S7-E3- Playing with Monsters

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 I shook my head as I listened to my father tell Mason about how Jax was trying to vote him out

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 I shook my head as I listened to my father tell Mason about how Jax was trying to vote him out. "He is claiming it is to protect Monroe and the kids." My father said and I just scoffed.

"Yeah right!" I said as Mason just stared at the ground.

"He wants me out because I want no part of killing whoever killed Amiela." Mason said after a few moments of silence. "I know Gemma told you all that it was the chinese. But I think she lied." He said, making my father and I look at him confused. "I think Gemma had something to do with Ameila's death." He said and I shook my head.

"Do you really think your mother would do something like that?" My father asked and Mason nodded his head.

"If she thought for one moment that Ameila made a deal. There isn't anything Gemma wouldn't do to stop her from testifying. Then there is the fact that no one has seen Juice anywhere." He said and I shook my head.

"Gemma came to me a few days after. Asking for money. Said she needed help with paying for the funeral cost." I said and Mason shook his head as did my father.

"That was covered by the club." My father said with a frown. "There was no need to collect any other money from anyone." He said and I shook my head. "How much did you give her?" My father asked and I sighed.

"A few hundred. Maybe five. It was all I had on me. She seemed to be annoyed but took it." I said as both of their burners started to ring. I had to sit and listen to their sides of the conversions and it seemed like shit was only going to get worse. It made me wonder if Mason had been thinking about getting out. I am growing tired of all the drama and just want a life where we can be a normal couple with a normal family. But I would never ask him to leave. I knew better than that. And I wasn't like Ameila. I would never make my old man choose between me and the club.

"Maybe Jax is right!" Mason said as he looked at me then my father. "Shit is getting too close to home. I need to start thinking more about my family!" He said and I shook my head.

"I won't ask you to leave the club." I said and he shook his head.

"You aren't." He said as my father looked between us both.

"You, really thinking about leaving?" My father asked and Mason sighed. It was clear he was.

"I am thinking about my family. If what I think is true then I want my family as far away from Gemma as I can get them." He said as his phone started to ring again. "Uncer?" He said as he got up and walked out of the room. He was only gone for a moment before he came back in, stating he had a lead on Juice. My father and I watched him leave.

"Do you want him to leave?" My father finally asked and I shook my head.

"Not because of me and the kids. I want him to do it because he wants to have a normal life. Away from the drama and death." I said as I walked away to check on the kids.

"You know the only way I am getting out?" He asked as he followed behind me.

"Yeah! I know!" I said as I shook my head the thought of anyone coming for my father broke me inside. But I also knew that whoever pulled the trigger would be facing a reaper one way or another. I just hoped that it would be me that found them before the club did.

I shook my head as I noticed Chibs pulling into the diner that Uncer told me to meet him at

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I shook my head as I noticed Chibs pulling into the diner that Uncer told me to meet him at. "What are you doing here?" I asked and he just frowned at me.

"Uncer, called said he had seen Juice." He said and I shook my head. "Come on, let's get this over with." He said as we walked in. We saw Uncer sitting by himself and went and took the seats across from him.

But what happened next shocked me. Juice should up and there was nothing we could do. We were in an unknown diner with people who didn't know us. "Thank you both for coming. I know I am the last person you all want to talk to but you both need to know that I am sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen." He said and I growled at him.

"You lied to us. You betrayed us." I hissed at him as he just looked from me to Chibs.

"You may see it as that but there is more than you know going on." He said and I frowned at him.

"You went looking for Gemma the night that Ameila was killed!" I stated, he nodded his head. "Did you find her?" I asked and he nodded his head. And I knew. I know all that I was thinking was true. Gemma killed Ameila and Juice helped cover it up.

"I am sorry. I want a way back in and I will do whatever it is that needs to be done." He said and I had to stop listening. I couldn't if he was willing to rat on us then there was no stopping him from rating on my wife for a better deal.

"We trusted you!" I said and he looked so hurt. "I trusted you with my wife and kids." I said as my anger started to boil over.

"It doesn't matter Mas. He had dug his own grave. Now it is just who puts him in it." Chibs said and I nodded my head. At this point we had made it clear that we were going to be listening to him or helping him out in any way. 

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