Teller's die bloody

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I smiled as we crossed the town line

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I smiled as we crossed the town line. It was over and we were out. Out of the drama, out of the chaos. We were free. As bad as it sounds, we were. We could do what we wanted and go where we wanted. Though I knew we would miss our family both blood and well not blood. But family nonetheless. I shook my head as Mason's phone rang. We were just about to hit the highway when he made a u-turn and sped towards stockton. We pulled up to a building. Mason not answering a single question I had asked. "Stay right here." He said before hopping out of the car and running inside. I was confused before I heard the gunshot.

"NO, no, no!" I said as I hoped out and made my way to the building. Before I could reach the door my father walked out. "Where is he?" I asked in a shaky voice. I wasn't sure why but at this moment I was scared of my father.

"Saying his goodbyes!" My father said, looking back at our car. He moved his arms which made me notice that makeshift bandage.

"What happened?" I asked as I took a step away from my father. He noticed and frowned at me.

"Mayhem!" He said and I took another step. "Jax wanted to go out his way!" He said and I took one more step. But stopped because that confused me. But Mason walked out one moment later looking like he had been crying. "Take care of them. Not sure when I will be able to head down and see you all." He said and Mason just nodded his head. "There was nothing you could have done to change their minds. We all knew this was bound to happen." My father said and I was so confused. Mason walked over to me and kissed my head.

"We have to leave now!" He said as bikes could be heard. My father pushed us both over to the car. "Monroe!" Mason said as he got in. I got in but kept my eyes on my father. I sat in silence until we reached the highway.

"What the fuck?" I asked as Mason was making funny faces at the kids through the rear view mirror. He looked at me shocked as I had been trying to not swear in front of the twins as they had been picking up on new words as would repeat them all the time.

"There was a mayhem vote against Jax for killing Jury. And all the shit that started because of him." He said and I shook my head. "He wasn't going to let them take him out. So he took our dads bike and he wanted to go out the same way our old man went out." He said as I just stared at him. Mason looked at me then our children. He smiled at them before leaning over and giving me a kiss. "It's over now! The club will be in better hands." He said and I cocked my head at him. "Chibs is now president!" He said and I smiled. I was glad he chose him but I was still confused as to why the mayhem vote. We all knew Jury was stealing from the clubs and using that money to help his kid.

I sat in silence for most of the trip. I wonder if we did the right thing? Leaving our family? Leaving everything we knew. "Monroe? Stop over thinking it." I heard Mason say as I looked out the window.

"Did we make the right choice?" I asked as I turned to him. He smiled at me and nodded his head.

"We did. As this wasn't just about us anymore." He said as he turned and looked at the kids. "We have them to think about. And the road my brother was taking us down would only lead us to death or jail." He said and I sighed knowing that he was right.

We had stopped for lunch and the restaurant we were at had the news on. And it was covering Jax's death. Though they never said his name we both knew it was him. I watched for a minute before turning to my husband and him looking sad and far away. "He should have gone out that way." Mason said as we sat and ate our food. I was thankful that the kids didn't understand what was going on. They didn't even notice their father's pain.

"Where are the boys?" I asked and he smiled at me.

"With Wendy and Nero." He said and I smiled at that. I knew that they would take great care of them.

When we were back on the road we tried to keep it fun as the kids were getting antsy in the car. "That's mine!" Amara screamed when we were only a few blocks away from the new house.

"Enough the two of you!" I said as I turned to take the toy from Knox.

"We have about 5 minutes before we get to the new house." Mason said as he looked back at them.

"I'm bored!" Knox whined, making me laugh.

"I know baby! But we are almost there." I said as I smiled at him. I had to admit that the 8 hour diver had me a little annoyed and bored as well. Jt had slept most of the time so he was happy when we finally arrived. "Damn baby!" I said as I looked up at the beautiful beach house he had purchased.

"And the whole cove is ours." Mason said as he got out Knox and Amara. I grabbed JT, as Amara and Knox ran to the water. "Slow down you two!" He yelled as he went to run after them.

"Well little man. Looks like this is our life now!" I said as my youngest son just wiggled in my arms. It was clear he wanted to go with his older siblings.

"OK! Maybe having waterfront property wasn't the best idea." Mason said as he walked back to me with two drenched children. I laughed as he was also wet.

"Well, lesson learned!" I said and he just huffed at me.

"At least I have you and my monsters! That is what really matters!" He said, making me smile.

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