S7-E1- Black Widower

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I rolled my eyes as I listened to everyone go over plans for when my brother got out of jail

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I rolled my eyes as I listened to everyone go over plans for when my brother got out of jail. I knew he was still hurting over the death of Amelia and now with Tara circling around. Looking for Jax. We all knew we needed to keep him away from yet another no good gash. "Mas... will Monroe help out?" Chibs asked and I shook my head. She had enough on her plate right now and I didn't want to add more to it.

"None! SHe has a lot going on. Shop has picked up. And with the twins and JT. Things have already been overwhelming for her." I said and to my surprise everyone nodded their heads at me. They all knew why she didn't want to help. I also knew they were all mad at Amelia and her being dead didn't stop that. She was trying to bring us all down. Even Hap knew there was no changing her mind when it came to Jax and his family. Even Gemma stopped bugging her about helping out. But that was only after a nasty fight where I told her to back off or she would meet the same fate as Amelia. That seemed to scare her more than it would have before Amelia's murder.

I had noticed that Gemma was always looking over her shoulder. It made me wonder what she was hiding. I also had been tasked to look for Juice. I shook my head as I hated that I was now looking for my former best friend. It had been six months as there was still no sign of him. We all knew he had to be close as he never carried much cash on him. But he hasn't been seen at his place or the shop he had ownership in.

 But he hasn't been seen at his place or the shop he had ownership in

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I sighed as I walked up to the new porn studio. I hated that my husband had told them that I would do some artwork showing that this was a club business. I also had my lawyer draw up all the contracts for the girls. Chibs and Mason had him add in a clause that stated that getting involved with a married member or a member with an old lady would cause them their job and any further protection from the club.

"Hey girl!" Layla said as I walked in with Ryder and Rat.

"Sup!" I said as I pointed to where I wanted my equipment to be placed.

"Oh! But that in Church!" Layla as she pointed to a room. "Did you bring the contracts?" She asked and I nodded my head. "OK! Let's get that out of the way." She said as one of the girls passed us and glared at me. "And we will start with her!" She said and I nodded my head.

"Alright ladies! Listen up! You want to work for Redwoody and for The Sons of Anarchy. Here are the contracts that you all need to sign. The most important part in the Affair clause." She said as she looked at each girl.

"What is that?" One of the girls asked.

"If you fuck, suck or do anthing that the old lady or wife of a member conctiter sexual then you will be let go. Your royalties cut from any and all films. You will also lose any form of protection from the club." I said as I looked at the one chick that had Mason in her sights since she showed up here. She rolled her eyes at me and Layla.

"If you don't like it, don't sing it. But you will not be a part of this company if you don't sign and follow the rules that are in these contracts. Now these are the rules to work for Redwoody and the Sons. Your pay will be something we go over with the club and will be a whole other contract." Layla said and I nodded my head.

"Then why is she here?" The bitch asked and I smiled at her.

"Because I own half of this business! Well I really own 51% of this business! So I am your boss! And I don't like you!" I said pointing at her and she looked annoyed and I smiled. "So I would watch your step. Since I am not only the wife of a member but a sister and a daughter as well." I said as she now looked scared.

"You good sis?" Ryder asked and I nodded my head. He knew I hated this shit but that I would do it for the club and to help get them out of the gun business.

"Your, Happy's kid?" Another one asked and I just smiled at her. "That means you are a reaper!" She said and Ryder chuckled at her.

"She is the reaper!" Ryder said as he smiled at all the girls. I slapped him and glared. "I know your rules!" He said as he backed away from me. Layla looked at me and I smirked.

"He can only date one porn star and she happens to be retired and now works behind the camera." I said and she just laughed.

"Me?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"You are the only one I trust!" I said as we took seats at the bar and started to pull each girl over to sign their contracts. Smiled as each girl signed and went back to work on setting everything up. "I have to head out!" I said as I got my bag together and grabbed the contracts. "Need the guys to finalize the other contracts." I said and Layla handed over all the girl's info.

"There are even pictures in there for them." She said and I shook my head.

"Yeah, that might be a problem. Don't need them basing their wage on how they look!" I said. Making Layla laugh. I shook my head when I pulled up to Scoops and Jax was not only put but his ex was also here. "What is she doing here?" I asked as I walked up to Mason and my father.

"Who knows. How did things go at the porn studio?" My father asked and I shook my head.

"So far so good. They all signed. But I know two will be a problem." I said and Mason shook his head at me.

"Babe!" He said and I patted his check.

"I know you won't cheat, this is to keep those bitches in line." I said as Jax walked up to us.

"It is what we need. We need to run a business. You all want pussy, you go to Disoa. The porn girls are off limits. Monroe is right! We need to keep them in line!" He said and I was shocked.

"We need to go over their pay. So let me know when you have time so we can start filming. Layla is ready to get back to work!" I said and Jax just smiled at me.

"We also need to talk." He said and I only nodded my head at him. "We have a meeting to do first, then we will all sit down and go over the numbers." He said as we all walked into the shop. I sat at the bar going over all the girl's files.

"Hey there is a party tonight. So we need a babysitter!" Mason said once they were out of Church.

"I see if May can do it!" I said with a sigh. I really just wanted a night with my husband and kids. But it looks like we are partying with the porn girls.

Hours later I had the Porn studio all set up with the help of Layla. I kept my eye on the one girl I knew would give me the most trouble. She had tried to sit on Mason's lap but he pushed her off and showed his ring. I walked over and took the spot she was so desperate for. All he did was smirk at me and then kiss me. "Now this is the only woman I want on my lap!" He said, making the bitch huff before storming away.

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