But two weeks wasn't enough for me to forget Death's words.
I constantly contemplated leaving. I knew how to disappear so that Sam and Dean and even Cas wouldn't be able to find me. But for some reason I never got past putting my belongings in my bag. I knew they were in danger...but I couldn't imagine living on my own again. I decided after a few days of packing and unpacking that I would stay. But I also swore that their lives came first and that if the time came, I was going do everything to save them.
I was in the dungeon, looking through a box of unorganized index cards when Cas interrupted me.
"Hey," I breathed over my shoulder, calming my heartbeat. I still wasn't used to him appearing out of nothing.
"Interesting dungeon, isn't it?"
"That's a word for it," I muttered.
"It could capture any demon, angel, or creature from purgatory...but it can't hold you."
"It did, though." I turned to look at him but he chose not to meet my eyes.
"Can people see the future?" I wondered out loud.
He surveyed me for a second before he answered. "There's a handful that are gifted with the Sight, but there isn't many left. The last one I've seen was Chuck, the previous prophet before Kevin. The rest that are not prophets don't make themselves obvious and they don't mingle with many. They're usually tortured and even killed for information. That's why they're a handful away from extinction."
"That's horrible."
"It is."
"Can Death predict the future?"
He thought about it a little. "No. But he has knowledge of how me might collect a soul."
"Is it set in stone?"
"That would raise an interesting philosophical question. I don't really know."
'Sam will get burned alive until he turns blacker than a charcoal, courtesy to Hell's Child. Dean will be devoured alive by a herd of one hundred vampires. And the prophet will get mauled by a hell hound.'
I clenched my fists when I felt a faint tremor in them. "It doesn't matter. I'll do whatever it takes."
"I'm sure you will."
"And I'm going to save them," I looked at him angrily.
Cas's face hardened before he spoke. "I don't doubt it."
I looked away with a scoff.
"Eliza...when I said that Gabriel made a mistake, I didn't mean that he made a mistake by choosing you."
"I believe in you. You should know that. We all do. Gabriel made a mistake by leaving you here. He was trying to protect you but clearly...he made all the wrong decisions."
I paused. "You think he shouldn't have warded me from Death?" He didn't respond. I shook my head and gave him my back.
"You have to understand that either way Hell's Child is after you. If Gabriel had let Death find you, you would've started preparing earlier, you would've been more equipped to see to your responsibilities," he spoke urgently.
"See to my responsibilities!" I shouted. "Cas, I was going to be a monster! A-And what, I don't get a say in any of this?! My parents, at least? He was just going to take their newborn child?"
"They were going to be rewarded."
"Oh screw that. Gabriel could take his reward and shove it up his ass." There was a moment of silence that was only filled with my angry breathing. "Ready or not, I'm done waiting. The first chance I get I'm going for the kill shot. Before Alec finds me. So you could choose to help me or..."

Heaven's Child ≫ SPN
FanfictionHeaven's Knights are gone. Heaven's security is breached. ‣‣‣ The Angels are left wandering, clueless and graceless. ‣‣‣ Down on Earth, Sam Winchester failed to complete the trials and is dying as a result of attempting them in the first p...