S6-E6- Salvage

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I shook my head as I walked through what was once our clubhouse

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I shook my head as I walked through what was once our clubhouse. My brother found me standing where our father's bike was once placed. "This is all because of you!" I said and he sighed at me. "You could never take not being the favorite." I said and he shook his head. "Just stop Jax. You hate that the IRA don't want to deal with you." I said and he just scoffed.

"I am trying to get us out!" He said and I just laughed at him.

"You sure have a funny way of going about it!" I said as I picked up the photo of our father, Jax Thomas and I. "This is what you destroyed." I said as I handed him the photo. "You destroyed everything our father built. You and Gemma both!" I said as I walked away from him.

"We have a call to do! Everyone meet at Gemma's!" Jax said as he came out of the hallway. If you didn't know him you would have never seen it but he was about to cry. I watched as he held onto the photo of us and our father. When we arrived at Gemma's place I shook my head. I hated the fact that she married Clay and moved him into my father's house. I hated Jax for being ok with it. I hated him for making me be ok with it. I listened but didn't really care about what they were saying. I hated them and wanted to kill all of them. Once the call was over I turned to my phone and texted Monroe.

Mason~ Move forward!

Monroe~ Already started!

Mason~ Good! They come after ours, we go after thire's!

Jax looked at me and raised his eyebrow. "Hope you and your wife aren't up to anything! We don't need any more trouble!" He said and I just smirked at him.

"Unlike you and Amelia. Monroe and I have started no drama. We leave that to you and your whore!" I said with a smile as he glared at me. "I mean look at everything that has happened. Amelia and you are the start of it!" I said as I pointed at him. Chibs and Tig nodded their heads as did Hap and Ryder. "You might be trying to fix it but you are going about it all wrong. You have caused more blood than Clay ever did!" I said as our mother came walking in clearly hearing what I had said. "And there is the person that showed that stupid bitch what to do!" I said as I pointed to Gemma. She looked at me and sighed.

"You might want to watch it Mason!" Jax said and I just laughed at him.

"Or What? What are you going to do?" I asked and Jax just clinched his jaw. "You have been hiding shit from all of us since Abel was born. You were ready to leave! That was until you found out that Clay was the reason our father was dead. Now you are worse than him. And you still allow her to whisper into your ear all of his bullshit!" I said as I pointed from Jax to Gemma. "You want to do better than stop listening to her and listen to the members of this club. She isn't an old lady any more! She isn't shit to this club." I yelled, making my mother cry and Jax to shake his head.

"We need to get ready for the run." He said as he got up and walked out. Followed by the rest of our brothers. Ryder patted my back as he walked out. I moved to walk out but Gemma stepped in my way.

"What can I do to make you understand that what I do I do for my family!" She said and I scoffed at her.

"You have no family! You have Jax! That is all you have!" I said as she just shook her head at me. "You lost the right to call me your family the moment you helped Clay kill my father!" I whispered in her ear. She looked at me shocked. "And the only reason I haven't killed you is because of Jax! But soon he will see you for what you really are and he will be the one to put the bullet in your head!" I said as I walked out. I hear her start to cry making me well aware that she knew what I was saying to be true. 

I shook my head as I opened the door to see the DA Paterson standing there

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I shook my head as I opened the door to see the DA Paterson standing there. "Mrs.Teller or is it still Lowman?" She asked and I smirked.

"Teller! What can I do for you Mrs.Paterson?" I asked as I leaned on against the door frame. She looked at me shocked that I knew who she was.

"I am here to offer you a deal." She said, making me laugh.

"And what charges am I facing?" I asked as her man behind her looked annoyed. "Cause I have never had cuffed on me. Will not like that anyways." I said with a smirk. I could tell she was getting pissed.

"A deal that keeps you and your children together. Maybe even keep your husband out of jail." She said and I laughed even more.

"And in return I give up my husband, my father, my brother and my uncles." I said as she looked at me shocked. "The answer is no! And if you had anything on the club you wouldn't need me." I said as she huffed and looked at me very much annoyed.

"Mrs. Teller! This will not end well for you!" She said and I just smiled at her.

"I don't think that is true. Seeing as you have nothing on me or my family!" I said as she now glared at me.

"What about Amelia Knowles?" She said and I smiled at her.

"She isn't family! So you do what you need to do!" I said before I closed the door. I messaged Mason even though he was on his way to this big meeting with many chapters of the club. 

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