S6-E11- Aon Rud Pearsanta🔞

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I had gone to my brother's place to help him with a few things when I noticed our father's bike

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I had gone to my brother's place to help him with a few things when I noticed our father's bike. I looked at him and he sighed. He knew what that bike meant to me. "You were right. All this shit that has happened is my fault. I need to start fixing one thing at a time. Both with my life and with the club. But I know one thing I can fix while I work on the other's" He said and I nodded my head. "Have you thought about getting out?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"When Monroe got pregnant with the twins. I thought about it. But that meant that she would have to leave behind her father. And then we found out about Ryder and I knew not seeing her father and brother would hurt her more than anything. And I couldn't do that to her. Hap was all she had until I came into her life. Well Hap and Kozik. She already lost one father and I couldn't make her choose between me and her father. But I did think about it. I wanted out but I talked with Monroe. She was the one to remind me that this was my family! And that I couldn't turn my back on my family." I told him and he nodded his head at me.

"When I was inside. All I thought about was getting out and taking my family and leaving. I told Amelia that we were getting out. That I was going to make a better life for us and our boys. But that shit that happened was out of my power. But I never thought she would do this. The hurt I feel is brutal. I really thought she was different from Tara." He said and I just nodded my head. I had no idea what pain he was going through. But I was glad that Monroe would never do something like that to me.

"Look! I know me and you haven't been on the best of terms and that is on both of us. But I will always have your back. But you, don't get my father in-law back soon. I am going to send my very pissed off wife to bang on your door!" I said and he chuckled. But I was being serious about sending Monroe his way if we didn't get Hap back soon.

"I bet Hap is pissing them off!" Jax said and I nodded my head. Hap maybe a quiet guy but we all know he would make them annoyed that they now had to babysit him.

When I got home Monroe was mapping out all the places that the Linn Family owned. I shook my head as she was already planning away to get her father back. "You, making a plan to hit all those places looking for the old man?" I asked as she just shrugged at me. It was clear she was. And I knew she had a lot of people that owed her favors and she would call them in if she need to.

"You never know when you may need something like this! She said and I smiled at her.

"Well! I know what I need!" I said as I took her hand in mine. "And I need to map out a few things for myself." I said before I leaned down and through her over my shoulder.

"So classy!" I heard her say, making me slap her ass.

I moaned as I watched Mason kiss, suck and lick every inch of my body

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I moaned as I watched Mason kiss, suck and lick every inch of my body. I tilted my head back as I needed this. "Humm. So sweet!" He said before pushing my legs wider. I smoked as he stood up. I licked my lips as I took in his body. His muscles, his tattoos every inch of his body. But what I loved to look at the most was his eyes and that damn smile that made me weak in my knees.

"Fuck you are hot!" I said and he just chuckled at me.

"So are you baby!" He said as he pulled me further off the bed. My ass hung off as he slammed into me. He fucked me hard and fast yet there was more to it then just a fuck. I don't think it was ever that with us. Not even our first time together.

I shook as he brought me to my orgasm. "OH!" I moaned as he growled and continued to thrust into me.

"Fuck baby!" Mason growled as he lost himself inside of me. He smirked and I huffed at him. 'I want a big family!" He said as he pushed further inside of me. I slapped his chest as Jt, was only a few weeks old and I wasn't ready to have another baby. Not yet at least.

I laughed as he picked me up and carried me into the shower. He was really quiet and I wondered what was going on in that head of his. "I know we talked about it. And at the time we thought it wasn't good." He said as he washed my body. I looked up at him and he had a serious look on his face. "But I think we need to take a look at me getting out!" He said and I was shocked. The club was his life.

"What is this about?" I asked and he just sighed at me.

"It is about us being together. Me being able to watch our babies grow up with a father." He said and I was shocked as I wasn't sure why he was bringing this up again. "Things are only going to get more crazy and I don't want to leave you and our kids." He said as he pulled me closer to him.

"Mas?" I asked but he shh me.

"Just think about it for a few days. Then we can talk about it." He said and I agreed but I wanted to know why.

"I will but what brought this on?" I asked and he just shook his head.

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