S5-E6- Small World

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	I was pissed when I found out that a pregnant woman was shot in our town

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I was pissed when I found out that a pregnant woman was shot in our town. I didn't care that she was a cop's wife. She was a woman who was caring a child in her womb and she was attacked in her own house and we were being blamed. I shook my head as my brother met up with Damon Pope. His second in command kept looking at me. "You are married to Monroe Lowman?" He asked, making Hap and I glare at him.

"Yeah! I am." I said as Hap moved closer to me.

"That makes you her father." He said pointing at Hap. Hap nodded his head.

"Then you two shouldn't be messed with. I have seen that girl work and if you are her father then I don't want any trouble with you." He said and Hap was confused. "OH! You don't know... You should ask her." He said and I sighed. We had talked a little about it and while we weren't together and she wasn't talking to her father she had started doing odd jobs. Ones that her father does for the club. I guess she needed the money and it was quick and easy work for her.

"What is he talking about?" Hap asked and I shook my head.

"Not here!" I said as he looked at me pissed. "I will tell you but not here." I said and he nodded his head.

"Does what he said have anything to do with you getting out before the others?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"Monroe made a deal. One that she is going to have to pay up on after the baby is born." I said and Hap growled and glared at me.

"The fuck she does... I will take that deal. I will handle it if that is what they want." He said and I shook my head.

"None man... If anyone is taking it it's me. She did it for me." I said and he shook his head.

"Mas... My kid, my responsibility." He said as I looked at him shocked.

"My wife, my responsibility." I said and he smiled at me. "You do know Monroe will have something to say about all of this." I said and he nodded his head. "But we can deal with that later." I said pointing at my brother as he exited Pope's car.

"We need to call church." He said as he reached us. We all looked at him confused. "Pope wants to double what we are bring back from AZ." He said and showed us the money. I let out a breath as this was not what I wanted. "I know this isn't what you all wanted... But this keeps us all alive." He said and I nodded my head.

"No it's not... But I get this move." I said and Hap agreed with me. "What do we have to do to keep our club alive?" I asked and my brother sighed at me. After he explained it all to us we all agreed that it was the best that we do what Pope wanted. "You handled that other problem?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I don't even know where to start with her." He said as we walked back to our bikes. "She moved out and left the boys with a nanny." He said and I looked at him shocked. It wasn't a surprise when my brother called me later and said that Amelia had shown back up. Claiming she had filed for divorce and wanted to make a real go with Jax and the boys. But what Monroe had shown him was all the proof he needed to not believe her. I showed up just as Amelia's husband did. I smiled as he looked at me scared before he started to yell at Amelia. I stood with my brother as we watched them argue.

"I feel like I should have popcorn or something." I said with a chuckle. Jax nodded his head. I was shocked at how well he was taking all of this. But then I knew he was seeing someone behind Amelia's back. I just didn't know who it was. That was until the new nanny walked out in one of Jax's shirts. I smirked at him and he smirked back at me.

"Not now!" He said as he pointed at me. He turned to look at Ava and smiled at her. "Head back inside. I'll be in a minute." He said and she nodded her head. We hoped that Amelia didn't see her but she did.

"Why is she in one of your shirts?" Amelia yelled storming up to us.

"Cause I asked her too!" Jax yelled back at her, making her pout. She looked to me for help but that wasn't going to happen, not after all she had done to my wife and family.

"Are you fucking her?" She asked, looking really hurt by the thought of this.

"If I am, it is none of your business." Jax said with nothing but anger in his voice. "I mean you have been lying to me for god knows how long. Fuck... you are married." He yelled and pointed at the guy.

"Yeah... And I am her to take my sons!" he said and I looked at him as he backed up.

"Your sons?" I said and he looked scared. "Mother fucker you have a lot of balls to come here and try to take my brother's sons." I said as I smiled at him. He looked like he was about to shit himself.

"You better put that little boy in his place. Cause he won't be getting anywhere near my son's. And neither will you." Jax said as he pointed at Amelia. She scoffed at him before Jax pulled out a few papers. "See Monroe... Well she is out for blood... Your blood. Had these drawn up for me..." He said handing over the papers. Amelia looked at them and then started to cry.

"You have full custody of my boys?" She said as she tried to stop crying.

"Yeah! I do." Jax said as I smirked at her and her husband. He looked pissed as he tried to hold her.

"You won't get away with this." He said as I rolled my eyes at him.

"We already have!" I said with a smirk.

"What the fuck have you gotten me into Amelia?" He asked before he decided it was best to walk away.

"Anthony! Get back here and help me get my sons." Amelia screams chasing after him. I looked at my brother and sighed.

"Head home to your family. I have a little number to get back to as well." He said with a smile. I chuckled and nodded my head.

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