S-5 - E-1- Sovereign

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I was pacing back and forth as I waited for my husband, father and brother

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I was pacing back and forth as I waited for my husband, father and brother. The twins were down for a night even if it was in my car. I had a visitor come to the house looking for Mason. She was one of the nurses from the hospital and she was claiming that Mason and her were hooking up and now she was pregnant. Gemma and Amelia have been keeping an eye on me. Amelia more as she knew she was thin ice with me. I am now five months pregnant and I have kept my distance from the two of them. The only time she sees the twins is when I show up here and even then we don't allow her to take the twins out of our sight.

I wasn't sure if I should believe her but some of the dates and times added up with him not being at home with me. When they finally pulled up I noticed that the truck wasn't with them. I saw the Van and knew that something happened. I rubbed my belly as Mason walked over to me and kissed me. "Everyone is fine." He said as I nodded my head. I looked at the nomads and glared. I didn't know why but I didn't like them. My dad said they were good guys but something about them rubbed me the wrong way. Ryder said the same thing. He got patched in early when he killed a few enemies that were after Jax and Chibs.

"You good baby girl?" My dad asked as he walked up to me. I nodded my head at him. I looked past my father and saw my brother on the phone. "His mother!" Dad said as I scoffed. He knew better than to refer to her as our mother. "I guess she heard about him patching into the club. And from the voicemail I listened to, she is not happy about him being just like me." He said and I scoffed again.

"Like she can talk. She abandons me and then hides your son from you." I said as my father smirked at me.

"She also said that I would turn him against her just like I did you!" He said as he wrapped his arm around me. Mason shook his head at us. Ryder walked up and I knew that he was pissed.

"Why does she have to be such a bitch?" Ryder asked, making my father laugh.

"She is still mad, daddy doesn't want her?" I asked in a baby voice as I patted his check. He slapped my hand away from his face.

"Yes... She keeps trying to push me to talk to the both of you." He said as I smirked at him. He sighed as he shook his head at me. "It is really annoying now. At first I got it. You know... But now... She is like a bitch in heat." He said and I started to laugh. Dad looked shocked as Mason was trying to hide his smile.

"Everyone head home... Get some sleep and we will meet back here at 10am for church." Jax yelled out. I rolled my eyes when he walked up to us. "Mas... Can I have a word?" He asked as I looked at him. Mason nodded his head and they walked into the clubhouse. I shook my head as I walked over to the car.

"Where are the twins?" My father asked as he followed me. He laughed when he saw them in the car. I shrugged my shoulders. "You ok?" He asked as I shook my head.

"Let Mason know I went home!" I said as I opened my car door. My father stopped me. He looked at me and he must have seen something in my eyes. I turned and stormed into the clubhouse.

	I followed my brother into the clubhouse

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I followed my brother into the clubhouse. He looked at me nervous and I was confused as to why he would be so nervous. I mean I knew we weren't on the best of terms with each other. But this is the first time he has ever acted like this with me at least. "I don't know how to tell you this as I know it will send you into the deep end and I know there will be no way you will trust her again." He said as I stood there looking confused.

"What the fuck are you getting at?" I asked as I was starting to get pissed.

"I overheard a plan to get you and Monroe to break up." He said and now I was passed pissed and was now in murder mode.

"Who?" I growled out. As I wanted to know who was behind this. Who I needed to kill. He shook his head and I was ready to kill him. "Who? Cause if I have to ask again then me and you will have problems. Even more than we do now. Monroe is my wife, my old lady and mother to my children." I said as it hit me who he was trying to protect. "Amelia!" I said as he looked at me shocked. "That fucking gash!' I said as Hap came storming into the clubhouse.

"Are you fucking around on my daughter?" He growled at me. I was shocked but then hit my brother.

"You stupid mother fucker. I see your nasty bitch again and I will kill her!" I said before I stormed past Hap. He grabbed my arm. I sighed as I looked at him. "I haven't fucked around on Monroe. I would die before I even thought of hurting her and our kids." I said, making Hap look over at Jax. "His nasty bitch is trying to set me up so she can break us up." I said as he nodded his head. I didn't even realize that the rest of the guys had walked in and heard us.

"Is that true Jax?" Chibs asked as I looked back at my brother. He nodded his head at them.

"I will handle Amelia." He said as I shook my head at him.

"No! You had your chance to take care of this. Now it is my turn. You bitch has overstepped more than once. And I am done with it. She isn't the queen, she is just your old lady." I said as he looked at me hurt.

"She is also the mother of my sons." He said as I smirked at him.

"Of one of your sons. She is just playing mommy to Abel." I said knowing that that would hurt him. "And let me remind you that she was going to kill your kid." I said and he looked at me pissed. I walked out needing to find my wife. I sped all the way home to see the light in the living room were still on. I sighed as I walked up to the front door. I opened it and saw Monroe sitting on the couch. I walked over to her and sat down.

"Amelia is setting me up. I put it on my own life that I have not touched anyone other than you since we got back together." I said as she nodded her head. "Monroe... Please say something to me." I said as she looked so hurt. She sat back and rubbed her belly. I smiled at our unborn son. I got down on my knees in front of her. I leaned down and kissed her belly. "You, your brother, your sister and your mommy mean everything to me. If I had met her before I got into the club... there would be no doubt in my mind that I would have married her that night and run away with her." I said as I felt Monroe's hands in my hair.

"I promise you baby... I have not been unfaithful to you." I said as I put my forehead on her belly.

"I believe you!" She said as she ran her hands through my hair. I sighed in relief. I knew I needed to handle this just right as I didn't want Monroe to lose our baby. I groaned as my phone started to ring. I pulled it out of my pocket. I growled when I saw that it was Amelia calling me.

"What?" I asked when I answered the call.

"Mas... I am so sorry... I know that I should have but... Please don't tell Monroe about this." She said, making me laugh.

"You are too late for that, she already knows." I say as I hear a shaky breath being released from her end.

"Jax is pissed at me and I know I have no one else to blame but myself... But please... Think about the boys." She said and I laughed.

"Did you stop and think about my kids? Or the fact that Monroe is pregnant. No you didn't. If I see your face anywhere near the clubhouse I will kill you!"I said before the phone went dead.

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