Red Rose

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It was late and I hated that Mason was being pulled back into the club

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It was late and I hated that Mason was being pulled back into the club. I waited up for him and when he walked into the door he looked at me shocked. "I know!" Was the only thing that came out of his mouth. But what did he know?

"Know what?" I asked as I stood up from the couch. He looked around the almost packed house and sighed. We were moving in three days and he chose now to get wrapped back into club shit.

"That you are mad at me! That i fucked up by just leaving and not calling you!" He said and I shook my head.

"I am not mad!" I said as I stared at him. That was a lie. I was pissed. "Confused? Now that's what I am." I said as he walked over to me. I held out my hand stopping him. "When you told me that you were getting out. I thought that meant there would be no more late nights out with me wondering if you would ever walk through that door again. I thought that my husband would be just that, my husband. " I said and I could see the guilt on his face.

"I had to leave." He said as he sat down on the couch. It was clear he was upset about something and I wanted to know what it was. What had he done to stay away from his wife and children for 24 hours.

"You have been gone for over 24 hours! What could have been so important that you stayed away for 24 fucking hours!" I said with a raised voice. He shook his head at me.

"I didn't cheat if that is what you are thinking. Jax..." He said but stopped as he let out a breath. "Jax killed Gemma... And Uncer last night." He said and I was shocked. "He called me and I knew I needed to stop or help him. I wasn't sure which one I would do until I got there." He said as he took my hands in his. "I did neither. I just stood there and watched as he killed our mother." He said and I noticed the tears that had started to fall. "She claimed she did it for him. That May had come to her and told her that Amelia had handed over information and was going to destroy the club and all of our lives. That she would never see our kids or Jax's kids again. From what Gemma said she lost it on Ameila. It was only after she realized that May had used her." He said and I wasn't surprised by this. I had found out what kind of snake she really was.

"Mas..." I said as I sat down with him. He really started to cry after that. So I pulled him into my arms. I wanted to make all his pain go away but I didn't know how.

"She did some fucked up shit but she was our mother. How could I just stand there and watch?" He asked and I truly didn't know what to tell him. "I am sorry I worried you but I need to get my head right, before I came home to you and the kids. I didn't want this to happen." He said as he wrapped me in his arms and pulled me into his lap. I let him get it all out before I talked again. I had so many questions but I knew better than to ask them right now. Maybe one day I would or maybe not.

"What happens now?" I asked and he shook his head at me. I wasn't sure I wanted to know the answer. I was scared of what it would mean for me and the kids.

"We finish packing and get the hell out of town. I am done with this life. I want a life where I can come home to my wife and kids. Not be worried that I could be locked up or gunned down. It is time we live for our family!" He said and I smiled at him. It was a small smile but still a smile. I was still worried that more shit would head our way and we wouldn't be moving like we were planning.

"You haven't told me where we are even moving?" I said and he just smiled at me. I should have known that even that question wasn't going to be answered.

"Don't worry about that!" He said as he leaned down and kissed my belly. I only had a small bump but he still loved to kiss it. He was like that with all of our babies. "All you need to know is I have everything planned. You get to be a stay at home mommy until after this one is born. And even longer if you want." He said and I just laughed at him. "I mean it baby! I got us covered." He said and I just nodded my head at him. I knew he hated me working. No that isn't right he hated that I was a killer. He never wanted me to have to fall back on that.

"I like the sound of that!" I said, making him smile at me. "Barefoot and Pregnant!" I said and this made him smile a true smile my way.

"I don't know about the pregnant part after this one. But 'Susie' homemaker! Now that sounds nice!" He said and I laughed at him. "Come on, let's head to bed. Or the monsters will be up before we know it!" He said and I nodded my head. I had to agree with him there. After he left I didn't sleep much and then I had to run around after the kids and pack.

"I feel like I could sleep for a year!" I said and it was his turn to laugh at me.

"Well, we have years before we can do that again!" He said and I groaned. "But let's hope this one sleeps like her older siblings." He said and I stopped him.

"Her?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"It's a feeling I have!" He said and I smiled at him.

"Two and two?" I asked and he nodded his head again.

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