S6-E3- Poenitentia

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I had to face the fact that our club had helped this boy kill other children

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I had to face the fact that our club had helped this boy kill other children. It scared the shit out of me that our weapons could be used to hurt our own children. It pissed me off that Amelia had been so stupid to give Oto a fucking weapon that cause this asshole to come into our lives. I shook my head as I now had to see said stupid bitch around the club again. But what pissed me off even more was the fact that Gemma was acting like she had done nothing wrong. Like she hadn't treated my wife and kids like they were trash.

"Hey Mason!" Amelia said as she approached me.

"What?" I asked as I turned to watch my kids play while Monroe and the baby went to a check up.

"I heard about the baby being born. I just wanted to see how you all are doing?" She said and I scoffed at her.

"My family is none of your business!" I said and this made her sigh.

"I mean no harm. I just wanted to congratulate you." She said before walking away from me and the twins. I smiled at them as they played on the swings.

"You know you could be a little nicer to her!" I heard Gemma say as I moved to push my kids on the swings.

"I don't have to do shit not for the two people that tried to end what I had with Monroe, before it could even get off the ground." I said and this made her sigh. "But I don't have to worry about that anymore." I said and Gemma looked at me confused.

"You, planning on leaving?" She asked and I just smiled at her.

"What I do, what my wife does, what our kids do has nothing to do with you. Seeing as you are not family anymore. Not to me!" I said and Gemma looked at me so hurt.

"Jax went to see Clay! He wants to see you too!" She said and I nodded my head.

"Don't care what the bastard wants! I ain't giving him shit!" I said as I picked up my kids as Monroe pulled in. "He was never anything to me! Just the fucker you helped kill my father with!" I said as I passed her. I heard her swear under her breath but I could have cared less about what she had to say any more. "Hey baby! You, taking them to the shop?" I asked knowing she had been looking into daycares.

"Naw, May has the shop for the day. I was just going to go home and relax a bit." She said and I smiled at her. I looked into the car to see our newborn passed out.

"Want me to come with you?" I asked as she just smiled at me.

"If you want your dick..." She started but I covered her mouth as I didn't need the kids hearing her.

"Damn baby... Not in front of the little ears." I said as I tried to not laugh. But she was right. I did want my dick sucked. "This is going to be a long six weeks!" I mutter to myself. She laughed and slapped my chest.

"Ass!" She said as she took Amara from me. And helped her get in her seat.

"You need a bigger car!" I said as I looked at her car. It worked for us and the twins but with JT it didn't work anymore. She nodded her head at me. "Why, you are relaxing, you should start looking. See if you find anything you like." I told her as I helped Knox get into his seat.

"Naw. I want your help in picking a new car. So we can do it later tonight. After you get home." She said with a sweet smile on her face. I smiled and nodded my head.

"Works for me!" I said as I closed the door and walked over to her. "I love you and will call you to check in!" I said before I kissed her. She smiled as she got in and took off. I watched my mother as I walked back into the shop. "Stay away, Gemma! You mean nothing to us anymore!" I said as she looked from me to the guys.

"You know you are taking it a bit far!" I heard my brother say and I just scoffed at him.

"Yeah! Well now I know how you felt all the times Gemma messed with your relationships. Only difference is I won't let her get her way!" I said as I turned to him. "She is dead to me and my family!" I said and he just shook his head at me.

"All I am trying to say is think about what you are doing! She is our mother. She loves you and all she is trying to do is look out for you! It may not be the best way but this is what she knows." He said and I scoffed at him.

"How is she looking out for me? Please tell me Jax. Please make sense about her telling Monroe that she is nothing more than a croweater hidden by the fact that her father is a member." I said and he just shook his head. "Or better yet why don't you go and talk to the bitch of yours and see how she really feels about your mother. Cause in case you have noticed Ava hasn't been around since Amelia went inside. So where is this girl you wanted to start over with?" I asked and it seemed to dawn on him. He looked at me shocked but he was looking behind me. I turned and there was Hap and my mother.

"You go near my family again Gemma and I will let my daughter kill you!" Hap growed at Gemma. Jax shook his head and I just laughed.

"Hap man!" Jax said as Hap stormed to his bike.

"Don't bother! Gemma fucked up! And everyone knows that you don't fuck with Hap's family!" I said as I followed Hap's lead. 

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