S7-E2- Toil and Till

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I frowned as I was yet again back at the porn studio

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I frowned as I was yet again back at the porn studio. I was working on the Reaper that told everyone who ran this place. "Hey babe!" I heard Mason say as I felt his arms wrap around me. "Looks good!" He said as I still had the ruffle to do.

"I feel like I should put a dildo there instead of the ruffle!" I said, earning a laugh from him.

"More fitting too.!" He said and I laughed. "You should do it to see if the guys even notice!" He said and I chuckled and shook my head. "How much longer will you be?" He asked, making me turn to him. "I want a night with my wife." He said and I just smiled.

"I can stop whenever I want. I am the boss!" I said and this made him smirk.

"Good, finish up we have a date with three little monsters!" He said as he patted my butt. "And a king size bed!" He whispered to me.

"Damn that sounds like a hot date!" I said with a giggle.

"Well the fun only starts after the monsters are down and out!" He said as I moved to clean up my mess. I noticed that the bitch had moved closer to us.

"You know if you ever need help. I have many years of babysitting kids. I could watch them for you!" She said as she tried to rub up on Mason.

"Sluts like you will never be anywhere near our kids." He said, making me snort out a laugh. "It's one of our rules!" He said and I nodded my head at him. I finished putting my things to the chapel.

As we were walking out I saw her watching us. I smirked as I climbed on the back of Mason's bike. She was clearly pissed off and it made me smile. "So when do you all head out?" I asked as soon as we were off his bike. He sighed as he pulled me to him.

"First thing in the morning." He said as he walked us to the front door. "We need to finish this shit!" He said and I nodded my head. He sighed again, making me turn to see what he was looking at. It was Tara. She was holding her son as she approached us.

"Have you all seen Jax?" She asked and I could feel the anger that was rolling off of Mason.

"When will you learn that he doesn't want your nasty ass." Mason yelled at her. She jumped and then looked really angry. Before she stormed away. I rolled my eyes at her but Mason pulled me inside. 

My dreams were filled with nothing but being with my wife and kids

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My dreams were filled with nothing but being with my wife and kids. Us being able to do all the normal things families do. So when I woke up I couldn't take my eyes off my sleeping wife. I knew that today could change everything we had together. I hated what was coming and I didn't like that we were bringing in another charter. This wasn't their battle, this was Jax's battle and we were just his pieces that he was moving around the game board. I sighed as I got up and got ready for the next round of shit my brother was bringing to us. I had just put my kutt on when I felt little hands wrap around my legs.

"By daddy!" Amara said as I leaned down and picked her up!

"I love you baby!" I said as I took her in my arms. "You be a good girl for mommy and help her with your brother's." I said as I held her close and kissed her head. I had a bad feeling about what we were about to do. 

I knew shit was going to go down after Jax got out

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I knew shit was going to go down after Jax got out. But what he was wanting to do put not only us but our families at risk. He knew this but he didn't care. He only wanted revenge for what happened to Amelia. I was checking my bike making sure I had what I needed when I felt someone behind me. I turned to see Jax and Chibs standing there.

"What's up?" I asked as Chibs looked annoyed and Jax looked confused.

"I need your vote?" Jax finally said, making Chibs shake his head.

"Vote for what?" I asked as Tig and Bobby walked over to us.

"To vote Mason out!" He said and this shocked us all.

"You can't vote him out unless he asks for it or shows that he can't be trusted!" Bobby said as Tig and myself looked at Jax like he was crazy.

"That is not why I want to vote him out!" Jax said and I scoffed at him.

"Naw! It's because he sees through all this bullshit and doesn't agree with it." I said and Jax just shook his head.

"That ain't it either." He said as he looked at the four of us.

"Then why?" Tig asked as he stood next to me.

"His family!" Jax said and I growled at him. "I am getting him out before something like this happens to his family." He said and that just pissed me off even more.

"I can protect my family!" I snarled at him.

"I'm not saying you can't. I know that you, Mason and Monroe would go to war if this shit ever happened to the twins or JT. But he needs out! Away from all of this." Jax said and I just laughed.

"Mason ain't you! He isn't looking for a way out." Chibs said and this pissed Jax off.

"I was trying to save my family! I never wanted my sons to be like me." He said and I laughed.

"You know there is a clear difference between you and Mason. Mason is more like your father as you are more like Clay!" I said, knowing damn well that this was going to piss him off or hurt him.

"You choose your path and it isn't the one your father would have wanted." Tig said as he patted my back and pushed me away from the others.

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