S7-E9- What a Piece of Work Is Man

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I wasn't mad that my brother was looking out for his family

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I wasn't mad that my brother was looking out for his family. I was proud of him for wanting to get them out. I just hoped he got out too. He didn't know my end game and he didn't need to know. One because I knew he would try to stop me. And two he wouldn't help me if he knew what I was planning. But Mason was smart and he gave up his dreams for this club when our father did. And now is the time for him to get out. Everyone has already voted on it. They all agreed that Mason needs out. That he needs to be with his family. We all also knew that this whole Juice thing was tearing him up inside. That was his best friend over the past 5 years.

"What was that about?" Chibs asked as Mason and I went our separate ways.

"He is thinking about getting out." I said and Chibs nodded his head.

"Ay, We can all see him pulling away." He said and I nodded my head as I looked over at my baby brother and shook my head.

"We just need to push a little more!" I said and Chibs nodded his head at me.

"Ay!" He said as he walked away from me. I hated that I was trying to push my own brother out of a club. A club our father started. A club that is in both of our veins. But He needed to be out. This club would only kill him or his family.

I shook my head as I listened to the next phase of Jax's plan

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I shook my head as I listened to the next phase of Jax's plan. He soon turned from club business into how we all could get Mason out of the club. "I know this sounds bad. But we could use what happened to Bobby. Him being taken and the whole eye thing." He said and I shook my head.

"NO!" I said as I shook my head at him. He looked at me confused. "You mean I could use what happened to Bobby. I am not going to hurt my daughter any more. If they want out then you need to tell him all about your plan. But you will leave my daughter out of it." I said and he sighed.

"Then Ryder can do it!" He said and I just scoffed as my son looked annoyed about even being brought into this.

"She won't even speak to me. Doubt she will listen to anything I have to say." Ryder said as I glared down at him. I was pissed that he had gone behind my back and agreed with using Monroe against Mason.

"What you seem to forget is I only agreed to this as long as I didn't lose my daughter. What you are doing now will be the reason my daughter never talks to me again." I said and Jax just stared at me. "Do you remember what I was like, those six months we didn't talk?" I asked as everyone looked at me shocked. Ryder looked at me confused. "It would only be worse!" I said before walking away from them. I stood by my bike smoking when Ryder walked over to me.

"Would you be acting the same way if I was in Monroe's place?" He asked and I shook my head.

"It is different!" I said and he just stood there. "I didn't raise you. I didn't even know you existed until after I got out. Hell your mother even wrote to me and never said a word about you in it. It was all about Monroe and I." I said as he just shook his head at me. "My love for her is something that not many people would ever understand. I mean how could they. I am just some lowlife biker. They never knew the father side of me. Only three ever did. My mother, my daughter and my best friend. Who is still out in the woods somewhere." I said and Ryder shook his head at me.

"Mom always said that it didn't matter what you wore. It was how you treated her. I always thought she meant herself. But they way you talk about Monroe. I know now that it was about her." He said and I nodded my head.

"I helped raise her. She was my world before Mason got into the picture. Hell she is still my world. I would do anything for her and she knows it. But what Jax is now wanting us to do. Could put her and the baby at risk. I won't do that to her." I said and Ryder only nodded his head at me before walking away from me. I shook my head as I thought about all the shit Monroe and I had been through. She is my little girl. My baby.

"Hap?" Chibs called making me look at him. "We have got to head out. We have a plan to get Bobby back!" He said and I only nodded my head. As I looked around I noticed my son and Jax whispering to each other. As soon as they noticed I was looking they walked to their bikes.

"You hurt Monroe in any way I will kill you. I don't care if you are my son! I don't care about the mayhem vote. I will kill you!" I said as he just stared at me.

"I am your son. I will carry on your name! You won't do that when I am only doing what is best for her. She needs a way out and this is it. Don't hold it against me because you can't do what needs to be done." He said a little shocked and angry. But I was now pissed.

"She is my legacy. My name will forever be tied to her. She is after all my little reaper!" I said as I started up my bike. He shook his head and frowned at me. I knew what he was getting at but he also needed to remember that I raised her. She has been with me since day one.

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