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"SO what was he like? This uncle Kozik?" Knox asked as I looked wide eyed as all eyes turned to me

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"SO what was he like? This uncle Kozik?" Knox asked as I looked wide eyed as all eyes turned to me.

"Umm... He was... He was..." I said and this made Mason laugh. It was always hard for me to talk about Kozik.

"Come on babe! I told them about mine." He said as he sat back and started to drink his coffee. I glared at him and he gave me a pointed look. I knew that look as we had always said we would never tell the kids about our past, About the sons or the things we have done to make it this far.

"Kozik was the best. He was the first member I had ever met and he was another father figure to me. He helped raise me. Gave me some good and some fucked up advice. But he always made me feel loved. Even when your papa did." I said as I leaned down and picked up the photo of us. "He helped keep me a secret from the club. Know just what would happen if they or their enemies ever knew about me." I said, earring a few questioning looks from my children. "Your papa never wanted the club to know about me." I said with a sigh. "If I am going to tell you about Kozik then I think I need to start at the beginning." I said and they all nodded. Mason smiled at me and gave me a nod.

"Ok so you all know I was raised by your great grandmother. Until I was eighteen. You know that I met your father when I was 20 and lived in Tacoma." I said as I looked at each of my children and they nodded their heads at me. "That was because my birth mother abandoned me when I was only five days old. Your papa was a bit of a trouble maker and had gotten into some trouble." I said with a laugh. "When I was two he joined the club. He had done some time up in Tacoma, Washington and that is where he prospected. He was going to tell the club about me but the first Mayan/ Son war was going on." I said as they all looked at me shocked. "So he didn't. He kept me hiding but he needed some to help look after me whenever he was locked up. So Kozik was chosen. He took to the roll better than you would have thought. It was only after I turned 18 did I move in with Kozik and your Papa." I said and Mason laughed.

"I Wish I would have known they lived there as well. But I got more of a talking to from Kozik about being with your mother then I did your papa." He said and I nodded my head. This confused the kids. "Kozik wasn't just a father figure to your mother. She was the closest thing to a daughter he would get." Mason said as they looked back at me confused.

"That is another story and for a different time. But Kozik was another father figure to me. That much is true." I said as I set my coffee down.

"So what happened to him?" JT asked, making me frown.

"It was before your uncle Jax was president that the former presidents made a bad call. He tried to have Amelia killed. They made it look like another group did it and it ended with Kozik being blown up." I said as they all sat there with their mouths hung open.

"I am sorry, did you say, blown up?" Knox asked and I simply nodded my head.

"Yeah! I did! You have to remember not all of our stories are good stories. We weren't the best people. But we loved our family and we would do anything to protect them." I said as Mason shook his head at the thought of Kozik getting blown up. It was still something he has nightmares about. It was silent for some time before Sophia picked up the photo of my father.

"Why is papa's photo in her?" she asked as he picked it up. It was one of him and I when I was little. A rare smile on his face. "All the photos so far are of someone important in your lives that were killed because they had something to do with the club. So why is he in there?" She said and I nodded my head.

"That is true. Every photo is of someone who died because of the club." I said as I took the photo from her. I looked at it and sighed. "Your papa raised me to be strong. To never need anyone other than myself to handle my shit. He referred to me as his little reaper." I said and Mason laughed. "It was fitting as the club was also known as Reapers." I said as Mason sat up a little. "Your papa... he was a hired killer. Hins the name Tacoma killer or Killa." I said as I frowned and turned the photo over.

"Mom? What are you saying?" Knox said but I shook my head. I didn't want to tell them this part but they needed to know.

"Killing came easy to us." I said as they looked at me shocked. "Your papa and I!" I said as they just sat there with their mouths open.

"Us?" Amara asked and I nodded my head. I let out another deep breath.

"Killing was a big part of our lives back then. We had to! It was kill or be killed." Mason said as he looked at me. This was the moment we knew would change how our children looked at us. That they would see us for the monsters we truly were.

"But why is papa's photo in here?" Sophia asked again. I sighed as I looked at her.

"When we got out. I swore I would never be the little reaper again. But that changed when the Sons started to fall." I said as I let out a breath. Mason nodded his head at me.

"We had been out and living here for about four years at the time." Mason said as I looked at each one of my children.

"That was about the same time papa stopped coming to see us. You were really sad and then you went away for a trip. I remember that because when you came back you just cried for days." Amara said and I nodded my head.

"It wasn't his choice. To leave us." I said as I turned my dark eyes on her. "Mayans killed your papa!" I said in a cold tone. "And being who I am. I couldn't let that stand." I said as I looked at my children.

"What did you do?" Knox asked and I smiled at him.

"I hunted down those who killed my father. And made them pay!" I said with little to no emotion in my voice.

"They got what was coming to them." Mason said as he pulled out his kutt and put it on. "The Sons never died. We just got better at hiding under the radar." He said as I looked at each one of my children as they took in the president's patch on their father's kutt. "Now it is time we head home and rebuild what they tried to take!" He said and I nodded my head.

Happy's Little Reaper book threeWhere stories live. Discover now