S6-E1- Straw

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It had been weeks since mine and Monroe's fight

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It had been weeks since mine and Monroe's fight. We slowly got back to normal. As things had slowly calmed down with the club. But Jax was on edge since Amelia was taken in for the death of that nurse at the prison. I mean it sucked but she was stupid enough to bring him in shit. I mean really she was there to talk to him and that was it.

I was watching Monroe as it was coming closer to her due date. "Baby... Sit down!" I said as she was trying to get something off the top shelf in the kitchen. I reached up and grabbed what she had been trying to get. "You are about to pop. I don't need our son born in our kitchen!" I told her as she just stared at me. I smiled at her as she rolled her eyes. "I know you hate it when I am right!" I said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, Whatever!" She said as she grabbed the eggs and started breakfast.

"So, Ma wants to come and see the twins today." I said and I heard Monroe swear. "I know you don't want her to but I have work to deal with and some club shit to take care of." I told her and she just glared at me.

"And..." She said and I sighed. I hated that she wasn't giving my mother a chance to fix shit. She was doing better now that she had Nero.

"Could you let her come for an hour?" I asked as she just glared at the food.

"Whatever!" She said and I sighed. But that was cut off when Hap and my mother showed up.

"Roe?" Hap called out as he walked into the house.

"You know you should knock when you aren't welcome!" Monroe said and this made Hap stop and look at Monore confused.

"What do you mean?" Hap asked and she just glared at him. He sighed at her. "Look I know..." He said but something was thrown at him.

"You and that bitch have no right being here!" Monroe yelled, shocking all of us.

"Monroe!" I yelled but she was pissed. I knew she was. She turned her glare on me. "I get it baby! But now is not the time!" I said as I pulled her to me.

"Whatever! Get them out!" She said as she walked out of the kitchen.

"What was that?" Gemma asked and I just glared at her.

"Well Maybe if you didn't request that Hap be with you all the damn time you would fucking know that he hasn't seen his daughter or his real grandkids in over a month." I yelled at my mother. Hap sighed and went after Monroe. My mother looked at me hurt.

"Well if she would let me..." She started but I stopped her.

"After everything you did... Monroe has every right to keep you away from our kids." I said as I Heard Monroe yell at Hap. "You should leave!" I said as I went to calm my wife down.

"Look I am sorry!" I heard Hap say as he held up his hands. "You're right I have been a shity father and grandfather!" He said as he took a step closer to my wife.

"Just leave!" Monroe said and the hurt that was in both of their eyes hurt me.

"Momma..." Knox said as he ran to her. "You're bleeding!" He said, making me and Hap look her over.

"Shit!" I said as Hap grabbed Knox and I grabbed her. I picked her up and ran to her car. "Hap get the kids in!" I yelled as I knew Monroe would leave them with him or anyone right now! He did but you could see the worry on his face. I paced the hospital as they got Monroe set up in a room. I glared at my mother as she came running in the hospital.

"Hap, Jax needs you. Layla was hurt!" She said and started to pull Hap away.

"Sorry Gemma!" Hap said as he pulled away from her. He walked over to the desk to see if there was any information on Monroe.

"Leave!" I said and pointed at the doors. She looked at me shocked. "Get out!" I yelled, making her back away from me. It was about ten minutes later when I got a call from Jax. "What?" I growled into the phone.

"How's Monroe?" He asked and I scoffed at him.

"Don't know... They won't let me see her!" I told him. I heard him sigh.

"Look I am sorry about Ma and her coming to get Hap. I didn't know!" He said and I sat there and glared at the floor.

"Well I hope you and Gemma are happy! You have ruined whatever was left of Hap and Monroe's relationship." I told him. I was sure he was running his hands through his hair trying to figure out how to fix yet another fuck up. I heard Hap growl as he walked away from me. But I didn't care. He knew she was pissed about him bailing on her and our kids. Hell we even got into it a few times.

"I am sorry! I will fix this." He said and I laughed.

"How? How are you going to fix this? Can't claim it is club business. Just you and our bitch of a mother wanting to control everything. If anything happens to my wife or our son! I will kill you!" I said before I hung up the phone. I sat there for another 20 minutes with the twins waiting to hear anything about my wife and son.

"Mr. Teller?" I heard the doctor say, Making me jump up.

"What is going on?' I asked as I stood up and walked over to him.

"Everything is fine now. But we are inducing her. The stress she is in isn't good for her or the baby." He said and I nodded my head. "Is there anyone that would be able to watch the twins?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I can!" Ryder said as he walked up to us. I was shocked as he wasn't supposed to be back for a few more hours. "Come on monsters!" He said and the twins ran to him. Hap stood there looking hurt.

"Alright! I will take you back to your wife." The doctor said but I stopped Ryder.

"Gemma isn't allowed near my children." I hissed and he nodded his head at me. I followed the doctor back to Monroe's room. I shook my head as she was lying on her side groaning in pain. "Shit baby!" I said, getting her attention. She groaned and then glared when Hap walked in.

"Can I have a moment with my daughter?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"I'll be right outside!" I said and walked out of the room but left the door cracked open. I wanted to make sure he didn't upset her anymore.

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