"Thank you." I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to get Kevin, he's probably waiting for me."
Sam and Dean nodded, and almost immediately Cas was gone.
Dean rolled his eyes. "Oh, cheer up. You looked like we killed your puppy." I shrugged.
"I think I'll take a room with a window." I said, mostly talking to Sam.
"The windows have metal bars on them, you know. You won't be able to escape if you wanted to."
"I could try."
His smile only widened. "The room across from Dean's has two windows." I groaned internally. Someone upstairs was having a real chuckle at this.
"Thanks," I told him.
"I'm leaving." Dean said. "Do you need anything?" he asked me, taking me off guard.
"Yeah, actually," I said, remembering the things I needed.
"I ain't buying anything from the toiletries aisle so you could forget it sister."
I rolled my eyes and gave him a quick humorless smile and wrote a list of things I needed to replace.
"Shampoo, tooth brush, tooth paste, and a hairbrush. Is that why your hair looks like that?" He nodded at my head, a sly smile on his face. I made an ugly face at him.
"No, thats not why. My hair looks fine."
"So you're not part Medusa or anything?"
"I could smite you from a mile away if that's what you're asking." Well, not a mile away, but still.
"Right. Freak." He pocketed the list before looking at me funny. "Hey, can you cook?"
I rolled my eyes. "Just because I'm a girl doesn't necessarily-"
"Can you?"
I nodded and a shy smile that I couldn't help formed on my face. "I actually love cooking." I said with a shrug. "I almost never buy outside food. I used to cook for my dad all the time and ever since I started working at restaurants I got really, really good at it."
Dean turned to wolfishly grin at Sam.
"Sammy? We're having steak tonight, Liz-I'm going to call you Liz-is cooking."
"But if I'm going to cook I need to see the kitchen first." I tried my hardest to keep my excitement off my face, but Dean was having a hard time containing himself too.
"Well then come right this way," he said, sounding extra cheery.
"Huh. Guess the way to a man's heart really is through his stomach."
"You kidding me? I could sing right now. Last time I had steak was...I really can't tell you."
We got to the kitchen, and to my disappointment it was not as grand as the library. It was, however, a lot better than the motel kitchens. I opened the cupboards to find nothing. No spices, no herbs, no canned foods-just salt.
"Shocker," I muttered. "Nothing but salt at a hunter's house."
I wrote down the list of things I was going to need to make the kitchen operational. But when I handed Dean the list, his eyes grew big.
"That's a lot."
"Well, it's not like you're going to pay for it or anything." Most hunters, including my dad, got by through credit card fraud. Sam and Dean were no exception.
"Hey," he warned.
I ignored him. "Okay so listen, go to the back and ask for fresh meat, there's always fresh meat. And tell them to make sure they cut it up the same size so they'ed all finish cooking at the same time. And also make sure they give you pieces with fat on them or else they'd be really dry. And you're going to get seven pieces. Two for each of you and the prophet, I just ate. Wait..."
"Cas doesn't eat, right?"
"So you guys just exclude him?"
"I don't know, it's kind of rude," I mumbled.
Dean shot Sam a look before he started laughing.
I ignored him and took out a twenty from my pocket. "That's for my stuff," I muttered.
"No, keep that with you."
"Okay," I shook my head in disbelief. "You really can't fight me on every little thing. I won't. I can't."
Dean looked at me like I just insulted his entire family, like he was completely innocent. He sniffed and then snatched the bill with a scowl.
"Trying to be polite," he muttered.
I grinned at him pleasantly. "Thank you."
"Is that all? Sam?"
"We're out of soap detergent," he reminded Dean, spreading his legs on the chair beside him and opening his laptop.
"Right. Hey Liz, could you bake too?" I nodded with a small smile, because this was the most I've seen him excited ever since I met him and quite frankly it was really adorable.
"Excellent. Pie, you're making pie."
I held out my hand for the list before I wrote down everything I would need to make a pie.
"Thanks. I'm leaving before Cas gets back with the nerd."
"Toilet paper!" Sam called after Dean when he was already half way out the door.
"Right back at ya," Dean shouted back.
Sam and I let out a small laugh before the silence got really awkward.
"I had a question."
"Mhm?" Sam politely gestured to the seat in front of him. I took it.
"In the end...what made you ditch Crowley?"
"You're asking me why I didn't choose to work with the King of Hell?"
He straightened up, looking behind me at something, choosing his words. "Well, if I was in your position and someone came to me and offered me a better life only if I killed some demon child for him-I'd go for it. Especially if the demon child was going to be after me either way."
Sam was studying me, and I understood the reason behind his question. It wasn't because he was curious-he was testing my dependability. I kept a small, polite smile.
"Well, Sam, if you were me you'd make the wrong decision by trusting the King of Hell. If you paid close attention, you'd have noticed that the King of Hell wants to get rid of Hell's Child because he's become a nuisance to him. Cas wants to get rid of Hell's Child because he could be a potential threat to the rest of the world."
Sam smiled and lowered his head. "I didn't mean-"
"No, I get it." I nodded. A small silence fell before I said, "Umm-so how are you feeling?"
"Great. I really don't know how to thank you."
"You can start by not killing me in my sleep?"
He let out a small laugh. "You got it. Where are you going?"
"To get my stuff from the truck. I guess I have a room to keep it all in now."

Heaven's Child ≫ SPN
FanfictionHeaven's Knights are gone. Heaven's security is breached. ‣‣‣ The Angels are left wandering, clueless and graceless. ‣‣‣ Down on Earth, Sam Winchester failed to complete the trials and is dying as a result of attempting them in the first p...