The sky was an inky midnight blue when we were driving to the motel.
"Hey," Sam began, swallowing the chips he had in his mouth. We'd just stopped for gas and I raided the Gas-n-Go for snacks. My hunger at least tripled since I got back to eating. "How'd you know Dean shot Lucifer in the face?"
"I got curious and went on Becky's website to see what everyone thought of you guys."
"What!" Sam and Dean groaned at the same time.
"Never again," Dean ordered sternly. "You hear?"
I couldn't help but chuckle at their reaction. "Why? What's the big deal? There's even Sam girls and Dean girls and fanboys..."
"That! That's why. Swear, right now. No more."
"Alright, alright I promise," I laughed. After a short minute I added, "There was a lot more Dean girls though."
And then suddenly Dean had to brake really fast, even fighting the steering wheel, desperately trying to turn it in his hands fast enough, making the car drift with a loud screeching sound to avoid hitting the blurred creature that landed from the sky.
"What the hell was that!" Dean shouted, and we all got out of the car in the same movement, my heart crashing against my rib cage. Sam and Dean took out their guns and I rubbed off the warding sigil while we paced around the car silently, expecting the absolute worst to be waiting for us at the foot of the car, but there was nothing there.
Then someone wailed from behind us.
"Heaven's Child!" It was a broken cry when he called it. He screeched the title I was unjustly given with a tight throat and I turned at the sound immediately.
It was a young man in tattered clothing, messy hair, and red rimmed eyes. His cheeks were streaked, shining with tears. But he was no man at all. I knew that he was an angel—a very weak angel.
"It's true!" he screamed, still making his way towards me. Sam and Dean raised their guns and cocked them so that they were a twitch away from firing, but the angel didn't flinch.
"You're here," he cried, pausing only a few feet from me before he helplessly fell to his knees. He gave me a tortured expression before he asked softly, "Why?" Tears were streaming down his face quickly and heavily, clumping his eyelashes together. "You were supposed to protect us. Where were you when we were dying! When we needed you!"
His screams pierced through me, leaving me trembling from my core. I felt his sadness more than I've ever felt my own; it was an aching in my chest, a quiver in my bones, a tight coil in my stomach. I couldn't hide the shock from my face, I couldn't even breathe. There was something about how clearly I could see his sadness. More than Sam and Dean ever could, more than any angel or human or demon can. It was just...there. Obvious. In front of me. And somehow, just for that moment, everything was clear. I was supposed to be his savior and I failed him.
The angel finally released me from the glare he was giving me to put his face in his hands, silent sobs escaping him.
"We should go," Sam hinted to Dean lowly from behind his gun.
"Liz." And I wish I listened.
Instead, I found myself forcing my stiff legs forward until I was a mere foot away from the broken angel. I didn't know what I thought I was doing. I just felt like this was my...duty somehow.
"Eliza!" Sam hissed from behind me. But I didn't pay him any attention and I didn't feel him come closer. My eyes were focused on the shaking shoulders below me. I raised a careful hand to touch him but before I could, he suddenly grabbed my wrist, hard. I felt it, and I knew it was going to leave a bruise—might even ache for a few days.
He spoke to me, his words so fast I almost couldn't understand them. "You were supposed to protect us. Why didn't you? Why? I did nothing wrong. I don't deserve this, I was innocent. I used to do my job. I used to heal people like I was supposed to. But ever since I fell I couldn't do my job. I tried but I can't. I possessed this boy even though I still feel him scream inside me every day. He said yes, but the pain—he never expected the pain. I never told him about the pain that came with letting an angel ride in your skin." He began unbuttoning his shirt, revealing a messily butchered chest. But despite the messiness, I felt like each stroke had meaning, but I couldn't decipher what the things on his chest represented.
"He felt this when I carved it into my chest, he felt me cut into his skin but I have no choice. I'm a Healer but I had no choice. He's making me do this. I don't want to. I just want to be home." Suddenly there was a blade in his other hand.
"What are you doing? Who's making you?" I tried to pull my hand away, my heart crashing a lot harder in my chest, but he held my wrist so tightly that I felt his nails dig into my skin.
"For the Host," he choked on a sob.
"Move Eliza!" Sam and Dean shouted, and I could hear their footsteps pounding the floor as they ran, but I got distracted by the blue shooting out of my necklace. I watched Sullivan form behind the angel, confused why he was suddenly here and alarmed because I couldn't find the imminent danger.
The angel raised his blade to the side, preparing to pierce through his chest. My wide eyes flicked to Sullivan who suddenly towered over the angel with an angry growl and an open mouth. I realized what was happening a second too late.
"Sullivan NO!" I screamed, but Sullivan lowered his open mouth and swallowed the angel's head and torso until he his teeth grazed the angel's waist—and with a sickening crunch, Sullivan's jaw locked around the angel and he effortlessly tore through him and ripped his body in half at his belt like he was biting through butter.
A scream got caught in my throat half way as I watched with wide, wet eyes and a mouth that was wide open.
Sullivan spit the angel's torso into the trees and began sniffing the floor like nothing happened. The limp and bloody waist held for a second longer before it fell at my feet with a soft sound. A hideously enormous amount of blood began spilling from the stump and even as I felt the wetness seep into my shoes, I couldn't will myself to move. There was a faint ringing in my ear and a painful dizziness that whirled in my head.
My eyes were glued to the dismembered hand that was still clutching my wrist as tears rolled down my numb face.
welcome back best friennnnddd
i took a totally uncalled for semi-hiatus i know
but sometimes life gets a little heavy, you know?
thank god I have those silly videos Jensen and Misha keep uploading to remind me to remind you that you are not alone and that you should always keep fighting
and in honor of that, I'm giving you homework for next week:
all u nerdy girls and guys just comment your favorite thing to talk about and find a best friend right here in the comments section
and the introverted introverts like myself who don't want to have to run at least once for ten minutes this week. get ur endorphins going u lazy bum. best friends orders. yes, i'm your best friend there's nothing you could do about it
was that lame? yeah, it was. but /fuck/ it can get lonely sometimes. it feels good to have someone call u best friend once in a while.
so find yourself a best friend or get the endorphins going in honor of the two amazing campaigns J2M blessed us with
or else the trump toupe will find you and destroy ur brain cells with its laser eyes

Heaven's Child ≫ SPN
FanfictionHeaven's Knights are gone. Heaven's security is breached. ‣‣‣ The Angels are left wandering, clueless and graceless. ‣‣‣ Down on Earth, Sam Winchester failed to complete the trials and is dying as a result of attempting them in the first p...