S7-E7- Greensleeves

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I don't know why it has taken me so long to see just how unhappy my wife is

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I don't know why it has taken me so long to see just how unhappy my wife is. I felt bad as I had to put her feelings aside yet again cause we had bigger problems to deal with. I glared at my brother and Monroe's as I walked out of the porn studio. "Look Mas... I am sorry. I know I crossed a line and I have no one to blame but myself for my sister being pissed at me." He said before hit him.

"It wasn't just her trust you broke." I said as he laid flat on his back. "Stay away from my family!" I yelled before I got onto my bike. I watched as Hap shook his head at his son.

"I am so disappointed in you!" He said as he too got on to his bike.

"We will fix all our family shit later. We need to head out now." Jax said as he shook his head at me. I was pissed at him and the rest of the club for the shit they had now put me in.

"We never told him to do any of that. We just need him to get close to her. And know what would happen if we tried to get you to do it." Tig said and I glared at him.

"Yeah, well if my wife leaves me I will kill all of you over it." I said, making him nod his head at me. It was only a few minutes later that I was standing in front of the reason my wife was so pissed. I watched as Juice looked from me and the guys to his whore.

"What will happen to May and my kid?" He asked and I scoffed as my brother just smirked.

"She is free to leave! Be the whore we all knew she was." Jax said as he stared Juice down. "But it would be smart of her to run far away from her. Cause if Monroe gets ahold of her she might just meet her end." He said and that made me smile. May shifted next to Juice and I laughed.

"Does he know what a whore you really are?" I asked and she broke out crying.

"I had to. I need to know what you all planned to do to my old man." She said and I shook my head.

"What are you talking about?" Juice asked and I smiled even more.

"Your old lady, fuck Ryder in my home while you were running for your life." I said and Juice's face fell. May however was covering her stomach like she was trying to protect her baby. But we all knew Juice would never hurt his kid. So it made me wonder if it was his or not?

"What is it you want from me?" Juice asked as he stared at anyone other than May. You could see the hurt he was trying to hide. But in front of us he wasn't going to show it.

"You do as we say and we will make sure you old lady and kid don't get hurt." Jax said and Juice just nodded. "May, you are free to leave. But if I were you I would pack your shit and leave Charming. Or better yet I would leave the west coast as Monroe is pissed and you are her main target. We may not hurt you but Monroe is another story." Jax said and May nodded her head. She quickly ran to her car. I smirked as Juice looked hurt that she didn't even kiss him or say goodbye.

"Damn that was cold. Even when my old lady is pissed at me she still gives me a kiss." I say and Hap nods his head.

"Makes you wonder if the kid is really his?" Tig says and I nod my head.

"It's mine." Juice says in a cold tone. "I knew about what was going on." He said but we all knew the truth. He didn't and he was pissed that his old lady had whored herself out to a brother.

"Sure! You did!" Ryder says with a cocky attitude. "That's why she was begging to fuck her. To give her my crow. That your child will only know me as a father! Like I would ever not wrap my shit with your whore of an old lady." He said and this caused us to all laugh at the look on Juice's face 

" He said and this caused us to all laugh at the look on Juice's face 

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I was so annoyed when Mason left. The stupid slut kept trying to overrule me when I told my children no. "Already listen here you nasty cum dumpster!" I said as she turned to me with wide eyes. "My kids, my rules. You are nothing to them but the bitch that is trying to fuck their father, Their uncles and their grandfather. Just another whore that doesn't know her place." I said as she looked shocked. The other girls are shaking their heads at her.

"I would be a better mother to them." She says and I just smirk.

"And now you can leave!" I said as I pointed to the door. "Since you no longer work for red woody." I say and she gasps at me. "I warned you! And you kept crossing the line. So Rat, get this whore off my property!" I say and Rat comes running over to us. She shakes her head as he grabs her arm.

"You can't! It's not safe out there for me. Jax promised me that I would be safe." She says as she looks at me hopeful.

"Then I guess you shouldn't have pissed me off.!" I said as I walked away from her and Ratboy.

"Let's go!" Rat says as Wendy looks at me shocked.

"Damn! I thought Gemma only had that power." She says and I just smirk at her.

"I put the money up for this shit. I have all the power here and Gemma can't say shit as this is my business! Club is only a partner in it." I tell her and she just nods her head at me.

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