Dean shook me. "Eliza!"
I opened my eyes but then I shut them quickly because of the light. "What?" I mumbled. I tried to sit up right because something was digging into my back, but a sharp pain in my neck made me wince.
"Hey just...Okay." Dean put a hand under my face and gently helped me straighten up my head.
His eyes were darting all over my face, a hint of fear and confusion in them. He was leaning over me, his face inches away from mine. We were both on a cold hard floor and there was something sticky on my chest.
"What happened?" I breathed, immediately feeling my head start to pound. Sharp splinters of agony were pecking at my skull.
"Hey, hey. Just...take it easy alright?"
He was being really careful and it scared me. I tried to move, the thing digging at my back was getting unbearable. Dean's hands were instantly there to support me.
I let him pull me to my feet with a groan, but to my surprise, bits and pieces of food rolled off of me. Tomato slices, bread, cereal crumbs, sugar, coffee beans, just to name a few. I quickly tried to dust it all off, embarrassed at myself, but then I looked around.
We were in the kitchen, but it looked like a tornado had passed through it. At my feet was spilled milk, on the counter was spilled juice, flour, cracked raw eggs, spilled rice, and all sorts of half bitten fruits and vegetables scattered the entire kitchen. There was broken cups and plates everywhere, the cupboards were open as wide as the freezer and refrigerator doors were. Empty cartons of ice cream, crackers, oat meal, and cheese were ripped and thrown all over. I felt my neck, and there was jam all over my chin and chest, and my fingers were stained with peanut butter.
"Did...did I do this?" I looked up at Dean, horror all over my face. He was looking back at me quietly like he was studying me.
"Yeah," he answered, crossing his arms.
I looked around again, dazed at what I was seeing. "I don't...remember." I shook my head and pushed back my bangs. "I-I'm so sorry, I don't remember anything—" I started panicking, my breathing came out quicker and quicker.
He released his arms. "It's okay," he told me calmly, holding out a hand to steady me again. I was swaying on my feet; my head was spinning too quickly.
"What happened?" I asked again.
"It was about four in the morning when I heard you leave your room, and then an hour later I heard you break all this stuff, and when I came in here, you were just..."
I looked away. I clenched my teeth and tried blinking, but it was no use. I couldn't hold in my tears.
"It's fine, look, there's no need for you to feel bad, we'll just clean it all up." He touched my shoulders. I shook my head, and swallowed loudly.
"I just...I don't know why this happened. I don't know what's happening to me. I wish I could explain it to you but I-I can't, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"Hey," he told me gently. "It's okay. You don't have to apologize. We'll just clean this up alright?"
I let out a shuddered breath, still unable to wrap my head around all this.
He shrugged, "So you hulked out in the kitchen, big deal. We'll figure it out later, but right now we have to clean this up before Kevin and Sam wake up. Unless you want to answer their questions?"
I wiped my face with my sleeve. "No, no."
"Good." Then he silently turned around and picked up a garbage bag and started piling things in.

Heaven's Child ≫ SPN
FanfictionHeaven's Knights are gone. Heaven's security is breached. ‣‣‣ The Angels are left wandering, clueless and graceless. ‣‣‣ Down on Earth, Sam Winchester failed to complete the trials and is dying as a result of attempting them in the first p...