S6-E4- Wolfsangel🔞

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⚠️Warning⚠️ Smut in this Chapter!- Description of sexual activity, body parts, Inappropriate language, gif that show Semi sexual activity. As well as other things inappropriate for Readers under the age of 18.🔞

 I heard Mason groan as JT woke up again

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 I heard Mason groan as JT woke up again. I slapped his chest as he rolled off of me. "I can't even make out with my wife!" He said with a huff. I frowned at him as he tried to kiss me again.

"Your son is 5 days old! And a little pig!" I said as I got up to get him. I heard him sigh when I sat back down to feed him. Mason moved so he was watching both of us. "Much like his father when it comes to sex!" I said and this made him laugh.

"I know but daddy would also like some attention from mommy! Some, every special attention!" He said as he pulled my top down more. I giggled as I tried to stop him but with a baby in my arms and attached to my boob it was a lot harder. I gasped as he latched on to my other boob, moaning as he did.

"Mason!" I whispered yelled, making him chuckle but he didn't stop. "Knock it off!" I said as he tried to move me so I was straddling him. He chuckled again but moved so he was laying down.

"When he is done... Daddy needs some special attention." He said pointing to his erection. I shook my head but smiled at him.

"If daddy behaves, then mommy may just give daddy that special attention!" I said and this made Mason smirk at me. He leaned back up and kissed JT's head. Once he was done I started to change his diaper and Mason went to hop into the shower. I smirked as JT, was asleep and so were the twins. I quickly stripped out of my clothes and joined Mason in the shower.

"Couldn't stay away?" Mason asked as I kissed his tattooed back.

"Well, mommy does love giving daddy special attention." I said with as smirk as he turned around. His erection at full attention.

"Then show me!" He said and I licked my lips as I got on my knees. I stared up at him as I took him in my mouth. I heard him gasp as I cupped his balls and slowly started to message them. "Fuck!" He hissed as I took him down my throat. "God! I can't wait to fuck you again!" He said as his hand moved to the back of my head. I pulled away and smiled up at him.

"Then fuck my mouth!" I said, making him get a devilish smirk.

"OH! Baby!" He said as he waited for me to open my mouth again. I opened my mouth and he shoved his dick into my mouth. He proceeded to grab my throat and started to fuck my mouth like he was never going to stop. "Fuck!" He yelled before pulling out of my. He was breathing heavily and the smirk he held told me I would be in pain for a day or two. He helped me up. "Turn around!" He said and I just stared at him. I went to open my mouth but he covered it. "I said turn around." He growled. I felt his fingers rub my ass and I knew I was going to be in pain. We had only done anal a few times.

"Mas..." I said with a shaky voice.

"Shh... Baby!" He said as I felt him push into my ass. I groaned as he moaned. "Fuck!" He said as he finally bottomed out. I wiggled as I tried to get comfortable. He groaned when I finally nodded my head. "I go slow!" He said and he did for the first few minutes but soon the beast in him took over and he was fucking me like I didn't just have another baby. "Shit!" He growled as he moved his head closer to mine. "Fucking perfect!" He hissed as came. He stilled inside of me as he caught his breath. "Fuck!" He said as he pulled out. I shook my head as I moved so I was under the water. 'I am sorry!" He said as he wrapped his arms around me. "I didn't mean to!" He said and I just giggled at him.

"It's ok!" I said as I turned to face him. "Daddy just needs to feel special too!' I said in a baby voice. Mason growled and grabbed my ass. I screamed as my ass was still sore.

"Maybe, Mommy should remember where I was just at and, to not mock me!" He said and I just giggled again. "But as Soon as Mommy is cleared Daddy is going to tear up that pussy like no tomorrow!" He said before smashing his face into mine. I moaned into his mouth and this seemed to only push him further. 'Careful baby! Or daddy with fuck you! Right now!" He said before pulling away and getting out of the shower.  

 I smiled as I watched Monroe groan as she put her pants on

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 I smiled as I watched Monroe groan as she put her pants on. Neither one of us was really into anal but I needed to fuck her. Not her mouth but her. I never understood why I was so addicted to her but I loved being inside of her. Her mouth, her pussy and her ass. It was something about cumming inside of her. It has been like that since the first time we had sex. Unloading inside of her became like a drug to me.

"Ass!" Monroe said as she passed me. This made me chuckle at her.

"You ass!" I said and she turned around in surprise. I walked up to her and smiled. "That sweet tight ass!" I said as I leaned into her and kissed her. "I might just have to fuck it again! Tonight!" I asked and she just stared at me. "Only this time we will both get off!" I said as I did feel bad as she didn't get off. I was greedy and she knew that. But yet she still loved me. We were standing there making out when my phone rang. I had told them that I needed to step away for a few days as Jt was born and Monroe needed my help with the twins. Everyone understood except for Jax. He still called me and would try to get me to go on club business.

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