Chapter 14: Death of innocence

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Robert was spending the next few days donating whatever he could to the poor people around Jamestown. Even helping people who were out of debt or were struggling to get by. Though he knows not to give out too much. He does have his own debt problem. But now it was essentially a waiting game as it was still the end of November.

For now it was almost dusk as the orange sky revealed the long landscape before him, along with various trees and rock formations. Whilst the sights were pretty, what he was doing wasn't as much. Since he was hunting Rabbits. As he was pulling 2 bronze bullets from his black bandolier and loaded into his rifle.

He then aimed his modified Springfield onto the unsuspecting rabbits he had tracked for a while which had a perfect styled pelts on them. With precise precision and stealth he fired his bullets.


The rodents were dead instantly as their bodies laid on the frozen grass. The shot's in their corpses were almost unnoticeable thanks to the Red Wolf's aim. He chuckled at his recent prize whilst holstering his rifle to his back.

Walking up to them he threw them over his shoulder as he took his leave towards his horse. Once attached he looked out to the sunset that was around him. He looked right at the orange glow fade and fade away. It was a pretty sight, though he wished he had someone around him who could see it with him. Maybe a family member like his parents or sister could've enjoyed the view.

But that chapter of his life ended. It ended the moment he fired his first bullet.

Upholstering his right black and gold Scholfield revolver he held it in his hand as he gazed onto the golden markings he had engraved onto it. "LIVE AND LET DIE". Though he knew the gun longer than he should've.

For is was why he became who he is...his first kill....

It had been 2 days since the last argument between mother and son. And the pair weren't really talking to each other. Unless it was an instruction from her or if dinner was ready or not. For Sophia, the little sister this was causing her great distress. She loved her family and always hated it when her mother and brother were fighting. Cause it seems that ever since their Daddy died, Robert had matured a lot a more than he should've for his age. He was still a kid with a lot to live in the world and yet he was thinking of ideas above his station.

So now she felt she had to melt the ice between them both. The kids were both cleaning the dirty dishes from dinner in the evening. The flat they were living in was luxurious as it was bought and paid with from the Jewellery store that Veronika ran, even so Veronika let the kids do most of the chores as she had paper work to tend to. It had been in silence for a while, so now she built up the courage to talk to her brother.

"You shouldn't be harsh on Mummy." She started off saying, hoping it didn't cause a backlash.

"I have a right to Sophia. Whenever I need her for school, she doesn't show up. She's only got time for you..." He countered with him drying a plate.

"Well running around and about isn't helping things Robert, even if you know what your doing."

He sighed as he looked over to her. Putting his cloth to the side to engage in the conversation more.

"Sis, I know what I'm doing. I wouldn't be here if I didn't" He retorted.

"She knows she's made mistakes. But no-one's perfect, I mean Mummy hasn't been with any man since Dad died. Your smart Robert but your also very argumentative." She spoke back with spat in the last word.

"That's a bad thing?" He said in a rhetorical sense. He didn't see the issue with being argumentative. Without arguments it would mean everything was going well and there was no issue. Arguments construct conversations and the way things are. It's who he is after all.

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