S6-E9- John 8:32

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I laughed as Jax came to my house asking for Monroe to help with Amelia

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I laughed as Jax came to my house asking for Monroe to help with Amelia. "Sorry! But that will not be happening. Monroe doesn't care what is happening with that whore!" I told him and he just looked shocked.

"Gemma, killed my kid!" He yelled and this pissed me off.

"That bitch is playing you and you are too pussy blind to see it. Oh! Wait, you haven't gotten that pussy in a while. That is why you been fucking that blonde skank that want to do business with us!" I yelled right back at him. "Stop and see what is going on! Knowles' pussy has ruined you and will be the cause of your death!" I said as he just looked at me shocked and angry. "I say this as your brother but you are so wrong about what has happened." I said and he just shook his head at me.

"You don't know what you are talking about!" He said as he shook his head and walked away from me.

"Yeah and when you do finally see it. It will be too late!" I said, making him stop and turn to me. "At least Thomas never got to see how dad died, how you let pussy blind and kill you!" I said as I just shook my head at him. I walked back inside to see Monroe, Hap and Ryder sitting there. Hap shook his head as Ryder looked at me and nodded his head.

"Do you think she would go that far?" Hap asked and Monroe scoffed at him.

"I think she will do whatever she has to to get out of this town with those boys!" Monroe said and I just smirked at her.

"You handle that one thing?" I asked and she nodded her head.

"Yeah Meyer's will be here to talk with you and any other member that wants to clear themselves for Lowen and her firm. As for the other thing... He is currently sitting in a warehouse waiting for the word to move forward." She said and I nodded my head. Hap looked between Monroe and I, confused.

"Amelia's husband... The one she claimed to be divorcing." I said and Hap frowned at us.

"Jax said he saw the paperwork stating it was done." Hap said and I just laughed as did Monroe and Ryder.

"Yeah it wasn't!" I said as I showed him all that we had. "Amelia has been doing a lot of shady shit since she got out!" I said as I showed Hap all Monroe and her contacts we were able to find.

"You two have been busy." Hap said and I nodded my head

"Unlike my brother... I am looking out for my club and all my family. Not just a whore!" I said, making Monroe slap the back of my head followed by Hap slapping my head. "Fuck I wasn't calling you a whore!" I said as I rubbed the back of my head.

"Good, cause I would gut you!" Hap said as he glared at me. Monroe slapped his head.

"Stop it!" She said as Hap looked at her like she was crazy.

"Stop it!" She said as Hap looked at her like she was crazy

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Even though Gemme and I never saw eye to eye. I knew in my heart that she wouldn't hurt her sons like that and she wouldn't hurt a baby. I sighed as I knocked on her door. Nero answered it and smiled at me. "Come in." He said and I gave him a small smile.

"Monroe?" Gemma said and I nodded my head at her.

"I know we don't get along and that is on both of us. But I wanted to let you know that I believe you!" I said and she looked at me shocked. "I never told Mason to turn his back on you. But I know you see it that way." I said as I played with my finger.

"Come sit!" She said as she moved back to the table. "When you showed up here. I thought Mason had found the right one. She was a member's daughter. You knew the life that we lived." She said and I went to open my mouth. "Wait please." She said as she took my hands in hers. "I had known Amelia since she was 15 years old. She was one of Jax's best friends. I never saw who she played him or how she used not only him but all of us. She started taking all kinds of trash about you. And you are more like your father. Quiet and keep to yourself." She said and I nodded my head at her.

"But I should have known better when she came to me and told me that you and Mason were planning to leave. Leaving the club leaving Charming. Leaving me." She said and I shook my head at her. "But I should have known better when Kozik told me that you would always be close to Hap. hap was here and you were in Oakland. You know what family means." She said as she leaned down and kissed my hands.

"I am so sorry Monroe!" Gemma said and I started to cry. She pulled me into a hug. "Fresh start?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"Kind of why I bailed you out and came here today!" I said and Gemma looked shocked at me.

"It was you?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"I was there. I heard what you and Amelia had said." I told her as I pulled out a stack of papers. "But you need to know what that bitch is really up to. Cause it isn't just about Jax and the club." I said as Gemma looked at the papers.

"OH! Shit!" She said as she read through the first page.

"Like you my family is my life and I will seek and destroy anyone who threatens them." I said as we sat with Nero and went over page after page.

"So what do we do now?" Gemma asked and I smirked at her.

"The queen and the princess take control and get a lot of pay back!" I said and she smiled at me.

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