Eliza|| An Hour Ago
The girl looked sixteen at most. She was tall, but she had a lean figure. She carried herself with an air of carelessness, like she knew she was the strongest one in the room. She reminded me much of myself, once.
"You Eliza?"
"Eliza's not here right now," I muttered. "I'd be happy to a message."
"I know you're Eliza."
"What do you want?"
"I want my brother."
"Sure?" I shrugged sarcastically, giving her a 'what the hell is that supposed to mean to me?' look.
"Max." She hissed his name, giving me a dirty look.
"Max..." I pretended to think. "Didn't you kill him?"
"I was accused of murdering him so he could live out the rest of his days as a wolf slash vampire. Thought you'd be smart enough to work that out yourself."
"How do I know you're not lying?
"You were with him a few hours ago! He's not dead!"
"No," I took a step further. "But he's something much worse than that."
She straightened up. "I wasn't the one who changed him."
"Right, right. And I'm supposed to believe that because...?"
"Because your bra's on too tight? I don't care. You're coming with me."
"What do you want from me?"
"My brother is trapped and your friends don't want to let him go. So it's up to us to go and save him."
"What if I don't trust you?"
"Then I take Doug, Ashley and Harry and I sic 'em on your friends. They haven't fed yet."
"Why didn't you do that from the beginning?"
"Because Max thinks you guys are important. He said I wasn't supposed to hurt any of you."
We stared each other down for a minute before I looked at Doug, Ashley, and Harry, studying their wild eyes again.
"They were dead."
I squinted my eyes. "You changed them?"
She crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows.
I shook my head. "Unbelievable."
"I don't see what the big deal is."
I exploded, pounding my fist against the metal bars. "The big deal is that there isn't just one, not two, but three distinct breeds of monsters running around in the same town, all having the same diet!"
"That's exactly why I did this! Because we needed them—"
"Needed them?" I repeated. "Needed them for what? To kill the rest?"
"Yes," she spat through clenched teeth.
"Because the rest are bad. Because the rest are going around and changing innocent people!"
"I changed them after they were changed by the others! Don't you get it? This is a lot bigger than us. Bigger than Max, and me, and the rest of the people in this town and monsters combined. This is about you and him."
I inched even closer until we were inches apart, only the metal bars between us. My heart was thrumming in my ears, my eyes so wide I felt them sting. The only sound in the room was the hybrids' heavy breathing.

Heaven's Child ≫ SPN
FanfictionHeaven's Knights are gone. Heaven's security is breached. ‣‣‣ The Angels are left wandering, clueless and graceless. ‣‣‣ Down on Earth, Sam Winchester failed to complete the trials and is dying as a result of attempting them in the first p...