S6-E10- Huang Wu

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I was a little surprised when Jax showed up at our house after midnight

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I was a little surprised when Jax showed up at our house after midnight. He looked defeated and ready to just break. Mason looked angry as he held a fussy Jt in his arms. "I'll take him inside!" I said as I went to take our son from him.

"No! You need to know!" Jax said, making me stop and look at him. 'You both were right!" He said, making us both raise our eyebrows at him. "About Amelia. Everything you said was right!" He said as he broke down. I shouldn't feel bad for him but I did.

"Who?" Mason asked as He handed me Jt and he walked over to his brother.

"Lowen. She told me what I needed to know." He said and I shook my head.

"I am sorry." Mason said as he pulled his brother into his arms. I shook my head and walked back inside. It was an hour later when Mason came back to bed.

"Well he knows now!" He said as he climbed back into bed. I sighed and moved so I was laying my head on his chest.

"I am helping with the reopening tomorrow." I said and I felt him chuckle.

"Yeah, I heard. Gemma came to me and told me you two had talked and worked out some of the shit that has happened." He said and I just slapped his chest.

"What is Jax going to do?" I asked as I wanted to help.

"He is going to have her followed." He said and I nodded my head. "But if she tries anything, he will bring them here. Or at least Abel. Since you are still his guardian." He said and I nodded my head.

"It would be good for the twins to get to know their cousin." I said as I looked up at him.

 I sighed as I listened to Jax as he told not only our mother but the club and Nero what was going on

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 I sighed as I listened to Jax as he told not only our mother but the club and Nero what was going on. How Amelia lied, about the baby, about what Gemma had done. And how she planned to take his boys and run with them.

"You know Monroe will Help!" I said and Jax gave me a small smile.

"None she hates me." He said and this caused many to chuckle at him.

"She does! But she loves me and you are my brother. And I am not sure why but I love you!" I said, making him laugh. "Besides! She tries to run... Monroe will fuck her shit up!" I said and Jax weighed that thought.

"I mean that is true. Monroe can be scary then Hap when she wants to be." He said and this caused Hap to scoff! Which made us all laugh!

After our meeting with the Irish I was pissed I didn't want to help Clay. But we also had more shit to handle. We had just arrived at our next meeting when Juice called saying Amelia had backed over his bike. "Call Monroe!" Jax said and I just smiled.

After a short conversion with my wife she agreed to go and babysit the nasty bitch. "She is headed to the hospital. I guess my wife has a little plan of her own. And it is one Amelia is not expecting." I told him as he nodded his head at me.

"Good! Maybe now she will know I am serious about where my kids stay." Jax said and I nodded my head at him.

" Jax said and I nodded my head at him

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I shook my head as Gemma called me. Telling me she was headed to Jax's place to pick up a few things for the boys. "Well have fun and leave a little for me!" I told her before I continued on my way to the hospital. Where I would meet with my lawyer and take custody of Abel.

I smiled as Amelia and Tara walked into the daycare to see the cops and my lawyer standing there with me. "Miss. Knowles?" My lawyer said as he handed her paperwork. She looked it over and then looked at me.

"You can't do this!" She said and I just smiled at her.

"OH! But I can! And I am!" I said as I placed a kiss onto Abel's head before I made my way out of the hospital.

"Please! Monroe. I was only doing what I thought would protect my boys." Amelia said and I just turned and looked at her.

"You faked the death of a baby! You are unfit to look after my nephew! And when I take this to a judge I will be taking custody of Thomas as well!" I said with a smirk. "Shame, you did everything to make it look like you were the victim and yet you are the monster in this whole story. And soon everyone will know the truth about what the Knowles name stands for." I said as Amelia and Tara looked at me shocked.

I had to drop off the paperwork for Jax with Gemma as Mason had called and said there was a problem and I needed to meet up with them. I was a little confused as Mason kept me out of club shit unless it had to do with my father or brother. When I got to the meet spot I saw my father's bike but not my father.

"OH! One of you is going to die! Like a lot!" I said as I walked closer to them Tig and Chibs pushed Mason closer to me.

"We chose him!" They said and I just smiled at them.

"You, scared to face my anger?" I asked and they both nodded their heads at me. Ryder was pacing behind everyone. "Where is he?" I asked and Jax stepped forward.

"Chinese!" He said and I laughed.

"Good food! But man are they stupid!" I said as I turned and walked back to my car.

"We can't let you do anything!" Jax said, making me turn and smile at him.

"You also can't stop me! Or have you forgotten who I am!" I said with a smile. "But this one isn't for me to handle!" I said, pulling a case out of my trunk. "I think this is the perfect Father son bonding kind of thing." I said as I gave the case to Ryder. "Everything you and the old man need is in here!" I said as Ryder laughed as he opened the case.

"C4? Really Monroe?" Jax asked and I just shrugged at him.

"Girls, got to be ready when her father is a badass killer!" I said with a smile.

"That is a different kind of go pack!" Tig said and I just nodded my head.

"OH! But so fun!" I said as I smiled over at him. Mason wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head.

Happy's Little Reaper book threeWhere stories live. Discover now