Knowing the truth

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I huffed as I walked into the jail with my brother

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I huffed as I walked into the jail with my brother. "Why am I even here? I am not a part of this anymore!" I asked as I signed into the prison. I hated being here.

"Because I know Juice will tell me the truth if you are here." He said, making me roll my eyes at him. I knew sooner or later he would want to use my friendship with Juice against me.

"Jax..." I said with a sigh. I knew it was time to come clean with what I thought was going on but I wasn't sure how my brother would take it.

"Last night I told Abel that Wendy was his real mommy. You want to know what he asked me?" He said and I nodded my head. "He asked me if grandma killed Amelia to make room for Wendy. So he could have his real mommy. Now why would he ask me something like that?" He said and I was shocked. "And then I found out that Gemma was helping him hide from the club. Now why would she help him? The club, us, that is her whole life." He asked and I was shocked.

"I have to admit something to you." I said and he glared at me. "I have had a feeling about Gemma." I said and this caused him to look at me funny. "I mean who had the most to gain from killing Amelia. It sure as hell wasn't the Chinese. But our mother. She has everything to gain from getting rid of Amelia." I said as he nodded his head at me. "It meant that she got you and your boys." I said and he sighed as he rubbed his face.

"I need to know for sure. If she did this to Amelia... Then she could do this to Monroe." He said and I nodded my head. But I knew our mother would dare try anything with Monroe. Monroe was a fighter and would put up one hell of a fight. One that our mother might not make it out of.

"And what will you do if what he tells you is against our mother?" I asked even though I wasn't fond of our mother at the moment. I still loved her. She was our mother.

"I don't know." He said as we were called. "But what I do know is that whatever is said here only you, and I will ever hear from him." He said and I nodded my head. I shook my head as he walked in. He looked defeated. This wasn't the Juice I knew.

I sat silent as Jax questioned him. It was only when he told us what really happened that night did I show any emotion to him. "I knew if I helped your mom then she would owe me. I knew you wanted me dead for betraying the club. So I helped her. Got her cleaned up and disposed of the weapon she used." He said and I frowned.

"Why?" I asked as I just stared at him. There had to be something else he wasn't telling us.

"May..." He said and I frowned at him. What did that whore have to do with any of this?

"What does she have to do with this?" Jax asked but I wanted to know as well.

"Gemma promised to help her. Monroe isn't what you think! She is a snake in the grass waiting to strike." He said and I scoffed at him. "She is a stone cold killer. I wouldn't put it past her to have told Gemma everything that Amelia had planned." He said and I looked at my brother. He was just as confused as I was. But we knew something he didn't.

"And what did Amelia have planned?" Jax asked and Juice just shrugged his shoulders.

"That is something only Monroe and Gemma know." He said and this pissed me off.

"NO!" Jax said as he shook his head. "You aren't going to pass this off as Monroe's doing." He said and I agreed. "Monroe might be a killer. Following in her father's footsteps but Monroe would never hurt the family." He said and I agreed again. But May would do anything Juice wanted. We all knew that as Monroe had said a lot of money went missing from her shop once May started to work there.

"And if you are referring to the hits Monroe was hired to do. We already knew about those." I said and Juice looked surprised. "You want to know what I think Jax?" I asked as I looked right at Juice. "I think May had a part in Amelia's death. I mean what would Monroe gain. But May... Now she has something to gain." I said and Jax nodded his head.

"A Croweater killing an old lady!" He said and I watched as the color drained for his face. It was a killable offense in our eyes.

"NO!" He said as there were unwritten runs when it comes to old ladies and Croweaters. "You can't hurt her! We don't hurt women and children." He said but he didn't have a real case.

"Can't we? And I am sure there is someone that would gladly do it for us!" Jax asked as I smiled at him. "You and your bitch killed an old lady and are now trying to blame another!" He said and I smiled even more. "But the best part about knowing that May had a hand in my old lady's death is the fact that all the hits that were done all lead back to May! Not Monroe or the Club." He said and I laughed. "Looks like your kid will be born inside and then..." He said as he got up.

"Then what?" Juice asked and I smiled as my brother left the room.

"Then it will be taken from its mom and raised in the system. Since neither one of you has any family!" I said and Juice looked panicked.

"Don't! Please!" He begged. I shook my head at him.

"Then you should have thought about that before you tried to put the blame on my wife." I said as I walked out of the room. I met up with my brother and he was pissed. "What are you going to do?" I asked as I watched him light up a smoke.

"I killed someone and started so much shit that I don't know if I will make it out alive." He said as I shook my head.

"But what about May and Gemma?" I asked and he frowned at me.

"May has left but she can't stay hidden for long." He said and I waited for him to tell me what he had planned for our mother.

"And Gemma?" I asked and he glared at me.

"That I am not sure about!" He said as he mounted his bike. I shook my head as I walked back to my truck. I knew I needed to tell Monroe all that was said and I knew she would be out for blood.

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