Sam and Dean gave each other a confused look.
"I thought Kevin's mom was dead?" I whispered.
"You're hallucinating, Kevin. Get some sleep." Sam concluded.
"I am not hallucinating! I knew you would say that, I am not hallucinating!" he bellowed.
"Alright, let's think this through. You're going to pop the speaker. Tell us what happened from the beginning." Dean ordered, leaning on the table and anxiously switching his feet.
"I got a phone call from an unknown number, I thought it was you. So I picked up it and it was my mom. I told I'd go get her and she's waiting for me right now. I'm not losing her again and there's no way you could stop me. I have to go get her, I have to."
"How do you know this isn't just Crowley messing with your head?" Sam asked.
"Because Crowley is always messing with my head, Sam. He's always in my head, nonstop!" I felt his words hit me like a ton of bricks. He's always in my head, nonstop. I wondered how many times Kevin and I had conversations about stupid things when really he was battling the King of Hell in his mind.
"But I could always tell when it's Crowley. I'm sure this time is real. Please. Just let me go get her." His voice broke at the last sentence and I was starting to get really angry at Sam and Dean for not believing him.
"Kev, I know you're hurting. But what you're saying is impossible. We buried her ourselves, man. We burned her body. There's just no way that was Mrs.Tran."
Kevin's voice was quivering. "It sounded just like her. And she sounded in pain. All she was able to say was my name and she kept telling me to come to her—"
Sam's eyes widened. "She said those exact words? She told you to come to her?"
"Yeah. So?"
"Kevin that's not your mom. I'm sorry but your mom is still dead. If you don't believe me, wait 'till you get another call and record it. Until then, stay in the bunker. In fact, don't even look out the windows. If this thing already knows how you sound like, then it could easily track you down. Stay. In. The bunker." Sam shut the phone then he went to his bag and pulled out the file of papers he gathered from the Wangs' place. "It was staring us in the face the whole time," he said, flipping through the pages quickly.
"What's going on?" I was just about ready to punch something because of how Sam dismissed Kevin like that.
"We're dealing with a crocotta. This is no vengeful spirit. This is just a crocotta, and boy it knows how to survive."
"What do you mean?" Dean asked, tilting his head at the pile of papers Sam was flipping through. He finally found the one he wanted.
"Here, this phone bill?" he showed us the paper. "This unknown caller kept showing up, but I never thought much of it."
"Of course," Dean breathed, looking like he understood everything now.
I scratched my head. "Look, I'm really sorry, I'm trying to understand but I can't. What was up with Kevin's mom? The hell's a crackotta?"
"A crocotta," Sam explained, "feeds on people's souls. It kills its prey and then takes their souls from them to consume. And it has the ability to lure its prey by imitating loved ones' voices." He pointed at the papers again. "Which would explain why he specifically chose these victims. Both couples were hurting, they each lost a child. Imagine if they heard their child call them asking them to meet him or her some's the perfect trap." Sam shook his head.

Heaven's Child ≫ SPN
FanfictionHeaven's Knights are gone. Heaven's security is breached. ‣‣‣ The Angels are left wandering, clueless and graceless. ‣‣‣ Down on Earth, Sam Winchester failed to complete the trials and is dying as a result of attempting them in the first p...