as he cupped my face. "Forgive me!" He said as he brought his face closer to mine.

"I'll think about it!" I said and he frowned at me before smiling and leaning in more to kiss me.

"What do I need to do to make you forgive me?' He asked as he let go of my face but quickly pulled me onto his lap!

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