S-5 - E-4-Stolen Huffy

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

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I rolled over and tried to grab Monroe. Wanting nothing more than to hold her in my arms. But when I went to pull her close there was nothing there. I felt around the bed but she wasn't there. I sat up and saw the light on in the living room. Confused, I walked out to see Monroe pacing the living room. I smirked as all she had on was my Samcro shirt on. "Monroe?" I said as she looked at me and stopped pacing. I saw the tears in her eyes. "Baby, what is wrong? Are you two ok?" I asked as I rushed to her. Looking her over to make sure she was ok.

"It's stupid..." She said as she shook her head at me. I raised my eyebrow. "It was a bad dream. I didn't mean to wake you." She said and shook her head like she was trying to clear it.

"About?" I asked as her tears spilled over and she started to cry. "It was about me?" I asked and she nodded her head.

"You, my father and my brother." She said as I sighed. I moved us to the couch and made her sit on my lap. I kissed her shoulder.

"I know shit has been crazy and I am sorry for that. You shouldn't be so worried about all of this. Not when you are pregnant." I said as she shook her head at me.

"This isn't your fault. You didn't do all of this." She said as I kissed her neck. She slowly started to melt under our touch. I picked her up and carried her off to our bed.

"It may not be all my fault. But I haven't done anything to help with all of the shit. Fix it." I said as I laid her down. I climbed in and wrapped my arms around her. "Sleep baby! You both need to rest." I said as I ran my fingers through her hair. It was a few hours later when I heard from Hap.

"Guys are out. On their way back now!" He said but I knew he was hiding something.

"What? What happened?" I asked as I got out of bed. I closed our door and walked to the living room.

"Ope didn't make it!" He said and it was like the air was sucked out of me. I dropped my phone and started to throw anything I could get my hands on. Finally falling to my knees.

"Mason?" I heard Monroe yell over and over. As I throw shit around the house. I felt her arms around me when I was on my knees. "Mason... What is it? What happened? What's wrong?" She asked just as bikes pulled up to the house.

"Ope is gone! They killed him!" I said as Hap and Ryder came running into the house. "This is all on Tig..." I said as I looked at Monroe.

"Mason... It's not all on him." Hap said as I scoffed.

"Then please tell me who killed Damon Pope's daughter all because of Clay's lies?" I asked as I turned to glare at him. "It wasn't Opie... So who was it? Was it me... No... Was it Chibs... No... So who was it?" I asked as Hap just looked at me.

"They will pay for what they did to Opie... But right now... We need to get to the clubhouse." Hap said and I knew he was trying to not pick sides in all of this but I could see that he too blamed this on someone.

" Hap said and I knew he was trying to not pick sides in all of this but I could see that he too blamed this on someone

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I stood by the play set as the guys showed up. I glared at Jax as he walked over to me. "Look I know I am the last person you want around you and the kids." He said as I scoffed at him.

"You are a walking, talking pile of dog shit. Everyone around you will die because of you. And you don't care as long as Amelia and your boys stay safe." I said as he looked at me shocked. "Stay away from me and my children. Cause if one of them is harmed because of you. I will gladly kill both your boys and that bitch you love so much then finally you! But it won't be a quick death. It will be slow and painful." I said as I looked right into his eyes.

"Do you really think you have the..." He said and I smiled at him.

"Jax... I have more blood on my hands then you will ever know. You all only know about three of my kills. Not the rest. I have more kills, than my own father. You should remember that." I said as he looked at me confused. "And If you are not careful... I will make sure that you never come out the next time you go in." I said as I picked up Amara and Knox. "I have more friends that are willing to help me than you will ever know!" I said and he gulped.

"Monroe... Please... I never meant for all of this to happen." He said as I smirked at him.

"But you didn't stop any of it either. All the lies you kept from the club. All the secrets you are still hiding." I said as I walked past him. I walked over to Mason as he sat looking into the chapel. After everything was done and everyone had gone home. I stood looking up at the stars.

"This is why we need to get our kids out!" I heard Amelia say. I scoffed.

"You know you are more and more like Tara every day. Mason told me all about her and how when trouble would come up she would run like a scared little bitch." I said as I turned to her. She looked at me hurt. If you want out so bad then just leave. Run like the little bich we all know you are." I said as she started to cry. "But you ever try to interfere with Mason and I again." I said as I grabbed a handful of her hair and started to slam her face into a table.

"Monroe stop!" Gemma yelled. Soon someone pulled me off of her. I smiled at how bloody she was.

"That was for trying to make it look like Mason was cheating on me." I said as Jax knelt down beside her. He shook his head at me. Mason chuckled beside me. "Don't play with fire Amelia... Cause you will burn and I will make sure everything you have planned burns with you." I said as she looked at me shocked.

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