S5-E11- To Thine Own Self

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I shook my head as Chibs told me what had happened yesterday

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I shook my head as Chibs told me what had happened yesterday. I was shocked that Mason wasn't a part of it as Opie was like another big brother to him. "How are you doing with everything?" He asked and I sighed.

"I hate lying to m y father." I said and he nodded his head.

"Ay, but you know as well as I what would happen if your father found out that you might be in danger." He said and I sighed again. "Did you hear what happened to Amelia?" He asked and I nodded my head. Jax had called last night and told us.

"Seems like everything he touches turns to shit!" I said and Chibs nodded his head.

"Ay!" He said as he got up to put his coffee cup in the sink. "Well I have to get over there. Guess she is meeting with a lawyer." He said and I nodded my head as I had been asked to be over there as well. But declined as I was willing to get involved with her now. She had done too much and I truly didn't believe her or all her lies.

It was a couple hours later when Amelia showed up banging on my front door. I rolled my eyes as I went and opened the door. "YES!" I hissed and she took a step back from the door.

"You and Mason missed the meeting this morning! Do you realize that this was about my life?" She said as she stood with her hand on her hip. I nodded my head as I stepped outside.

"Yeah... So!" I said as I rubbed my enlarged stomach.

"Jax and I were expecting you both to be there. This affects all of us." She said as she lost most of her attitude.

"Not sure why? Mason even told Jax that we had something else to do! Something more important." I said and she scoffed at me. Of course she thought that nothing was more important than her.

"What could be more important, then your family? You're a Teller now just like me!" She asked as she glared at me.

"Our family. I.E. our unborn child!" I said as I pointed down to my pregnant belly. She looked at me scared as I glared at her. "You might want to make the next words that come out of your mouth really good! Because if you disrespect me or my son again, I will show you just how much I am like my father! How much my family means to me." I said as I took a step even closer to her. She held up her hands.

"I am sorry! I shouldn't have come at you like that. But I could have really used you there. As moral support. This could kill my life. I could be sent to prison." She said and I scoffed.

"Amelia... You need to take a step back and look at all the damage you have tried to do to my life. To Mason's life, to our kids lifes. Then tell me if I should really care about you!" I said as I pointed at her. "Because how I see it, the fact that I am even standing here talking to you is an improvement to how I should feel towards you." I said and she looked even more scared.

"I know I have fucked up and I have said that I am sorry. But you agreed to give us another chance." She said and I looked at her confused.

"I never agreed to give you another chance. Gemma, yes, but not you!" I said and she shook her head at me.

"No, Jax said that it would be for the both of us. That..." She said but I started to laugh.

"Then he lied to you. You destroyed whatever friendship we had the moment you lied about me." I told her as she looked down at the ground. "The only reason I have been playing nice is because Mason asked me to. No other reason. Hell I am hoping that Jax leaves you for Ava. Not sure why but she seems to really care about Jax. She hasn't pushed him once since all this shit started with you. Hell she is even the one taking care of the boys. While you are off being Jax's side piece." I said and this hit her hard.

"I am Jax's wife. Not his side piece." She screamed at me and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Then where are the boys?" I asked as she was off of work and yet she did have Abel or her son. She opened and closed her mouth but nothing came out. "Does Jax even sleep in the same bed as you?" I asked, knowing damn well that she was made to sleep in her son's room with him. While JAx and Ava slept in his bead. "NOW! Get off my property!" I said as I turned my back on her and walked into my home. I watched as she left in tears.

An hour later I got a call from my brother letting me know that our father was hurt. I rushed with the twins to the clubhouse. I walked into the clubhouse and stopped in shock. There was my father with his head covered in blood. "Call Amelia." Jax said and I growled.

"That bitch doesn't need to touch my father!" I yelled, getting all of their attention. Jax sighed at me as Mason chuckled at me.

"Baby girl!" My father said but I sent him a death glare. "Never mind. Chibs!" He said and Chibs nodded his head and started to clean my father up.

"Monroe?" Jax asked and I sent him the same glare.

"You and I are going to have a few words. But that will happen after my father has been taken care of!" I said through clenched teeth.

"Don't worry baby! I have already ripped into him for his whore!" Mason said as he sent a glare towards his brother. Jax sighs as he looks at me.

"I will handle her. I am sorry she came at you." Jax said and I nodded my head.

"The assholes that did this?" I asked and everyone shook their heads at me.

"Don't!" My father said as he looked over to Gemma's lover. I glared and he looked at me wide eyed.

"Handle your crew or I will. I don't take kindly to those who fuck with my family!" I said and he kinda just chuckled.

"I can see why Gemma is scared of you!" He said and I nodded my head.

"I'm a Reaper!" I said as many of the guys nodded their heads at him.

"You're my little Reaper!" My Father said as he kissed my head.

"Ay! Sit your ass down!" Chibs yelled as he pulled my father down into the chair.

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