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I smiled as I had found what I had been looking for

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I smiled as I had found what I had been looking for. "Found it!" I yelled, getting my siblings' attention. They all came running. As I sat in front of the giant reaper chest.

"What is even in this thing?" JT asked as he kneeled next to me.

"Mom and Dad's past." Amara said as he looked at the lock. "Knox!" She whined, making him step up.

"I got this!" He said as he started to pick the lock. "Little room here!" He said as he waved me away. I rolled my eyes but moved.

"Then why the reaper?" JT asked and I wondered the same thing. I think we all did.

"It is a part of their past. Something to do with some club dad belonged to." Knox said as he smiled over at us with the lock in his hand.

"Now, let's see what our parents are hiding from us." Amara said with a smirk.

"Not so fast!" We all froze at our mother's voice.

"Living room now!" Our father said pissed. It was scary. He never sounded mad with us. Hell I don't think we have ever heard either of our parents this upset.

"Knox and JT carry that down!" Our mother said but it was clear she wasn't happy about it. I looked at my brothers and they both looked nervous.

"I think we are about to learn the ugly truth about our parents." Knox said as he picked up one side and JT grabbed the other. When we made it to the living room our father was pacing as our mother sat on one of the couches.

"Put it over here!" Our mother said before she gestured for me and Amara to take a seat. We could hear our father muttering behind our mother. "We knew this day would come." Was all she said before patting the seat next to her. He took it with a huff. "You all know how your father and I met. But you all don't know the story behind it." Our mother said as she smiled over at our father.

"I was a member of a club." Our father started. But you could see in his eyes that he didn't want us to know this story. "That club was started by your grandfather. My father. JT!" He said and this made JT sit up a little more. "Your uncle Ryder, uncle Jax as well as you Papa Hap, also were members of that club." He said as he looked at our mother.

"They were outlaws!" Our mother said and we were all shocked. The club is no more with many members being killed and the rest going to jail." She said as she pulled out a photo album. "When Knox, Amara and JT were babies a lot of bad things happened around us." She said as she started to lay out photos. "What you are about to hear will change how you look at not only us but your family as well." She said and I frowned at her. Why would it make us see them differently? They had been the best parents. I looked down at the photos and only recognized one person. It was our papa Hap. "Do you want me to go first?" Our mother asked and our father shook his head.

"You grandfather JT. Was a good man. Messed up but a good man. He started the club as a brotherhood. But some people are just not good and made it into something it was never supposed to be." He said as he held up a photo of our grandfather. His father. "Your grandma Gemma, murder your uncle Jax's girlfriend. She was made to believe lies and took it out on her." Our father said as he pointed to a picture of an older woman and I was shocked. I had never heard that name before. We were always told that all our grandparents had passed either long before we were born or when we were really little and they didn't want to talk about it. "You had an uncle Thomas, he passed away from a heart defect. He was young and he never had to live through the chaos of what became of the club." He said and we all went to open our mouths.

"You can ask questions but let your father finish." Our mother said and we quickly closed our mouths.

"Your uncle Jax was never a bad guy. Not really a good guy. But he made a lot of mistakes and it cost him his life." He said before looking at our mother.

"Your Papa Hap. You all remember him?" Our mother said and we all nodded our heads. "He was known in the club as the Tacoma killer or just Killa. Family was everything to him. I was everything to him. And when you all came along you were everything to him. Your uncle Ryder, my younger brother, had a harder time as he had not grown up with me and your Papa. Which I will tell you more about. This right here is your uncle Kozik. Hands down the best person around." She said and my father smiled at her.

"That he was!" He said as he picked up the photo. Looked at it for a moment. "The Ko in your name was for him. Kozik was his last name, his first was Herman. And he bagged us not to name you after him. He passed when your mother was pregnant with you two. He was a very important person to your mother." He said pointing to the twins. Knox took the photo and looked at it.

"Why have you never told us about this?" Amara asked as he looked at our parents confused.

"Because a few years after we left. There was a target on any member." Our father said with a glare.

"What club was this?" JT asked as he picked up the photo of our Grandfather JT. Both of our parents sighed.

"The Sons of Anarchy!" Our father said and we sat there shocked. We had all heard about them and the Mayans. Both clubs were bad news. Wars started up and down California were in our history books.

"Holy shit!" Knox said as he leaned back on the couch. "So you were a part of them like you had the kutt and everything?" He asked and this made our mother laugh.

"I was a legacy. Because of your grandfather. You and JT are as well. I walked away with the intent to one day come back and take over. As it was my birthright." Our father said with a smile. "But when things went down we had to hide. Your mother and I were big targets. Killing one of us... It would have destroyed the club. Mostly because of who we are connected to." He said and I sighed. Dad looked at me and smiled. "I know this is a lot. And we will explain everything to you." He said as my other siblings were waiting to hear their stories. I just want to go back to before we found that stupid chest.

"Baby?" Mom said as she patted the seat next to her. I moved next to her and she wrapped me in her arms. "I know you don't like this but it would've come out sooner or later." she said as Amara joined us. "My sweet girl!" Mom said before kissing our heads. "How I wish I could grow up not knowing the truth." She said but it wasn't to us. "I should go first!" She said but our father growled at her. "Mason!" Mom said as I looked up at him.

"No! I will go first.' He said as he moved over to the couch the boys were sitting on. "Mine and your mother's lives growing up were nothing like the four of you had. We had to do things that we aren't proud of. Things that still hunt us to this day." He said as he looked over at me.

Happy's Little Reaper book threeWhere stories live. Discover now