When we stepped out under the night sky, I felt him almost immediately.
"He's here." Maya said gravely, falling into a crouch, Max and the rest mimicking her.
"Who?" Sam or Dean asked.
"Do you know where?" I asked her, eyes darting from tree to tree in the dark woods in front of me, feeling a quiver in my knees like I almost expected him to jump at me right there and then.
"No. Do you?"
"No," I swore under my breath.
"I say we take the impala and get you out of here," Dean decided. "The people are safe. If he's been here all along, there's no reason he'd attack now."
"I'll follow you out. Make sure no one is tailing you." Max gave Dean a reassuring look. Dean nodded once.
"What are you going to do about the pack?" Sam asked. Max's eyes flicked to Maya who faltered a little.
She didn't make eye contact with anyone when she said, "I guess it's time to let Ash, Doug and Harry feed."
"Are you going to kill them, too?" Dean asked.
"No." She growled. "They didn't do anything wrong."
"How are you going to feed them after?"
"I'll figure it out. It's none of your business."
"The hell it isn't—" Dean began hotly, but I cut him off.
"We can't leave. The motel rooms, it has all our stuff in it."
"So, the NY freakin PD is after me. They'll hit our motel rooms first and find all our belongings and all our fingerprints and trust me, it wont take them long to find us. We wouldn't be able to step out of the bunker for years. We have to go clean up."
"The school." Sam remembered.
"The morgue...and the burger place."
"We have to find all the security tapes and destroy them. Not a single picture of us should be left here."
"I'll take the school."
"I'll hit the morgue and the motel," Dean nodded. "Then we'll meet at the burger place."
"I can't wait around—"
"You're going to have to." Dean cut me off harshly.
I crossed my arms. "I need to go to the motel anyway. I...hid Sullivan. In the tiles in the bathroom. Under a binding spell. You'll never find him. It has to be me."
"You've got to be kidding me." Dean rolled his eyes.
"We'll talk about this later. We'll all meet at the burger place, okay? Like you said."
"I'll go with her," Max offered.
"No," Maya cut in. "I'll go with her. He'll be after her, not them. I'm stronger than you. You take the kids and kill whatever vampire or wolf you find. I'll follow them out of town too."
"Maya—" Max started uncomfortably.
"No. And make sure you're far away when they feed. You won't be able to fight them off if they mistake you for food. Max."
"What." He rolled his eyes.
"I'm serious. At least a few hundred feet. And don't make them mad. And treat them nicely." She turned to me. "You ready?"
I looked at Sam and Dean.
"Be as thorough as you can, and as fast as you can't. You hear me, time is everything. We all meet at the burger place in half an hour, no matter what. We are going to be two towns away forty minutes from now, on the dot." His eyes were wide, honest. They weren't angry. They were scared.
I nodded. "Alright. But just—"
"No." Sam interrupted. "No goodbyes. We will make it out tonight. All of us."
"I was going to say Dean's fly's open."
"Ha ha," Dean rolled his eyes.
"She's not joking," Maya told him seriously.
Dean looked down and quickly zipped himself and cleared his throat. "Let's move," he ordered angrily.
"Take this," Sam put his phone in my hand. "Call as soon as you even feel like something's up." He gave me a serious glance before turning to leave after Dean. I watched them both disappear in opposite directions with a sinking feeling before I heard Maya start her motorcycle.
The second time on Maya's motorcycle felt different. This time, I appreciated its speed. In fact, I felt like it was moving too slow. Every few seconds my hair would tickle my neck or a tree twig would snap and I would turn to the sound immediately, feeling my heart leap into my mouth every time. I kept feeling like Alec was right behind us, or after us, or hiding in trees that sped around us.
We got there in fifteen minutes, which left us with ten minutes to wipe any evidence of us and five minutes to get to the burger place. Fifteen more minutes. I told myself. And twenty five until we're out of here for good.
When Maya slowed to a stop, neither of us did anything to get off. It was as if we were both trying to measure the air, trying to figure out if we were going to die within the next ten minutes.
"We should probably get moving," she reminded me quietly.
"Yeah." When I stepped off and she parked the motorcycle, "Thanks, by the way. For everything."
"Don't thank me until you're safe." I pointed her to Sam and Dean's room and watched her break the door knob like it was soft butter.
As I rushed down the eroded porch to my room, I tried to shove everything I was worried about to the back of my mind. Sam and Dean, Alec, Cas, Thomas and Phillip, Max and Maya, the NYPD, Tammy and Rachel and Ian, I shoved it all back and tried to feel nothing but numbness.
But then all of that mental preparation dissolved into nothing when I opened the door and found Alec standing in my room.
bad news: yes, this is the end of the chapter, yes I was heartless enough to leave you here
good news : I am officially done with school and an update should be sooooon
thank you guys so much for voting and commenting and just clicking here and reading it honestly means so much to me and I'm so happy I get to share this silly story with you guys.
you rock my world. always keep fighting. you're not alone.

Heaven's Child ≫ SPN
FanfictionHeaven's Knights are gone. Heaven's security is breached. ‣‣‣ The Angels are left wandering, clueless and graceless. ‣‣‣ Down on Earth, Sam Winchester failed to complete the trials and is dying as a result of attempting them in the first p...