Chapter 9: Gold Mine investment

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The horses sprinted on the emerald grounds below them. 'Twas another frosty morning in North Dakota. Though it had looked like it could be snowing some-point, the green rocky plains still laid clear. Arthur was riding alongside Hosea as the pair were now ready to perform a gold mining scheme like Dutch told them to do.

From what they knew about Ashmore Gold Mine was that it was once owned by the Ashmore family that were once the rich landowners of the area. Then it left Thomas Ashmore who was the last Gold Mine owner till he died and was successed by his assistant. Ashmore seemed to be a controversial figure in the town and the state as a whole as it was rumoured that he cut workers pays and had done dodgy deals to increase the gold mine's profits. Even having a hired gang for muscle to keep things going.

Though all this information gave Hosea an idea on how to get some of the gold to them. Though Arthur noticed how distracted we was when he was eying up the whole scenery around them, even when passing through some trees with the gold mine in a great distance away.

"You know, me and Bessie were gonna visit Canada some-point or at least go to the border for it. We never went through with it though." He stated as he looked onto Arthur.

"Too cold for you old man?" Arthur teased.

"Hah! No just we never put much thought into it. Although it's ideal, it's mostly flat in some areas. I met a fellow the other day from Canada explaining how English and French have dominated the regions up there...then he apologised for wasting my time!"

Hosea then laughed aloud as Arthur did a little snigger. Arthur always loved doing things with Hosea, even if they didn't get a good take they'd still have a good laugh when doing it. In some ways or maybe every way he loved Hosea more than Dutch. Though they both have a personal and deep history which overall made their family relationship relatable with each other it just meant they weren't afraid to ask each other deep questions.

"So, how do you feel?" Arthur asked as the chuckles died down.

"Fine, why do you ask?"

"Just wondering." Arthur sounded concerned with that curious comment.

It was at that moment Hosea knew what Arthur was talking about. He took in a deep breath with a sincere reply.

"Arthur it's been almost a year. I can trust you I'm fine." He answered.

"Sure." Was all Arthur could say.

The mine got bigger and bigger as their respected horses Boadicea and Silver Dollar got closer towards it. Arthur still didn't have a clue what their strategy was other than plan to steal gold and make another plan to get more.

"Alright well what's our main plan here? Your gonna use your silver tongue and convince them to pay you?" Arthur asked as his thoughts went on.

"Pretty much, all you need to do is find important documents we could use so we could prove to be legitimate. And if there's any gold for us to take, discreetly though." Hosea replied as they got closer to the gate of the gold mine.

Though curiously to Arthur, he noticed that despite the main building and pipes going on there wasn't many people around as he thought. A gold mine in the area would have defiantly caused thousands of people to flock over and make a living. Though that didn't seem to be happening for some reason.

"Alright. Here we are."

At the gate a guard walked right up to them with his repeater rifle in his arms. With many more walking over to see the new comers.

"Who are you?"

"Hello my fine fellows, I'm Bartholomew Sinclair and this is my associate Arthur Callahan." Hosea introduced. "We are apart of the Kilgore protectors union. We specialise in securing all materials exported out of the mines in a safely manner."

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