"Uh...Where are you going?" Sam asked incredulously.
"My car..."
Dean approached me from behind and grabbed my duffle out of my hand while he said, "Nu-uh short stuff."
"Nu-uh?" I repeated, glaring at Dean's back as he put my and his bag in the trunk.
"If we're hunting together then we stick together."
"We can stick together...with my car."
"No," Dean shook his head. "Get in."
"Uh-oh." Sam was reading something on his laptop. We were in the car and it was a few hours from sunrise. My head was tilted back, and my eyes were closed, I was enjoying the light breeze coming from the windows. Outside, the scenery was beautiful; grassland all around dancing to a silent rhythm.
"What uh-oh? Bad uh-oh or good uh-oh?"
"Dean, when is uh-oh ever good?"
"What is it?"
"Says here that the essas must first receive payment prior to even talking, let alone doing any favors."
Dean shrugged. "Well, sorry to disappoint."
"No, we need to play it safe, says here this thing could literally drive us nuts with a thought."
"We'll shoot him first."
"Not before we take what we need," I finally interjected, a bit bored with how the conversation kept going in a circle.
Dean sighed. "What kinds of payment?"
"Art. A song, a dance, or a painting even and we're golden."
"So pansy stuff. Things with a lot of emotion in them."
"Exactly." He scrolled down the page with a bitter laugh. "There it is. They also accept the usual virgin juice. I don't even know what these things do with it."
"Well we left Kevin at the bunker," Dean muttered with a smirk. Then his eyes wandered to the rearview mirror to look at me. When I caught him I straightened up and hit his shoulder.
"Look away!"
Dean burst out laughing.
"Dean..." Sam said warningly without looking up from the article he was reading.
Dean's loud laughter died out but then after a moment of silence, "So you never really...?"
"Shut up, Dean."
"Okay." Then, "How many people?"
"Dean!" Sam and I exclaimed.
"Wha—" he looked at the both of us. Then his eyes grew wide, "No, I didn't mean at the same time—"
"That's not what we meant," Sam cut him off sharply.
"Oh," Dean looked ahead for a little. "Awkward."
Nobody really spoke after that.
An hour and forty minutes later we made it to the address. And surprisingly, "An aquarium?" Dean asked incredulously.
"That's what the address Cas sent us says." Sam checked the piece of paper again.
"Never really been to an aquarium..." I murmured, studying the place.
"Not even on a school trip?" Sam asked.
"Uh...no." I chuckled nervously. "When I was a kid my dad didn't like me going out in open places. Remember that vampire network he was hunting down? They were all after him too, it was too dangerous." I shrugged. "Not that I minded. He promised he'd take me to all the places I missed when he was done."

Heaven's Child ≫ SPN
FanfictionHeaven's Knights are gone. Heaven's security is breached. ‣‣‣ The Angels are left wandering, clueless and graceless. ‣‣‣ Down on Earth, Sam Winchester failed to complete the trials and is dying as a result of attempting them in the first p...