The Past

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"The club I was raised in, the club I was a part of, was a different club then the one I left

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"The club I was raised in, the club I was a part of, was a different club then the one I left. When I walked away it was full of hate and anger. Charter vs charter. Member vs member. They went down a dark path. But it brought me to your mother." I said as I looked over at my daughters. "But there are things I have done that I am not proud of." I said as I turned to my sons. "I have been to prison. I have a criminal record. I have killed people. All in the name of the club. I have lost friends and made enemies." I said as I looked at my wife. "But the one good thing that came out of me being a member of Sons of Anarchy was your mother and the four of you." I said as my beautiful wife smiled at me.

"You told us you and mom met in a club? Was that even true?" JT asked and I nodded my head.

"We did!" I said with a sigh. "I was there looking for a guy that was out to hurt our club. He owed us a lot of money. It was only figured out right before that he was there for Monroe. As she was close to Hap and Kozik. What we didn't know was that she was Hap's daughter. They just thought she was his tattoo artist." I said and Amara looked at her mother scared. "He never got close to her as the moment I laid eyes on her, she was mine. And I wasn't going to let anyone touch her." I said with a smirk at my wife.

"He was hooked and so was I!" Monroe said with a smirk of her own. We both knew that we were hooked after we had sex for the first time together.

"She didn't know I was a member and I didn't know she was Hap's daughter. It wasn't until her 21st birthday did our two worlds join. And unfortunately it didn't end well. Your Papa said some fucked up shit and it caused a huge fight. One so bad that she ended things with me and cut off your papa as well as any man wearing a kutt." I told them as they all looked from me to their mother. She just shrugged her shoulders.

"It was only when your papa was shot six months later did I see her again. There we all got a taste of her temper. She threatened to put your gramma Gemma in the bed next to your papa. And we all believed her as we all got to witness her put your papa on his ass. Something not many could or would do." I said with a laugh. "It was also that same day we all found out that she was Happy Lowman's daughter. His little Reaper! But it wasn't a happy reunion. Your mother was kidnapped from her home. And myself as well as Hap lost our shit." I told them, making my sons growl and my daughters to gasp.

"Now we got her back clearly! And we started back up. Now this was after a long talk. Your Papa wasn't happy about it as he never wanted her to be an old lady or in our type of life. And if I knew then what I knew just a few short years later I would have run with your mother the moment I laid eyes on her." I said as everyone but my wife looked shocked.

Rapped questions were flying at me. They wanted more detail about how we met, how we never figured it out. Why did we hide the photos? Why never tell them about any of this? "OK! Slow down!" Monroe said with a raised voice. "One at a time! And only about the photos on the table." She said and Knox raised his hand first. This caused Monroe to laugh.

"How did you all not figure out who the other was?" He asked and I smiled at him. It wasn't about the photos but I would answer it.

"I think neither one of us wanted to. But that is just me! My father's life was something I didn't dig into as he had made it clear that I would be put into danger if I did and he would go to jail if anyone ever hurt me because of him." Monroe said as she got up. "I am going to make some coffee! You want?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"In a way she is right. But we never talked about our lives outside of each other. That and I lived in Charming and your mother at the time lived in Tacoma. When I would go on runs I would see her whenever I had free time." I said and Amara frowned at me.

"So you were all fuck buddies?" She asked and I scoffed at that.

"You don't fall head over heels in love with a fuck buddy!" I said as I pointed at her. "We might have not talked about our lives outside of each other but it was more than just sex." I said as Amara rolled her eyes at me. "The time your mother and I were apart I was in a dark place. The light that your mother brought into my life was gone and I knew it was because of her. Even to this day." I said, making Amara look down.

"Why hide the photos?" Sophie asked and I sighed.

"They are a reminder of all we have lost. Every person in these photos is someone we lost." I said as I looked over all the photos. My hand stopped over a photo of Opie and Donna.

"Who is that?" Knox asked and I just smiled at him. As this was the start of telling our children the truth about our past.

"This is Opie and his wife Donna. He was my brother's best friend and another brother figure to me. His wife was killed by a club member who was trying to kill Opie. She was gunned down, shot in the back of the head! Few years later we were locked up and there was a price to pay. Opie paid that price." I said and they all looked shocked.

"Why was there a price?" JT asked and I shook my head.

"The member that killed Donna, also ran down and killed a very dangerous man's daughter. He wanted a dead son in return. Now I believe that it should have been him that died that day. But Opie had been looking for a way out. And he took it." I said as I picked up the photo and turned it over.

"What about grandpa?" JT asked and I sighed as I picked up that photo.

"He was betrayed by one of his best friends. Said friend was sleeping with your grandma Gemma while she was still married to your grandfather. She gave the ok to kill your grandfather." I said as I turned the photo over and placed it back on the table.

"Grandma Gemma" Amara asked as she picked up the photo.

"Though she was my mother and I did love her. She only ever cares about herself. When your mom and I got together she was happy for me. She knew I was in deep with your mother. But as time went on she felt like she had lost her control over me. So over time she tried to get me to leave your mother. Even threatened to take away the two of you." I said as I pointed at the twins. "But your mother isn't someone you want to threaten." I said as my beautiful wife returned with coffee.

"What about her?" Sophie asked as she pointed at a photo of Amelia.

"That is Ameila. She is who your grandma killed. She was your uncle Jax's... Hell, I am not even sure what to call her. She was your uncle's ex-girlfriends cousin, then his girlfriend, then the mother of his child. At one point she was his wife until we found out she was already married." I said as I turned the photo over and looked at my children. "She was a snake in the grass. She was out for herself and she was almost out but Gemma got in the way." I told them. I knew they wanted to know more but I just didn't care enough about her to tell them.

"Who is this? Knox asked as he held up a photo of Knox and Piney.

"That is Piney! He was your grandfather's best friend and co-founder of the club alongside your grandfather. He was killed but the same man that killed your grandfather, killed Donna and the reason Opie opted for the way he went out." I said as I flipped that photo over.

"This is uncle Jax?" JT asked and I smiled and nodded my head.

"Yep. That is my big brother. He made his choices and in the end they caught up to him. But the one good thing he did was he made sure I got out before it could kill me or your mother. And most importantly the four of you!" I said as I pointed to each of them.

"What was Kozik like?" Sophie asked as she picked up the photo of him and their mother.

"Your mother knew him best. I think she should tell you about him." I said as I looked to my wife who had made herself comfortable on the couch.

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