S6-E8- Los Fantasmas

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I shook my head as Monroe told me all that had happened at the hospital

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I shook my head as Monroe told me all that had happened at the hospital. And I agreed with her. Gemma was many things but a baby killer wasn't one of them. Though Monroe never let her get close enough to be able to do anything to her. But I knew Jax would believe that lying bitch he claimed to be the love of his life. But it was now a matter of proving it to Jax, who she really was and what length she would go to. As he would alway believe Amelia over the rest of us. Even when he had the evidence right in front of him.

"We could make the lawyer confess. Or that red headed bitch! She had to be in on all of it." Monroe said as she stood at the sink washing dishes from breakfast. I nodded my head as that would be the easiest way to go about it.

"Should we bail Gemma out?" I asked and Monroe nodded her head.

"I am not like your mother but she shouldn't be in there for a crime that she didn't do." Monroe said and I had to agree with her.

"If Lowan is in on this it means she isn't going to protect the club." I said and Monroe just nodded her head at me. "Are you still in contact with that big time lawyer out of stockton?" I asked and she smiled at me.

"I am and I will call him! He owes me a favor." She said as she walked over to me and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss.

"I have to head out but will be back for lunch!" I told her as she pouted down at me. I smirked as I looked for the kids. Jt was in his swing and the twins were laying on the floor coloring. "And maybe we can have a little mommy daddy time." I said as I licked my lips. She smirked down at me as I leaned into her breasts.

"Did daddy not get enough this morning?" She asked and I scoffed at her. I never get enough of her and she knows that.

"I never get enough! I am addicted to you! And I want more. OH, so much more." I said and she just laughed at me.

"What the fuck did I just walk into?" I heard Ryder yell, making both Monroe and I start laughing. "Man, let's go! We have shit to do!" He said as he walked out.

"Guess I have to go!" I said as we kissed again. I smiled as I walked out and Ryder looked uncomfortable. Which made me laugh.

When we got to the shop I wasn't surprised to see everyone there. Jax glared at me and I just scoffed at him. "You and Monroe talk? She, tell you what she saw?" He asked as we sat down at the table.

"Yeah we talked." I said as everyone looked between us. "I have to say... Shit... Whoever is in the wrong is really fucked up! Harming a baby like that." I said and this pissed him off even more.

"Gemma..." He yelled but I shook my head at him.

"I don't give a shit. You know our mother. She would never hurt a baby like that. But your whore! Well that is a whole different story!" I yelled back at him. "This is your fault! All this shit that is happening with your family has nothing to do with this club or with my family! If you hadn't sent her into that jail she would have never done the shit she did. She wouldn't have been arrested." I said as everyone looked on. "You and your need to fix everything all at one has fucked us." I yelled and Jax just sighed.

Jax was quick to change the subject after that. I knew Nero's crew wanted to meet as the newspapers were now pointing the finger at them and at us. I hated that we had to fix their bullshit. Yes we sold them the guns but it falls to the after that. Hap looked at me and I knew he felt the same way as did many of the guys. Hap pulled me to the side.

"Where is Monroe with everything?" Hap asked and I just looked at him confused. I knew Monroe hadn't told him what we had planned. She didn't trust him enough not to run to Jax.

"Where is Monroe at with what?" I asked and he just sighed.

"I know my daughter. She isn't just taking her kids being almost blown up laying down. And she sure as hell isn't sitting by and letting them think that they can get away with it." He said and I nodded my head.

"Well, here's the thing. If there was some plan on getting them back. I wouldn't tell you." I said as Hap now looked like he was going to kill me.

"And why is that?" He asked as I just looked at him.

"Monroe doesn't trust you to not run to Jax. But that is if she was planning anything. Which she isn't!" I said before walking away from him.

"They tried to kill our family! You think I would stop her?" Hap yelled and I stopped and stared at him.

"I know what they tried to do! Yet you all went right along with Jax and all his shit. Handing Connor over. That fucker tried to kill your daughter and your son. They tried to kill my wife and kids." I said as he just sighed but nodded his head. "You all overlook all the shit that he has done to this club since he became president. Stop going along with it. Stand up for this club!" I said as I walked away from him.

I walked past Bobby who was shaking his head at me. I knew what he wanted to say but I just couldn't give a shit. "I am not here to help Jax. I am here to help this club." He said as he followed me. "It should have been you at the head of that table. Jax had too much hate in his heart before he sat at the head of the table." He said and I just nodded my head at him.

"The only reason I haven't walked away from this club is because I love this club and I want to see it as my father had made it. Not all this death and hatred. That it holds now.

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