Crowley sighed heavily when four large men appeared behind his own and placed hex bags over their heads.
"Dimwits," he muttered under his breath.
His men struggled but not for long; they were powerless under the hex bag. One by one they fell with a groan, black faceless lumps on the floor, while the demon-soldiers stood proud in their place, bottomless eyes straight ahead.
Crowley didn't bother to straighten himself up while he waited for what was coming. He wondered, half minded, if this was Alec or Abaddon's doing. He didn't have to wonder for long.
Alec walked into the room and took his time, strolling through the two rows of dead bodies and demon-men until he was a few feet away from where Crowley was sitting. "Father." He was wearing a peaceful smile.
Crowley took a sip from the glass in his hands before he looked Alec up and down. "I take it the men outside didn't give you much trouble either."
"Were those men? I didn't notice."
Crowley straightened up then, finally a flicker of annoyance came to his face. "What do you want."
"It's good to see you well again."
"I was never un-well," Crowley scoffed. "I am the King. Your black eyed bimbos barely tickled me." He looked away thoughtfully. "Although that dark haired one...I wouldn't mind him taking me out for another round." He grinned at Alec.
"We're opening the Chambers." Alec announced simply, choosing to ignore Crowley's comment.
The horror that rained down on him as the words rolled off of Alec's tongue didn't reach Crowley's face. He was a conman after all. With a controlled, low voice he said, "You can't open it you need angel blood. And I take it heaven won't like it too much if you asked to slaughter one of their brothers. They take the whole family thing to heart. I should know, I have the oldest one throwing a tantrum in his Cage about something that happened millions of years ago in the basement." He muttered the last part distastefully.
Crowley liked Lucifer, but he feared him too much. But mostly, he couldn't understand him. Why not swallow a bit of pride and become the second most powerful in the universe again? Crowley'd swallowed much more than his pride to become King, he couldn't understand why Lucifer wouldn't do it.
"How do you think we knew how to open the Chambers? The Scribe. He had plenty of guards."
Crowley squinted his eyes. "Purgatory."
"Already have my eye on a pack."
Crowley looked away and nodded, tracing his lip with the tip of his tongue. "And the humans won't be a problem."
Alec gave a calm smile. "I don't think so."
" also need the blood of newly demonized souls." Crowley stepped towards the the bottle of scotch and began to pour himself a second cup. "You might as well help yourself out, mate, because we both know I'm not going to help you give that ginger whore unlimited power."
"The ginger whore you speak of currently has very limited power yet proved to be one step ahead of you in every battle so far."
"...Your point?"
"I doubt ginger whore is a suitable nickname for a Queen. Especially...coming from you."
Crowley's eyes narrowed. He took a slow sip from his drink without taking his eyes off his Son.
"I've raised you for twenty years and she made you her errand boy for a few months—"
"I am no one's errand boy." Alec glared at Crowley and Crowley glared back. He was the one who looked away first.
"Son, I know I've hurt you in the past—"
"You have an inflated sense of your importance."
"—but allow me to remind you not to forget who you are and what you're meant to do." He paused, studying the scowl on Alec's face. "Heaven's Child certainly didn't."
"Heaven's—" Alec cut himself off and shook his head with a laugh. "You know nothing about Heaven's Child."
"Oh I do. I know plenty. I've even met her."
"Several times."
"About a month ago." Alec looked away with a scowl and thrust his hands in his pocket. "She's curious about you, you know."
"Is she?" Alec snarled, his nostrils flared and his eyes a bright orange.
"Easy there," Crowley laughed. "I haven't told her much about you. You can sleep safely tonight, she has no idea where you are. Or who you are for that matter."
"I'll kill her."
"Not if she kills you first." Alec just glared back.
Crowley paused for a second, studying Alec from head to toe, cup of Scotch right at his lips. "I think you've got plenty to worry about, Alec. You don't have to add Abaddon to the list. You're a moron if you think you're working with her. She works with no one. Once that Chamber opens she'll kill you first."
And just like that; Alec's complexion cleared when a second ago he looked like he was prepared to torch the entire planet. "Well," he straightened up. "We'll just have to wait and see how that plays out."
He held out his hand for Crowley to shake. "This could be the last time we speak. For old times' sake." Crowley stared at it. His eyes dragged to soldiers that came with Alec, eyeballing each for a moment.
"You don't have my consent in any way. At all—am I making myself clear? I am simply shaking your hand. My answer is no." Nothing from Alec's end except a small twitch in his smile.
Crowley hesitantly put his hand in Alec's, doing his best to read anything in his bright eyes but was able to decipher nothing. Alec was debating in his head.
Should he give in to his curiosity and reveal the face of his greatest nightmare? Or should he follow through with the plan and get the information he needed?
Crowley knew what Alec chose before he did. Right as the flesh of their palms made contact, images of exactly six fresh-out-of-the-pit demons, their names, and locations flashed in Crowley's mind. It was just a second before Crowley cringed away, but a second was all Alec needed to commit the names and locations to memory.
"I didn't give you my consent!" Crowley exclaimed, confusion and hurt on his face but there was something about his eyes.
"I didn't need it." Alec responded quietly before he spun on his heel and hurried out.
There was a proud glint in Crowley's eyes and Alec noticed it. But what made Alec hurry out, what made him insanely furious, was how it made his chest swell even now.
every time I write about Alec I realize just how messed up he is
but also every time I write about Eliza I realize just how messed up /she/ is
does anybody else see why I ship them?
(ps. currently, I'm watching a show about cocaine and I just feel like I need to say that I don't recommend it. stay away from cocaine guys.)
always keep fighting xx

Heaven's Child ≫ SPN
FanfictionHeaven's Knights are gone. Heaven's security is breached. ‣‣‣ The Angels are left wandering, clueless and graceless. ‣‣‣ Down on Earth, Sam Winchester failed to complete the trials and is dying as a result of attempting them in the first p...