S6-E7- Sweet and Vaded

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I shook my head as we walked back through the clubhouse

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I shook my head as we walked back through the clubhouse. To see if there was anything that we could salvage. I had called Jacob Hale to see if we could rent a place from him until we knew if we could rebuild or not. I laughed as he showed me the old ice cream shop. I mean I wasn't going to argue as he was doing us a favor. I smiled as we all started to unload everything. "Heard you and your brother aren't seeing eye to eye anymore?" Bobby asked and I nodded my head.

"I don't think we ever saw eye to eye." I said as I looked around and noticed a few people watching us. It was maybe an hour later when Jacob showed up. I smiled when Jax slid him three months worth of rent.

"How long are you going to need it?" Jacob asked, making Jax shrug his shoulders. "Mason, I need to sign here." He said handing me the paperwork. Jax looked at him confused. "Look, I know that the president is supposed to be the one in charge. But the town sees you as a danger. Where Mason is a family man. So Mason is the one that I need on this lease. It looks better for me and for you!" He said and I did my best to not smirk at my brother.

It was another few hours of us cleaning and getting shit set up before we held church here. "It's all ready!" Rat said and We all nodded our heads at him. I took my spot between Chibs and Juice. I hated that I had been placed next to him. Now knowing what I do. I smiled as We all agreed with the new members joining Samcro. I knew Quinn would be a good fit as he had helped us out a lot when Zobelle was still around. The other two I didn't know all that well so we would see about them.

I hated that we were dealing with Marks. He was even worse than his boss, Damon Pope. I still didn't think we should let Connor go but It wasn't my call. But I stayed quiet as Hap loaded him into the van. "You have been quiet!" Hap said as he got ready to leave.

"Yeah! That DA bitch showed up at the house the other day." I said and Hap just grunted at me. "Nothing to worry about. Monroe handled it!" I said before turning to my bike. Jax looked at me clearly hearing what I had said and I could tell he wasn't happy about it. But it wasn't because that bitch was trying to get my wife to turn on us. No he was pissed because of all the shit Monroe could give on Amelia.

When we arrived back at the shop, Tig was all too happy. I shook my head when I noticed Venus sitting in there with Gemma. I rolled my eyes at my brother as Gemma walked out saying Venus needed help and we owed it to Nero. I scoffed at this. Gemma looked at me and sighed.

"We don't owe him shit. It was his crew member that left his gun laying around with a kid. That kid was the reason shit went down and we are being looked at. If it wasn't for him and his crew then we wouldn't have this bitch looking into us." I said with a growl.

"And what about that Marshall?" She asked and I pointed to Jax.

"That is his fault!" I said and Jax just stood there looking down at the ground. "So I don't see how we owe him anything! Just cause you are fucking him doesn't mean we need to help him!" I said and this made her scoff at me.

"Jax!" Gemma said, making him nod his head. I chuckled of course.

"Mommy's little bitch!" I said as I walked inside. I heard Gemma sigh as Jax and her followed. I listened to Venus but I knew there was more to her story and she wasn't telling us the whole thing.

"Ok! Let's see what we can do for you!" Jax said and I shook my head at him. "Mas, Stay behind and finish up here. Tig Chibs and Bobby with me." He said and I nodded my head at him.

 I watched as Amelia ran past me and into her office

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 I watched as Amelia ran past me and into her office. But what really shocked me was Gemma following right behind her. I heard yelling and then more people showed up including Jax's Ex wife Windy. I stood there watching as they all started to say that Gemma had killed Amelia's baby. But I saw the look in Gemma's eyes when they took her away. I knew she wouldn't do anything like that because she loved all her grandkids. Even though she wasn't a part of mine and Mason's kids' lives. I knew she loved them. But what really made me believe that this was all a setup for whatever game she was playing at was when Tara walked out with a smile. I mean it could have been because Amelia had just lost Jax's child but something deep down told me that she was a big part of what was going on.

All I knew for sure was that she just got Jax out from under Gemma. I shook my head as the cops showed up really quick. They asked if I had seen or heard anything when Jax showed up and saw me. I let the cops know the truth. The red headed bitch glared at me as she tried to listen in and when I told them that Gemma may do some stupid shit but that she wasn't a baby killer she scoffed at me. I glared at her and she quickly backed off. Jax walked up to me after he got Amelia checked into the hospital.

"What did you see?" He asked and I just scoffed at him.

"Don't come at me like I owe you anything." I stated, as I loaded my kids into the car.

"I need to know what you saw!" He said again. I looked at him and sighed.

"If I told you all that went down. All that I believed happened. You wouldn't believe me. But to give you something. I think Amelia is lying!" I said as I stared at him. He of course glared at me. "And before you start, in on how I hate Amelia. Remember that I also hate Gemma!" I said as I got into my car.

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