S7-E4- Poor Little Lambs

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I hated that Jax was trying to push Mason out of the club

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I hated that Jax was trying to push Mason out of the club. It put him more on edge when Jax was around. He had to be more on his toes around him. It didn't matter that everyone else was on Mason's side. If Jax thought he had a good reason to kick him out then he would. Then there was Juice and all he knew about the club, about me. And that put us both on edge.

"Baby!" I heard Mason yell before the front door was slammed shut. "Hey!" He said as he leaned against the door frame.

"Hey!" I said as I turned back to folding clothes.

"You good?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No! I am not good." I said as I threw the clothes I was folding back into the hamper. "I hate it here! I have hated it since I got that call from Kozik. The only reason I have stayed is you! Because I love you." I yelled as he just stood there and listened. "I am so sick of all this bullshit!" I screamed as he just listened. "Say something!" I yelled.

"Not sure what to say." He said and I broke down.

"I don't want our babies to lose you because of the club. Everyday you walk out that door I fear you won't walk back through it. Do you know what that feels like? To be in constant fear that the person you are in love with may never hold you, kiss you or tell you that they love you?." I said as I slid down the bed. He walked over to me and sat next to me.

"I fear the same thing." He said as he took my hand in his. "I also fear that I will get a call saying that something happened to the four of you!" He said and I just cried. He held me as I cried. "I am sorry baby! I want to fix all this but with him at the head of the table I can't." He said and I just cried in his arms. I rolled my eyes as he groaned when his phone started to ring.

"Yeah!" He said and I climbed off his lap and stood up and started to fold the clothes again. "Yeah! I will be there in a minute." He said as he stood up. He kissed my head. "I love you Monroe. I hope you know that!" He said as I turned to look at him.

"I love you too!" I said before I kissed his lips. I sighed as he walked out of the bedroom. I broke down again when the front door closed.

"Mommy are you ok?" Knox asked as he walked into the room.

"Yeah baby! Mommy is fine! She just needed to cry!" I told him. He walked over and held me. "My strong little man!" I said as I kissed his head. "Ok! Mommy is done." I said as I got up and finished the clothes. "May is going to watch you all tonight as Mommy has to do some work!" I told him and he shook his head.

"That means uncle Ryder will be here too!" Amara said as she walked in. I looked at her shocked and confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I knelt down to her level.

"He comes over after you leave. They kiss like you and daddy." Knox says with a disgusted look. "They do other things when they think we are asleep." He said and I was pissed.

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