Chapter 54: Karen Jones

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24th June 1894

It had been many weeks since seeing Double Axe Pete, Colm and all the O'Driscolls about. Currently though, no-one seemed to track them down. Dutch had lead an assault on a supposed O'Driscoll camp outside Phoenix from a captured one. But when they got there, it was revealed to be a setup as no-one was there and the O'Driscoll they captured just died laughing that he got to fool Dutch.

In the following days, the newspapers had reported that they had seemingly disappeared, either by going to Mexico or California, either way. They seemed out of Arizona completely. Though in some ways their disappearance had been a blessing and a curse. For Robert it was good that they were in trouble with the local law, though with them gone. Robert wouldn't be able to find Peterson and kill him as he had fully recovered from their encounter on his birthday. So that left him with some unease, knowing Peterson would strike again. Though the question was when?

But fortunately his attention was distracted by the gangs newest member who had joined in a week ago. A new girl had joined the gang. Though unlike the other women she didn't mind to go on dangerous jobs only as long as she had fun. Not only that she knew how to shoot properly and was already a con-artist in of herself as an outlaw lady. Her name was Karen Jones. She was a curly blonde girl with green eyes who was already making friends with everyone in camp with her bold fun personality.

Though the only person who wasn't quite as happy was Miss Grimshaw as she seemed very defiant to orders around camp. She even seemed to be having her eyes on the Red Wolf, in her opinion was one of the pretty boys in camp.

Currently they were both in Flagstaff in the saloon as Robert was invited to a high staked poker game by Shane. Since Karen was so intrigued by Mary-Beth's description of him she wanted to know more about him, since he seemed quite a "hard young man" in her words. She had played her charms and acts all throughout the journey to Flagstaff to get to know more on Robert who was delighted but a bit uncomfortable, though she knew her limits and didn't ask anything that would hurt him.

After meeting Shane they were soon thrown into the game. Karen knew a bit of poker and she was just playing for the fun of it, though Shane had gambled quite a bit and wasn't going too well. They had been playing a couple rounds of cards though they seemed to be playing against a professional player who seemed to have a lucky streak that never ended.

"Mister Whitehouse wins the hand with a full house, we'll now recess and start again in 15 minutes." The dealer said as he used his poker stick to push the chips towards the winner of the hand.

"Ha, you worried yet yellow?" Whitehouse smugly teased as he left the table along with the other players, leaving Robert, Shane and Karen behind.

"I'm just waiting for the moment Whitehouse." Shane retorted though he huffed in frustration. Slamming his cards onto the table. "Darn it! Oh sorry for the language miss."

"Nah, I ain't one of those Ladies Mister Nelson. We're not kids anymore. Swear all you'd like, ain't no crime." Karen replied as she finished off her whiskey.

"Besides drop the fake swearing Shane, it's unnatural coming from you. Like your French accent." Robert said with a smirk and a slight snicker.

Shane huffed just with a smirking comment. "Go fuck yourself."

"There's the Shane I know." Robert playfully pointed at him.

"Uh! Come on gents let's take this to the bar, I could use a top-up." Karen whined as she pulled out and walked towards the bar counter. She was quite bored with her losses in poker and hearing both men bantering made her more eager to get drunk. She did have a thing for getting drunk.

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