S5-E8- Ablation

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I shook my head as Mason and I walked down the hallway to Able's room

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I shook my head as Mason and I walked down the hallway to Able's room. I was so thankful that my brother was able to watch the twins. Thankful that Able and Thomas were ok. But I was unhappy to see that Amelia was in the room with Jax. I looked for the nanny but she was nowhere to be found. I shook my head as I looked over able. "OH! Baby!" I said as I leaned down and kissed his head.

"She wants to try and make things work. And I think I owe her that much. Especially with all she knows." I heard Jax say and I rolled my eyes as I looked at Amelia. She approached me and sighed.

"I know what I have done is fucked up. But I had divorced him before Jax and I got married. I know it was fucked up that I never told him but so you know Thomas is Jax's and I am going to fight for my family." She said and I just glared at her. "I am so sorry Monroe. I never thought she would take it that far. I just asked some questions. Wanting to know how she would react. I never once thought that she would believe you would try to leave." She said and I shook my head at her. "And as for the nurse... I didn't send her. I knew her and Mason dated in high school and that she wasn't over him. I knew Mason would look at it like I did. But I didn't! I swear." She said and I nodded my head at her.

"Do we know what happened?" Mason asked, getting mine and Amelia's attention. I looked at Mason and he didn't buy the whole story that he was being told. Hell, I didn't buy it. Why would anyone go after his children? I mean what did they gain by it? Besides the whole club, going after them.

"Are you two going to be able to play nice while we go and meet with, Pope?" Jax asked as I glared at him. He smirked at me.

"Yes, We can play nice." Amelia said as she walked over to Able. I looked at Mason annoyed.

"I am going to go and talk with my father!" I said before walking out of the room. I found him in the waiting room. I huffed as I noticed Knox and Amara sitting in his lap. "Where is he?" I asked, making my father look up at me.

"He went to get them some juice!" He said and I rolled my eyes at him. "He looked at me for a moment before placing the twins in the chair next to him. "Juice! Keep an eye on them!" He said and I shook my head as my father pulled me away from the club. "What is up with you?" He asked and I rolled my eyes again. "Look none of us like this shit. But that bitch has shit on all of us. We could all get locked up if she decides to turn rat." He said and I huffed. "Including you baby!" He said and I finally looked at him confused and concerned.

"God, I hate this shit!" I said and I ran my hands through my hair. My father chuckled at me.

"Hey, you wanted to be his old lady!" He said and I glared at him. "But I am glad I get to see you all the time. Makes it easier to make sure you are safe." He said and I nodded my head at him. "But we will take care of this. Mason and I won't let anything happen to you and the little monsters!" He said and I nodded my head again.

It was hours later and I had Amara and Knox in the room with Able and Thomas. Letting them play. I shook my head as I watched the kids play. I smiled as Mason leaned down and kissed my head. He then picked up the twin. "Able, go to your daddy!" He said and I looked at him confused. "We found some shit out." He said and I stood and watched Jax take Thomas from Gemma. I couldn't believe what she had done. I followed after her.

"You have truly lost your damn mind!" I yelled at her. But I had never seen her look so broken. "What the fuck were you thinking?" I asked as we stopped at the elevator.

"I already lost one set of babies, I was scared I would lose them too." She said as the Gemma I first met was back.

"You lost the right because you overstepped. You might be Jax and Mason's mother but that doesn't mean you are the mother to all." I said and she just glared at me.

"You think he won't get tired of you? That he hasn't done the run rule? Then you might want to think again. He has been with others and soon he will see that being tied down to you wasn't worth it. But in the end I will be the one taking care of these babies." She said and I just smirked as Mason stood behind her fuming.

"I have never cheated on my wife and you will never raise our kids." He growled and this made Gemma go pale. I patted her cheek.

"Good luck Mother Gemma!" I said as I walked over to Mason and kissed him. I took Knox and Amara with me. As it was getting close to their nap time.

It was almost 10pm and Mason had just gotten home. "I need to tell you something!" He said and his tone let me know that I was not going to like what I was about to hear. "We need proof that Clay was behind the attacks and the one thing Gemma wants in return is to be a part of the kids lifes." He said and I shook my head.

"She almost killed Abel and Thomas! And you are willing to put our kids at risk?" I asked and he shook his head at me.

"It will never last. We both know that!" He said and I just shook my head. "She will never be alone with our kids! I, give you my work." He said and it went against everything in me but I agreed.

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