S5-E12- Darthy

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I shook my head as I watched my daughter pace

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I shook my head as I watched my daughter pace. "I wanted to tell you!" She kept saying, over and over again.

"But you didn't! Thought we don't keep secrets from each other?" I said and she pouted at me. "But I get it." I said, making her look at me sad. "You have always done this. Looking out for me." I said as I shook my head. "I should be the one looking out for you! You're my daughter." I said and she sighed.

"But you're my dad! If I don't look out for you then who will?" She asked and I heard a round of hays come from the kitchen with only one laugh. "Shut it!" She yelled and they all laughed.

"Hap, can you really be mad at her?" Tig asked as he came out of the kitchen. "I mean really? Cause how I see it. She stopped you from going all Killer and kept you out of prison." He said and I glared at him.

"Thank you!' Monroe said and I sent a glare her way. But she was glaring back at me.

"Well this room just got about ten dredges closer!" Tig said as he walked away. This made me and Monroe laugh.

"No more secrets!" I said as I pointed at her.

"Yes sir!" She said as she stood in front of me with her head down.

"OK! You need to teach me how to do that!" Mason said as he leaned against the wall just watching us.

"Me and you now need to have a talk!" I said as I pointed to him. He gulped and I smirked. But Monroe slapped my head. "Ow!" I said as I placed my hand over my bandage.

"You know why he did it!' She said and I growled at her.

"Doesn't change the fact!" I said as Mason wrapped her in his arms.

"It's ok baby! I knew what price I was paying when I agreed to all this!" He said and I nodded my head.

	"It's ok baby! I knew what price I was paying when I agreed to all this!" He said and I nodded my head

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I listened to Clay as he spoke. Everyone couldn't believe what he had done. "Who were you going to hit next?" I asked as I stated At Hap. He tensted.

"Does it Matter?" Clay asked and I nodded my head.

"You hit our mother's place. So yeah, it matters?" Jax said as he looked right at Clay.

"They were going to hit Mason's place." He said and I saw everyone's bodies freeze. "I know how that looks but they weren't going to hurt her or the twins." He said and I sent a death glare his way.

"And you think that matters that they weren't going to hurt her or our kids?" I yelled as I stood up. Ryder stood up with me. "Hell I wish they had cause Monroe would have killed them all! Then what would you have done?" I asked as I tried to take a step closer but Ryder stopped me.

"Mas!" He said as put his hand on my shoulder.

"He would have been exposed. And he would have died!" Hap said as he was glaring at Clay.

"You wouldn't have killed me brother!" Clay said and Hap smirked.

"OH! But I would have! See club may come first but you fuck with my family and the killer side you think you know really comes out! See cause there isn't anything I wouldn't do for my kids." Hap said as he leaned on the table and looked at Clay.

"And we would have gladly watched!" Tig said and that shocked Clay. "I know Chibs and I see Monroe as a daughter. Would protect her like she is our own flesh and blood. So yeah!" He said and Clay looked taken back but this.

"You come anywhere near my wife and our kids and I will slit your throat!" I said as I got into his face.

"Let's vote!" Bobby said but there was something off with him. I looked at my brother and he noticed it too. To no one's surprises he was voted out of the club. But the mayhem vote didn't go the way any of us thought it would. We were all pissed. I turned to Bobby and scoffed at him.

"After all he did, you are allowing him to live?" I asked and he just looked at me.

"We are broken. We need to heal." He said and I was pissed.

"He was going to send them to my house! Look what happened at Gemma's place. Hell, they killed a pregnant woman." I said and he nodded his head.

I wasn't surprised when my father called me asking for his tattoo kit

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I wasn't surprised when my father called me asking for his tattoo kit. I smirked as I watched him set it all up. "So... You, going to tell me what is going on?" I asked and He shook his head. "OH! I see!" I said as I went to grab my bag but my father stopped me. The look he gave me wasn't one I was expecting. He was worried. "Dad?" I asked and he just pulled me into a hug.

"I love you Monroe!' He said as he hugged me.

"I love you too, old man!" I said as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Clay is out!" He whispered but there was something that seemed off. "Keep an eye out. If anything seems off... You fight like hell!" He said and I just nodded my head.

"Alway!" I said and he nodded his. He let go of me and went back to setting up. 'Cover up?" I asked and he nodded his head. "So he is out but is he out, out?" I asked and he shook his head. Is this why you are worried?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"He was going to have the nomads hit you next." He said and I sighed.

"The Irish?" I asked and he nodded his head. "You know I won't go down without a fight." I said and He just nodded. "If they come then they will see why I am a reaper!" I said as I leaned down to look my father in his eyes. "I am the daughter of a killer! And they will see just what I am made of." I said, making him smirk at me.

"That you are, baby girl!" He said as he finished and stood up.

Happy's Little Reaper book threeWhere stories live. Discover now