S7-E6- Smoke 'Em if You Got 'Em

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I was pissed that I was put in the porn house

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I was pissed that I was put in the porn house. I hated that my kids were here. Anytime someone tried to talk to me or my kids I would glare at them. Layla tried to talk to me but I was too pissed to even pretend to be nice. "Look I get it. I hate this too. But being a bitch isn't going to make this go any faster." She said, making me laugh.

"Yeah and being cooped up with sluty MCwhorebag is really helping!" I said back as she was all over Mason as soon as he walked in. Layla shook her head as she too had noticed what she was up to.

"Stupid whore!" Layla said as Mason made his way over to me.

"Let's talk!" He said and I rolled my eyes at him, making him glare at me. We walked into the chapel they had at the porn studio. I scoffed as Jax was in there with my father and my brother.

"Seems there is a miscommunication going on!" Jax said and I just glared at my brother.

"Roe!" My father said as I debated on how I wanted to kill my little brother.

"You know I never wished death on anyone I loved before." I said as I looked at my brother. "But you! I have planned many different ways to kill you. One being my favorite and my go to." I said as my father looked at me wide eyed.

"Monroe!" He yelled as I took a step closer to my brother. Mason pulled me back.

"Look I get you are pissed at me. I disrespected you and your home. But I am your brother." Ryder said and I scoffed at him. He looked at me confused before hurt settled in his eyes.

"What happened?" Jax asked as Ryder and I glared at each other.

"I did what you asked! Got close to Juice's old lady. Fed her all that we knew." Ryder said and I growled at him. My father walked over to me and pushed me back.

"Put your hands on me one more time and I will rip it off!" I growled as I glared at my father. He looked at me shocked before he stepped back.

"What else happened?" My father asked as he stared at me.

"To get close to her I used the time she was babysitting the twins and JT." Ryder said and my father shook his head. "I made sure the kids never saw anything but I guess one of them said something." He said and Mason shook his head.

"So I threatened the bitch. And this little pussy claimed he was in love with her. So either you were lying to me or you are lying to them and yourself." I hissed at Ryder.

"I put him up to going after her. We needed to keep her close and I knew she would let shit slip if she thought she was protected." Jax said as he gripped the back of a chair. I glared at my brother.

"Doesn't excuse what he did!" I said as I pointed at Ryder.

"No, it doesn't. But you now at least know why he did it the way he did." Mason said and I shook my head.

"So you are ok with him using our home like a whore house?" I asked and He sighed. "Let me guess you also use our home like a whore house?" I asked and he looked at me pissed.

"This better be the pregnancy hormones! Because I have never cheated on you!" He growled at me. My father and brother looked at me shocked as Jax just smirked at me.

"NO! This is pure rage right now. Do you think I haven't noticed how you haven't pushed that slut away from you?" I yelled as I pushed him.

"I haven't given her the time of day. You and all your crazy is what I am into." He yelled back at me. "Fuck Monroe! What the fuck is going on with you?" He asked as he leaned against the wall. He sighed as he looked at me.

"Look I am sorry for my part in all of this. I know it was stupid for me to use your home. But you are acting crazy!" Ryder said and my father slapped the back of his head.

"Don't talk to her like that!" He growled at Ryder. "Monroe! Sit down! The rest of you leave!" He said as he took his seat at the table. Jax nodded his head before pulling Ryder out of the chapel. Mason looked between us and frowned before he too walked out. I stood in my spot.

"Sit down!" My father commanded. I took the seat next to him. "When were you going to let me know you were pregnant again?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "OK!" He said as he leaned back into his chair. "I know what Ryder did wasn't right. Using your house. But..." He said and I slammed my hand down on the table and stood up..

"If you spit that club first bullshit I will gut you right here and right now." I yelled, making my father glare at me.

"Sit down!" He growled at me. "You getting all worked up isn't good for the baby!" He said as he waited for me to sit down again. "I wasn't going to say anything about the club, come first. But your brother isn't used to this whole family thing me and you have. He was clearly trying to impress the club. That is all on him. But to accuse your old man of going after a whore. That is where you are wrong. Mason loves you and knows good and well, if I ever caught wind of him cheating on you I would gladly kill him." He said and I scoffed at him. "I mean it, Monroe. Not sure what is going on in that head of yours but you need to get it cleared before you little one is here." He said as he stood up and opened the door to find Mason standing there.

Mason walked in and sat where my father was sitting. "I have never stepped outside of our relationship. I would never do that to you or to our children." He said as he took my hands in his. "I love you Monroe!" He said as he pulled me up and into his lap.

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