S6-E5- The Mad King

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I was pissed when Hap came to the house to tell me about Phil and  V lin

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I was pissed when Hap came to the house to tell me about Phil and V lin. I couldn't believe that this was happening but then again it was the Irish we were talking about. I looked at Monroe and sighed as now I had to tell her we were going into lock down. "What did he do to cause it?" I asked and Hap just glared at me. "He did something! You and I both know that!" I said before walking into my house. Like I thought Monroe wasn't happy. But agreed to go. But not after she had a few choice words with her father.

When we arrived my mother smiled at us. "So I see you finally decided to show up!" Gemma said and Monroe rolled her eyes. "Now!" She said as she tried to reach for our younger son. Knox and Amara stood behind her.

"Back off! Gemma!" Monroe hissed as she pulled our son away from her. "Mason, we will be in your room!" She said and I nodded my head. I watched as Ryder helped her with the kids.

"Stay away from my wife and our kids!" I growled at her as she just stood there looking shocked and a little scared. I walked into the chapel and glared at my brother. He looked at me and sighed. "So who did you piss off this time?" I asked and Chibs and Tig laughed.

"And you wonder why I didn't choose you as my third." Jax said and I laughed.

"I wouldn't want it even if you offered!" I said as I took my seat. "Look how many people you have gotten killed? Hell you're worse than Clay!" I said and I knew I hit a sore spot with him. Hap glared at me as everyone else stayed quiet. "So again who did you piss off?" I asked and Jax sighed.

"The Irish!" He said as he glared down at the table.

"Good Job Jax! You pissed off our main source of income." I said as I clapped at him.

"You know what Mas. Fuck you!" Jax yelled and I just laughed.

"Careful Jax... Or should I let everyone in on all the secrets you are still hiding from the club?" I asked and this made everyone stay silent. Jax sat back down and I just smiled.

"What is being kept secret?" Tig asked and I looked at him and then Jax.

"Nothing!" Jax yelled but I just smiled. I had to chuckle as he was still trying to play the good guy. When we all could see that he was worse than Clay.

"Shame when our president can't trust his own brother!" I said as he glared at me and everyone else looked between us. Hap looked at me and then the door. I shook my head as he was on thin ice with Monroe over what my brother was up to.

A few hours later I sat at the bar as my kids and wife were in bed. "Are you two ever going to forgive Ma?" Jax asked and I shook my head.

"Hell no!" I said as I took a drink of my beer. He sighed and shook his head.

"About earlier!" He said and I just chuckled. "If you ever try to pull..." He said and I held up my hand.

"You'll what? Cause I will expose you way before you ever have a chance to do whatever you were about to say." I said as I took yet another drink. "Or should I remind you you are letting a rat sit at that table!" I said as he looked at me shocked. "Now if you don't mind I am going to go and check on my WIFE and OUR kids!" I said making sure to underline the wife and our part.

"Amelia is pregnant!" He said and I just stared at him. "She... umm just found out." He said and I just nodded my head. "Look, I get that we haven't seen eye to eye. But if you could just back off a little, it would make things a little easier on me and I wouldn't be so stressed." He said and I just laughed.

"Here is hoping it ain't yours!" I said before finishing off my beer. He looked at me shocked as I smiled at him.

It had been hours, Jax and I were sitting in the van

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It had been hours, Jax and I were sitting in the van. I had a lot of time to think about what had happened and what was said and it got me wondering what Jax was hiding from the rest of us. We all saw that he had pushed Mason away. How he was treating my daughter and grandbabies. "Hap? I need to know you got my back!" Jax said out of nowhere.

"I do! But you keep fucking with my family I won't for much longer." I said and he just nodded his head. "Also don't help that you are still hiding shit!" I said and he just nodded again.

"And what are your thoughts of voting Mason out?" He asked and I growled at him.

"Won't pass! We all see he is trying to do what is best for this club." I growled at him. He shook his head at me.

"Not for what is happening between me and him. And I am trying to do what is best for this club." He said and I wanted to scoff at him but I remained quiet. "I am asking about voting him out for Monroe and the kids. Shit isn't going to get better." He said and I just nodded my head. I knew that was true but I also know my daughter. If Mason was out, so were me and Ryder.

 If Mason was out, so were me and Ryder

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 I hated waiting for this fucking call. I smiled as I looked over at my wife as she held our youngest son as Ryder was playing with the twin. I shook my head as Amara stood on Ryder's chest and claimed she was the baddest bitch! I heard Monroe laugh as Ryder just smiled up at her.

"Come on my little badass!" Hap said as he picked her up. "You to Hellraiser!" He said as he bent down to pick him up.

"But Papa Hap!" Amara whined but Hap gave her a look and she just pouted at him.

"Hey it is almost time!" Jax called out and I nodded to Monroe.

"It's ok dad! I'll get them down." She said and you could see that Hap wasn't Happy about it but placed the twins down and kissed their heads. He walked over to Monroe and kissed her head and Jt's.

"Everyone out!" My brother said and I ran to grab my babies! I watched as Hap held on to Monroe as he ran out. Ryder right behind me as we made it out. I turned to see where my brother was when I noticed him and Chibs come running out right before our clubhouse was blown up. I looked to see where my wife was and noticed that Hap was covering her and Jt. Ryder was helping me with the twins. 

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