The only thing I heard was my heart, thrumming loudly in my chest, pulsing in my ears. My hair was clamped to my face, damp with sweat. My breathing was coming out in small unsatisfying gasps, leaving me with an ache in my chest. I strained my neck to see the room around me, try to figure out where the hell I was, but I realized with an cold wave of shock that I was bound by my hands and feet.
"NO!" I screamed. "HELP!" I struggled to free my hands, but the chains weren't budging. How the hell were the chains not budging?
"SOMEBODY!" I screamed, but suddenly, a bright light shown on my face, making me quickly shut my eyes. I heard the squeaky plastic wheels of the steel table make its way to me, tools clanging on top, vibrating from the movement.
"Doc, could you do it?"
Doctor Sal wiped his sweaty forehead again. "Do you have the money?"
"Right here."
He nodded tensely. "I need to go down to the office to get the anesthesia. I already made arrangements with the nurse."
"There's no need to get someone else involved. How much do you have?"
"Not enough!" He was disgusted with what Frank was suggesting.
"Now is it enough?" Derek pulled out another roll of money and put it in in doctor Sal's palm.
"It's not a matter of money; this is a serious operation. She has to be unconscious, what is wrong with you people?"
Jason sighed and pulled out two more rolls. "You're testing my patience, doc."
Without another word, Doctor Sal pocketed the money and unzipped his bag. When he caught me staring, he almost looked sympathetic. "The less you move the quicker I'll be able to finish." He began prepping my arm for the IV.
I began screaming, struggling viciously against the chains on my hands and feet. Tears were streaming down my face and my wrists were beginning to ache from how hard I was pulling.
"Someone hold her arm," Doctor Sal ordered calmly, taking out a long needle and tube.
Jason was the first to grab me.
"Uncle Jason, please. Please don't do this, let me go! Please! No!" I shut my eyes and shook as I sobbed helplessly. But someone started shaking me roughly.
"Liz? Liz. Liz! Hey!" It took a moment for his worried voice to somehow pull me out of unconsciousness. When my lids flew open, a feeling of relief bloomed in my chest when I found Sam hovered over me, medical gauze in his hand, Kevin looming anxiously in the background.
Dean came rushing in. "What the hell's going on?"
"I-I don't know I was just about to wrap her palm and she just started screaming."
My wide eyes dragged from Sam to Dean, who looked like he was dreading something.
"You're okay, Liz. We're at the bunker. It's just us, no one else is here," Sam told me soothingly.
I listened to his words and focused on his calming voice to slow my erratic heartbeat. I released the air I didn't realize I was holding in and closed my eyes in an attempt to calm myself. But when I tried to free my hands, I realized with a jolt that they were tied. My head snapped to my hands; they were chained to the headboard. My features quickly twisted into a horrified expression when I pulled at them, hard, but somehow the chains wouldn't break.
I turned to Sam with wide eyes. "Why won't it come off?" I looked away to struggle against them again, but it was useless.
"Why isn't it coming off! Let me go!" I couldn't look at any of them, all I could bring myself to focus on was that I was bound. Every other thought was a gibberish blur. "Let me go!" I pulled and pulled and pulled, but somehow my iron strength was failing against the feeble metal chains.

Heaven's Child ≫ SPN
FanfictionHeaven's Knights are gone. Heaven's security is breached. ‣‣‣ The Angels are left wandering, clueless and graceless. ‣‣‣ Down on Earth, Sam Winchester failed to complete the trials and is dying as a result of attempting them in the first p...