Chapter 48: The Red Wolf's tale

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Ever since Shane has reappeared in his life. It just seemed Robert's life in the gang was slowly but steadily becoming more accepting. His mood was one of the happiest he had in a while.

Shane had been writing back to Robert on what he had been up to and on some days Robert had gone to meet Shane in the saloon to catch up on what each other did. Though it was a rare occurrence now and that Shane had since gone into New Austin to meet with his own gang there.

There wasn't much going on at the moment as a few weeks had passed by, though the weather was starting to become hotter and as that happened everyone was hot for jobs or scores to take. Though currently Robert was becoming a nuisance when it came to playing poker. Now he was playing an intense game in the early evening with the Callander Boys on the camp table with Uncle. Strauss was in the game earlier, though he bailed out on the first game.

He was giving Davey a real competitor in the game. Though as they were playing, Davey was going on about a night stand with Abigail he had.

"Then I said so you want me to stay?! HAHAHAHAHA!" Davey laughed out loud.

"Hahaha...that's a good one." Uncle chuckled as he shuffled the cards out. This evening had been quite a bit eventful as the Callanders had gotten a large supply of moonshine they looted from the law and had shared to the other card dealers, making the game very intoxicated.

"You boys ever tried the new bottled coca cola? The soda drink." Robert asked as he looked at his cards and smirked as he saw the Ace of Diamonds and a Jack of hearts.

"Well this is new, I've always haggled with the saloon owners for a pint. I spose things change over time. Darn." Davey said as he smirked at his cards.

"It surprised me in the store in town. They're now selling it bottled and they're distributing it across the country as we speak." Robert went on as he chipped in another 2 cents.

"You won't catch me drinking that brown shit. Liquor is a man's best friend." Mac scoffed as he folded his cards and poured himself a shot of moonshine. Then did many other shots handing it out to the other players.

"And your worst Mac." Robert teased remembering the chaos in the saloon in Jamestown.

"You have some on you?" Davey asked.

"Yeah, it's in the caravan at the moment but I'll bring the bottles out later on." Red Wolf replied as be gazed on the money pot. Though as he was calculating his next move, he felt a soft hand massaging the back of his neck. "I love a man who knows how to play his cards, maybe your gun is exactly the same." The feminine voice called, he knew who that was instantly from the soft touch on his neck.

Abigail had been a tremendous help in camp, though unlike Tilly and Mary-Beth. She didn't take orders directly from Miss Grimshaw and was on her own terms with Dutch's backing.

Though she was also quite horny...she had quite the habit for dating people on and off on some days. It had seemed some men in camp were getting laid with her. Though her favourites seemed to be Arthur and John. Though she had always had her eyes on Robert ever since she saw his emerald green eyes. She had been doing whatever opportunity.

She then sat on his lap and he just allowed it, he really didn't want her to come onto him but he didn't want to upset her either. He knew she had a fiery fury when she didn't get her way or if Grimshaw would pressure her to do jobs.  The Callanders just smirked at the sight as Uncle just looked like a proud uncle at the sight.

"So Robert, are you sure you're not willing to share some company with me." She asked with her voice sounding like an angel. Though her intentions were not for clean or faint hearted.

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