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I Shook my head as Gemma walked into my hospital room

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I Shook my head as Gemma walked into my hospital room. "You aren't welcome here!" I said as I held my newborn closer to my chest. Gemma sighed as she walked closer to me.

"I am not here to start any drama. I just came to welcome my new grandson!" She said as she started to hold her hands out like I was going to let her hold him. But the nurse came in at that moment.

"I am sorry only those on the list are allowed to visit!" The nurse said as she sent a glare at Gemma.

"I'm grandma!" Gemma said and I shook my head again.

"Well grandma. If you ain't on the list you need to leave!" The nurse said and pointed to the door. Gemma looked at me and I just smirked at her.

"She isn't on the list!" I said and Gemma looked shocked but quickly left the room. Iknew she was going to head right for Mason but I knew he would be ready for her. I sat there a little longer and my father walked in. After our long talk when I was in the worst pain of my life we had come to an understanding. I would give him a chance to prove himself to me and his grandchildren.

"How are you feeling?" He asked and I shook my head at him. "I saw Gemma, leaving her in a huff." He said and I just shrugged at him.

"So?" I said and He sighed at me.

"You, ever going to give her another chance?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Hell no! Bitch threatened to take my kids! She should be glad I haven't killed her!" I said and my father just shook his head. I knew he was struggling with what was going on between me and Gemma. But he never saw how she was truely treating me. All the nasty shit she said to me. Even before Mason and I got married. I had had enough. I wasn't going to let her treat me or my kids like shit.

 I stood at the front door waiting for what I knew was coming my way when Jax had called me and told me that Gemma was headed to the hospital

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 I stood at the front door waiting for what I knew was coming my way when Jax had called me and told me that Gemma was headed to the hospital. Monroe had sent me home to shower and make sure the twins were ok. I had done both of those but I wouldn't let my mother scare my kids anymore then she already had. I heard her car pull up and I nodded to Ryder to let him know to keep the twins inside and to not open the door for anyone other than me and his sister. I walked outside to see my pissed off mother.

"You want to tell me why I am not on the list to see my grandson?" She asked and I just smirked at her.

"Well... let's see! Maybe it is because of all the shit you have said to my wife, his mother." I said and she looked at me shocked. "Yeah! Monroe told me all about that." I said as I took a step closer to her.

"Look, I know what I have done in the past was wrong and I shouldn't have done it. But I was looking out for you!" She said and I just laughed. "But that was in the past. I was given a chance to fix it but neither one of you has given me that chance." She said and I laughed even more.

"Why should she? You told her that the only reason you were allowing her to even be around me was because she was Hap's kid!" I said as I stood right in front of her. "As far as we are concerned. You are not grandma. Hell you haven't been a mother to me since Thomas passed." I yelled at her. She gulped at me as she looked back at my house. "Don't bother!" I said as she started to cry.

"Mas... Please don't do this." She said through her sobs.

"I am not doing anything! You did this Gemma! You threatened my wife. You threatened my children. You have fucked up with every chance that Monroe has given you. Every chance I gave you! Why should we allow you to continue to see our children when all you are going to do is hurt them?" I yelled as she continued to cry. "Just leave Gemma! When we think you have earned the right to be near our kids then we will let you know!" I said as I walked over to Monroe's car.

"Please, Mason! I am sorry!" She yelled at me.

"I am not the one you should be telling that to!" I said as I got in and drove off. I knew Ryder wouldn't let her near the kids as he had heard what my mother had been saying to Monroe when Hap and I weren't around.

I walked into the hospital to see one pissed off Happy Lowman. "Did you know?" He asked and I shook my head.

"She told me about it all last night!" I said and he sighed and shook his head.

"If I had known I wouldn't have bailed on her and the twins like I did. I thought she was just being stubborn." He said and I nodded my head.

"But now we both know the truth. She has been treating her like shit not long after we brought her here." I said and Hap growled.

"I would have never allowed her to stay here if I knew that Gemma was treating her like that." He said and I shook my head.

"And I wouldn't have let you take her away from me! But I would have cut my mother off a lot sooner. Monroe is my ending!" I told him and he nodded his head.

"I know... it looks like we both have a lot to make up for. Me more than you!" He said and I just smiled at him. Thankful that Monroe wasn't as pissed with me as she was with him. But I know I need to step up and make the right choices to insure my family is protected.

It wasn't until after all of that went down did my brother and Hap show up to tell me all that had gone down that day. I shook my head as this asshole was trying to destroy my family.

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