Chapter 53: We Loved once and were Fooled

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12th June 1894

It had been a few days since his talk with Mary-Beth and he had felt a lot better than before. Pearson made a proper fish banquet in their honour and everyone around camp seemed. Whilst everyone was spooked by the O'Driscolls sudden appearance, things seemed to have calmed down as the newspapers seemed to report that they were under a lot of heat robbing a bank in Phoenix.

Dutch had wanted to go down south to get back at Colm to steal one of his scores but he was eventually talked out of it by Hosea. Especially since Dutch himself was planning to rob the bank in Prescott. He had to wait till the next day as Arthur was out on private business and Robert was doing the same as he as at the Western town of Flagstaff.

He was there because it was where Shane had written he'll be in. After the fishing trip, Robert wrote a letter to Shane about his encounter with the O'Driscolls and using whatever contacts he had to find out about the mysterious psychopath. And soon enough, Shane write back to meet him in Flagstaff in the saloon on a quiet day.

Shane was inside without his yellow coat  on drinking beer and playing solitaire with his cards. When a red headed lady in fairly loose clothing walked over to him and began to massage his neck. He laid down the Jack of clubs as he just smirked at the feeling.

"Shane, you sure your not ready? Or are you not the man to do the deed." The prostitute whispered softly.

"Lilly, I am waiting for my friend to show up and deliver the information. Then our fun starts." He responded in a flirting tone.

"He ain't here in 10 minutes, you'll have your money back." She retorted.

"Oh come on Lilly, I'll be with you soon enough!"

"Shane." Robert greeted, standing right in-front of him in his green clothing and tipping his hat to the woman.

He then whispered to Lilly to leave and she just walked away gracefully as Robert just looked at her walking off. He knew Shane liked to sleep around and was quite a whoremonger, but it seemed old habits died hard. He said nothing as he sat opposite to Shane who had taken notice of the clean shaven face.

"Hey Rob, so you shaved? So your fascination with Doc Holliday ends right?" Shane teased as he took a sip of beer and flagged the bar tender for more beers.

Robert just chuckled slightly as he rubbed over where his moustache used to be. "Never, just thought to give the ladies in camp something nice to look at."

"Yes." Shane scoffed with an eyeroll. Robert then took out his wallet and was about to hand over some cash. Shane just shook his head at the motion. "No need, just pay the tab and that's all."

"Your welcome." Robert said putting his money away.

Then the bartender arrived handing over the bottles of beer. Though Robert made direct eye contact with him, after what happened on his birthday. No-one could blame him. Shane sighed seeing it as he leant over the table. He felt some remorse and responsibility on not being there for him when he needed it.

"Sorry I wasn't there for you mate." Shane apologised patting his left shoulder. "If I was, things would've been different alright."

"Maybe, but they planned it directly for me. Your presence might not have changed much with Peterson around. Which brings us to now." Robert went on, reminding Shane on why they were meeting.

The Yellow Wolf then pulled out some papers from the leather saddlebag he had next to the chair and planted them in-front of the Red Wolf. It was bounty hunting posters, newspaper articles and journal entries all about Double Axe Pete. "I went digging for this mystery man you asked about. Visiting a couple bounty hunters, Miss Revine and a few law offices. All knew basic stuff, but then I struck gold. So I spoke about Double Axe Pete, in a poker game in Armadillo. Some weird Irish guy there seemed to know a few things about this Peterson, from back in Ireland."

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