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"Now!" I yelled, tipping over a huge basket that held at least a hundred golf balls and jumped over the counter to grab the knocked out demon and sprint to the door.

The exorcism sounded on the PA system, locking the demons in their positions and making them cough up black smoke.

I ran with with other demon out the store before he could be exorcised and threw him in the backseat of my truck.

"Everything went okay?" Dean breathed, out of breath from running.

"Yeah," I nodded. But then a woman came charging at Dean from behind, bat in her hand and a deadly, determined look in her eye.


His eyes widened, but he turned around ready and stabbed the woman right in the neck.



"That wasn't a demon..."

"WHAT," he shouted, turning to the woman frantically and then back at me. I smirked.

"You make me sick." He closed his eyes and let out a heavy sigh.

"Should've seen your face though."

He rolled his eyes and shot me a dirty look while slamming the car door. "You'll be fine driving him home? I need to drive my own car back."

"Yeah, yeah." I shrugged, trying to look like driving with a demon in my backseat didn't make me nervous.

He sighed. "Hold on."

"No, Dean really—" I started weakly, but Dean was already dialing his phone.

"Cas, where are you? We're in the supermarket's parking lot—"

"We finished." Cas said, suddenly appearing beside me with Sam.

"OH! GOD!" I practically screamed. "Don't do that." They ignored me.

"You guys are going to ride with Liz home. I'm going to get my car." He turned to walk away, but then he stopped and came back.

"I need your phone." He held out his hand without looking at me.

"What, why?" He raised his eyebrows. "You're joking. I'm not going to call Crowley! That was just an act!"

"I'm sorry," he didn't look at me and kept a stoic face.

I grit my teeth and took out my phone and placed it in his palm. Without another word I marched to the driver's seat. Sam and Cas followed pursuit with Sam in the front and Cas in the back.

We were silent for most of the ride, all the while I was fuming. I hated to admit it, but I was angry at Dean. It's been two days and I did nothing wrong.

Well, not nothing.

I sighed, still boiling mad. It didn't matter. He was wrong.

"Don't feel bad about Dean," Sam said, as if he was just listening to what I was thinking. "Just give it time."

"I'm not mad," I snapped.

I quickly felt guilty afterwards but the feeling evaporated when I saw Sam fighting a smile from the corner of my eyes.


When I was parked in the garage, Cas dragged the demon man by a leg out of the car.

"Really?" I hissed. "There's a human being inside there too, you know!"

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